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Joined: 15 Jul 2004
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Fri Jul 16, 2004 8:40 pm |
The Drone
Buzzing the lips:This is the first step to playing the dijeridu and is the foundation of the sound.To buzz the lips,first allow them to relax.Now take a breathe in through the nose and let the air blow through your lips in a relaxed way.As you let the air slowly out bring your lips slowly together.Remember it is important to let the air out gently.
Playing With Syllables
Playing with the mouth shapes of certain syllables create the building blocks of rhythm.You can start by using the name of the instrument itself as an exercise.Try to get as much clarity as possible so that it sounds like a humn voice.With one breathe see how many times you can pronouce Digeridoo!
Creating Basic Rhythms
An easy way to begin about rhythm is to pronounce a series of syllables over and over again:
Digeri-da-doo:By adding another syllable to the rhythm it will always change its feeling or groove.
Here are other simple rhythms you can try.Remember that the didgeridoo is a rhythm instrument you can experiment all the grooves you want with it just like a normal drum set!:
Da Digeri-Da-Doo Ree-Didg-Ee-Doo
Ree-Doo-Ee-Didg Didg-Ree-Ree-Doo
Circular Breathing
You don't have to know how to circular breathe to enjoy the didge but its good to know! Circular breathing is simply blowing air out through your mouth while breathing in your nose.Sounds impossible ya?It's not.
Placing the breath with the vowel sounds:This is the easiest place to practice circular breath.Start with pronouncing the vowel sounds (A-E-I-O-U) in order with the breath leading on from the last sound being U.It doesnt matter if you dont get it at first with regurlar practice most people get it in three to four weeks smooth in their playing of this excercise.
Placing the circular breath in a basic rhythm:For this excercise we will try the breath in the Didgeridoo rhythm.Start by pronouncing Digeridoo but with the last syllable (DOO) being the breath.Most people find it relatively easy way to start playing rhythm with circular breathing.
Some Basic Animal Sounds
Dingo Bark: Pronouce "WA" and project this through buzzing lips through your digeridoo.It must be a high sound for it to sound good.
Cockatoo Parrot:Cou-Carr,Cou-Carr..
In your own time try to mimic other animal sounds!
Once you got the hang of circular breathing and the simple rhythms try practising with your percussionist friends! Most of all have fun! |
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Joined: 06 Feb 2004 Articles: 8 Comments: 10 Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 6:40 am Post subject: |
Circular breathing explanation tak clear la brader...aku tak paham....
/ridzi |
adam Mod Squad

Joined: 15 Jul 2004 Articles: 2 Comments: 2
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 4:26 pm Post subject: |
try what the other sites say.the straw method. |
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