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 Megadeth Vs Metallica « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 07 Sep 2006
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hehe....betul tul mr silbi... kalo derang buli trujilo tuh mau jadik bangkai si lars tuh.... hehe! aku tgk si muka lars ulrich dgn rambut pendek dia tuh mcm budak jahat ar.... bukan jahat kaki pukul ke gengster ke...tapi jahat mcm budak yg kuat menghasut...kekekeke!!! tapi aku rasa kalo kene debik si lars tu mau kememe gak dia tuh...hahahahahaaha!!! sori ar bro zid bukan ngutuk tapi saja gurau....
-randy tone , rhoads guitar-
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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hheh masa newsted masuk dulu, diaorang ni muda lagi.. perangai mcm budak2 tu pasal ada kes ragging ni.. skarang dah tua, dah matured, takde feel dah nak ragging new member ni.. hehe

but one thing gua respek Metallica ni, diaorg tak involve sgt dgn drugs.. (only alcohol la - Alcohollica!) unlike most bands / artists bila dah top (ie: Aerosmith, Guns n Roses, Nirvana, etc).. hehe Metal bands lagi clean dari rockstars! see what happened to bands yg too involve dgn drugs ni.. hancuss.. Aerosmith tu pon selamat pasal semua members masuk rehab center..

"Behind The Music: Milli Vanilli" was shot before one of the guy commited suicide.. so sempat la depa interview both members.. menarik gak documentary ni, check it out, recommended!
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Last edited by deadzid on Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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randy_rhoads wrote:
sori ar bro zid bukan ngutuk tapi saja gurau....

hek eleh.. rilek la.. aku bukannye lars ulrich, apsal nak mintak maaf kat aku lak? hehe.. aku cuma peminat biasa je, bukan die-hard fan pon.. kalau ko nak kutuk Metallica pon aku takde hal punya!

dulu aku slalu gak fcuk Metallica ni, sejak depa release album Load... lebih2 lagi kes Lars saman Napster... "Metallisuck dick for a dollar"! heheh tapi lantak la, aku layan old albums je..
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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sampai hari ni kereta aku dok melayan CD lagu album Ride the lighning and sume album2 lama...tak boring2 lagi siot although it's been 15 years

tapi bila rasa boring sikit aku masuk lagu cintan indon filem Heart tu...hahaha (kantui!)
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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fReqZz wrote:
kids nowadays hari2 mau emo.. no offence la.. tp mmg scremo + emo = cool.. aku bukan a followers heh!

so, kalo p jam, byk nak jd dashboard, my chemical ++


aku revisited the goo old pop + rock.. toto, journey.. bla bla bla.. which i think is seriously awesome! Wink

tak qoute..
so nmpk mcm off topic..
tp mmg pon sbb nie cte psl megadeath ngan metallica kan?
so you want to be somene else?
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be urself.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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silbi wrote:
sampai hari ni kereta aku dok melayan CD lagu album Ride the lighning and sume album2 lama...tak boring2 lagi siot although it's been 15 years

tapi bila rasa boring sikit aku masuk lagu cintan indon filem Heart tu...hahaha (kantui!)

aku layan old albums je..

tapi betul la... derang punya album lama lagi best la...lagi trash la...sekarang ni dan paling bebulu denga album st anger tuh.. hallamak...hilang mood betul la... tapi bagi aku le, metallica la paling senang pikat pendengar sbb lagu dia yg sedap la... lain pulak dgn megadeth, megadeth ni pada pandangan aku utk peminat yg lebih advance la... contoh mcm gitaris yg nak upgrade dia nye skil skil. sbb aku yg tak power main gitar ni walaupun cuba tgk tab still takleh main solo solo marty...aiseh...solo mustaine leh lah sket sket. mungkin bagi expert gitaris senang la kot..hehe...
tapi serius la cuba dengar live rude awakening lagu angry alpitrelli tuh pon takleh ikut marty punya solo ada sangkut sangkut sket..kekeke!!
-randy tone , rhoads guitar-
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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deadzid wrote:

aku pon curios gak.. kids these day, korang jam lagu apa aa? takkan Avril Lavigne kot? hehe

aku jawab bender ni da...
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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aku try main lagu 'darkest hour' punye intro appregio tu...sakit jari kena stretch siot...

now ni period aku tgh suka layan dvd concert one with Marty and another with the guitarist after him...dua2 ok la...

btw - there's this new guitar magazine ada latest issue pasal guitar playing betwen Metallica and Megadeth...baca sikit je...nak beli mahal pulak magazine tu...

sapa ada baca kasi summarise sikit...

and betui ka lagu Seek n Destroy tu Mustaine yg tulis? kalau betul, memang all metallica fans owe him a lot!
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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actually ada a few more titles on that album yg Mustaine tulis.. Four Horsemen antaranya (tapi metallica ubah lirik).. even solo work semua mustaine bikin, kirk just mainkan semula masa recording "Kill 'Em All"..

well like dave said: "Silly people can't mix with violent people.." heheh
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 6:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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guys! check out these 2 videos!
luahan perasaan Dave pada Lars..
sedih lak aku dgr luahan Dave ni..
FYI, dave kena kick out pasal dia too violent bila drunk..
but actually..

actually, ni part of the teraphy session yg Lars kena jalani..
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:10 pm    Post subject: huh Reply with quote

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sian dave mustaine...hehe!! tapi ok lah jugak dia kuar dari least adanya megadeth...bleh kita dedua...kalo dave tak kuar pon lambat laun dia kene kick jugak tuh aku rasa..heh...
tapi kebanyakkan org yg aku tgk...kalo derang layan megadeth misti derang layan metallica jugak...tapi yg layan metallica tak semestinye layan megadeth...lain lain taste... Cool
tapi megadeth pon dasat jugak kick kick guitarist ni...hehe...lebih kurang 4 org kot lead guitarist yg penah main ngan megadeth tuka tuka guitarist je...mcm ozzy gak... Razz
-randy tone , rhoads guitar-
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:52 am    Post subject: wooo Reply with quote

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check out dave mustaine's new aXXE!!!

Very Happy
-randy tone , rhoads guitar-
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Metallica aku memang admired gila tapi lepas album Black diorang dah sold out...overated dan dah jadi terlalu glam cam Britney Spears lak!
Megadeth mula˛ tu nampak cam poser sebab Mustaine nak balas dendam sebab kena reject dari Metallica so dia dah prove dia memang musician/ metallers yg bagus walaupun suara dia agak kelakar tapi untuk kategori muzik metal dengan lagu yg dia cipta memang kena laa.

Dari segi arrangement pulak aku rasa both party memang dasat, Metallica mungkin lebih simple dari Megadeth tapi dia punya lagu metal ada dinamik, groove@ attack dan influence banyak musician lain termasuk budak˛ punk, hardcore, pop, Hip-Hop, Klasikal dan lain˛!!
Satu lagi lagu mid dia memang buat aku punya bulu roma naik cam lagu One, Call of Ktulu, For whom the bells tols etc.

Cam Megadeth plak aku minat drumming Nick Menza dan solo Marty, rhythm gitar Mustaine pun best tapi solo dia camtu jer tak banyak skill sangat yg boleh kita belajar. Lagi best Alex Skolnick & James Murphy "Testament" punya solo. Bagi aku album terbaik Megadeth ialah Rust in peace. Album lain biasa jer
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PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 1:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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dua2 aku minat
'Tallica: album Justice, Black, Master, Ride(yg lain biaq pi la..)
Megadeth : album Rust In Peace, Countdown, Peace sells,

off topic skit: Maiden, album :Peace of mind, powerslave, somewhere in time, seventh son... yg lain tu hmmm....
ok bye..
save me from myself of what's left of my soul after I've sold some part of it
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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i love megadeath.tak ada sebab banyak.cuma jiwa aku lebih suka megadeath.tambah-tambah lagi dengan rambut megi marty friedman tu,lagi mmg dia dah lama kuar dr megadeath pun.

Last edited by paefaizah on Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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