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Basic Cabling

Music 101
Audio For Dummies

Joined: 01 Jan 2004
Articles: 4
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Location: Key Ell, Shah Alam
 Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 3:53 pm

Hello guys, today i've done some cabling and i want to share basic stuff on cabling and patching.

There are few types of connectors out there that you needs to know..

1. 1/4 inch TRS connector - This connector looks like a normal guitar jack. The only difference is, it got 3 conductors. The TIP (hot) , RING (nutral), and SLEEVE (GROUND).. that's why it is call TRS. Sometimes they called it stereo jack because it transmits stereo signals but actually it is a balance connector. Balance cables are the preferred cables for profesional used because they are not subject to electrical intrference and can be used for long cable run without undue loss in signal to noise-ratio.

2. 1/4 inch TS - This connector looks like a normal guitar jack. There are two conductors. The TIP (hot) and the SLEEVE (Ground). This is an unbalance cable or mono cable.

3. XLR - This connector is usually connected to your microphones. There are 3 conductors and it is a balanced connector. The connector have 3 pins. PIN 2 is Hot-TIP, PIN 3 - Nuetral- Sleeve and PIN 1 is ground or Sleeve.

So now you know how the wiring is done. Make your own cables and it's cheaper then buying a brand new cables. hope this helps.. the next post will be a simple digital audio workstation diagram. it's gonna be fun Cool .
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Joined: 24 Nov 2003
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Location: Agombak Ago go!
 Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 7:04 pm  Post subject:

dude.. now i know the type of cables.. but I still don't know how to make one on my own.

can you explain or perhaps show a simple step by step instructions on how to actually make the cables on our own?

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Joined: 01 Jan 2004
Articles: 4
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Location: Key Ell, Shah Alam
 Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 5:26 pm  Post subject:

okeh aku pun nak kena solder cable baru nie.. so aku akan tunjukkan caranyer tak lama lagie..
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