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Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Mon Feb 23, 2004 11:11 pm |
Ok here is a basic polyrhythm where I am layering/superimposing 2 meters. 4/4 on top of 3/4
Code: |
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
the top line represents the 4/4 meter and the bottom represents the 3/4 meter.
you have 3 bars of 4/4
you have 4 bars of 3/4
This is the most basic polyrhythm i know. Its called a polyrhythm because it has more that two rhythms going on in one song. Listen to Zappa, and you find that his music sometimes macam lari timing. Some people find it hard to make sense of this, but once mastered its all easy.
how do I apply this to me music??
easy...usually i start by deciding what kind of 'feel' i want. I have 3 'feels' that i generally use
a) a song with a 4/4 meter feel
b) a song with a 3/4 meter feel
c) a song with a crazy-ass meter that i just pull out my ass. (this one is fun to make but a bitch to master)
4/4 feel
I will explain this to you by giving an example.
ok in 4 bars of 4/4 how many sixteeth notes do you get??
64 sixteenth notes right?
ok say I have a piece of music that runs for 4 bars. What I do is divide it into odd phrases ini la yang menyebabkan aku dapat tulis breaking riffs yang deadzid cakap tu
for example:
15/16 + 15/16 + 4/16 + 15/16 + 15/16 = 64/16 = 4/4
you can mix sixteenth notes with eighth, 4th or half notes...ikut sesedap rasa...aku pakai 16th notes sahaja utk memudahkan korang faham, sebenarnya takde set rule dalam nak pakai polyrhythym ni, tapi kalau korang tulis lagu dengan terlampau banyak 'disjointed' riffs nanti pendengar rasa buhsan plak...tu sebab selalunya aku limitkan ...sebab I always want to keep the 'groove'...baru best moshing...main guitar pun rasa macam nak naik hantu...hehehehe
tapi kalau ko buat dalam sixteenth note maknanya ko kena main macam neraka la kalau lagu tu temponye laju....
sampai sini buat kali ni... any soalan so far??
/ridzi |
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