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Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:37 pm |
Here are some Tips for programming DFH.... RCL Compressor comes with the Waves Platinum Bundle
When you are programming the drums, kan dia ada hihat01 -- 05, then you have the wideopen hihats, the mutable and the mute....try mixing up the hihats a bit (hihat 01-05) on the quater of a bar...then on every second bar or fourth bar... pakai la wide open hihat atau pakai the mutable hihat at the last quater beat on the said bars....
If you use the same hihat sample, your drums will sound robotic.
Snare pulak ko alternatekan between L and right hits, , for this song janagan pakai Hard Hits, pakai the two other L and R hits...pastu ko kawal kekuatan pukulan drum tu dengan velocity controller. Velocity controller adalah garis2 yang panjang kat bawah window drum editor tu. kat sebelah bawah kiri ade empat kotak kan? 3 of them ade drop down menu... make sure the one on the top right box has 'Velocity' selected.
Pastu right click anywhere in main screen (where you edit the drums) make sure your tool is 'Drumstick' .
highlight the snare you want to change the velocity control for example 'Snare L' (click on the Pitch Box to highlight the instrument' ...then move your cursor down to where garis2 tegak tu and you can change the length of these vertical lines, for the Snare L and R, the shorter the lines the lighter the hit...the longer the line the harder the hit.
Note** this does not apply for the Snare HL and HR, adjusting these lines just plays another layer of the hard hits...which makes the snare sound more real, because a real drummer never really hits the snare at EXACTLY the same time and place on the snare itself.... each layer has a subtle tonal deviation.
Ok lah lagi satu, so make you snare hits sound better, first of all, in Battery, click on the light blue button that says root (just on top of the button you click to load the .kit file) a dropdown menu will open, click on output. You will find there are numbers on top of each cell in Battery that says 1/2...all of them will say that.. What do you do next is click and drag this number upwards for the snare cells only till it says 3/4. This means the snares will be seperated to channel 3/4.
Now we have seperated the snares to its own channel, now click on Devices in Nuendo, then click Mixer or you can just press F3 to open the channel mixer. Play the song and the mixer meters will light up like a christmas tree. scroll through the mixer and identify the channel that is playing the snare. This shouldn't be hard just look for the channel mixer that says MIDI 01, then it should be the second one after the MIDI 01 channel.
Now click on the "e" button, and it will open the VST Instrument channel settings window. here you want to put the snare through the RCL compressor. click on one of the empty boxes on the left of the Parametric EQ (this is the effects insert boxes) then select RCL compressor.
Set the Settings as follows (these settings are a guideline only- you can change it further to your taste)
Warm - Selected
Threshold = -28.6
Attack = 6.01
Release = 45.3
Ratio = 4.58
Gain = 5.1 (should the snare sound to loud or too quiet adjust this accordingly- kira macam volume la)
then you might want to add reverb to the snare, aku selalu pakai Reverb B, So click the second empty efx insert box (yang atas sekali kita dah pakai untuk RCL Comp) then use the Snare Room setting and use these settings.
Room Size = 16%
Reverb Time = 2.33 seconds (atau sesedap rasa)
PreDelay = 14.5ms
Damp = -5.7dB
Mix = 10% (atau sesedap rasa)
ok now we want to adjust the EQ for the snare,
on can semua button kat Parametric EQ tuh, Settings nya ialah (from top to bottom)
1) -3.2dB, 64.0Hz, Q=1.0
2) 6.8dB, 302.0Hz, Q=1.0
3) 2.2dB, 1867.0Hz, Q=1.0
4) 0.0db, 12000Hz, Q=1.0 (or you can just turn this off)
you prolly need to adjust the volme of this channel, kalau kuat sangat ke, kalau slow sangat ke snare dia...ikut sedap rasa la...
More tips to come
/ridzi |
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Joined: 24 Nov 2003 Articles: 1 Comments: 7 Location: Agombak Ago go! |
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:39 pm Post subject: |
Thanks Ridzi. hmm kalau ada option utk print lagi elok ek. |
huzai Angsakawan

Joined: 18 Nov 2004 Articles: 1 Comments: 2
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:12 am Post subject: |
Ridzi, setting snare ni apply for Closed Mic ngan Room Mic sama2 ke? |
Erylasia Mod Squad

Joined: 02 Jan 2005 Articles: 3 Comments: 3 Location: Kuala Terengganu |
Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 5:04 am Post subject: |
akan ku guna tip-tips ni,... tenkiu abg Ridzi,... |

Joined: 01 Feb 2006 Articles: 0 Comments: 1
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:50 pm Post subject: |
Kat mane nak beli software ni dan brape harge nye? Cam x pnah nmpk pun kat kedai. |

Joined: 27 Jun 2006 Articles: 0 Comments: 2 Location: Kuala Lumpur / Johor Bahru |
Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:30 am Post subject: |
Thx....those tips really help me out... .. |
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