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PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 18 Jan 2004
Posts: 386

Backman x berapa paham psl mentaliti org Malaysia sbnrnye
dgn mentaliti sekarang ni,kite x leh buat ape yg aussie sll buat
aku bole kate sll nampak street demo kat melburn
tp diorng nye attitude lain dr kite (despite yg sll buat tu dr socialist front)
demo diorng hanya sekali sekala shj riot,itupon psl G8
(plus majoriti org sana jaga toilet,buang sampah dlm tong sampah dan bwk kereta sungguh berhemah,kite?)

keje aku sejak tahun lepas mmg hanye compare dan analisis graph
dan aku sentiasa pastikan sources aku dtg dr pelbagai tempat
(samada official govt info,international agencies mahupun kajian bebas)
bnyk yg opposition ckp tu betul gak,cume diorng bgtau half of the truth
cth graph kenaikan harga minyak,diorng x pernah letak in parallel dgn global oil price dan dgn graf keuntungan dr Petronas
kalu tgk as stand alone graph,mmg nampak teruk tp as a bundle of informations,it says pretty much the opposite.

a few years ago,BA ade bentangkan Belanjawan Negara versi diorng
tp aku wonder apesal kali ni diorng x buat camtu

harga barang akan tetap naik,itu adelah trend global sejak berabad yg lalu
20 tahun lepas RM1 tu agak besar nilainye,(80 tahun dulu 50 sen tu gilo bnyk benda bole beli) tp sekarang x seberapa
tp itu selari dgn kenaikan gaji,kenaikan harga bahan api,kenaikan kos servis,inflation,forex dll
skarang kite kena tgk sape yg mampu kontrol harga barang

kalu korang tak suke KJ pon
jgn la undi die kat Rembau
aku tau dlm Umno sendri pun,berduyun2 manusia yg x suke die
tp nk buat camne,dlm barisan pemimpin muda pun die yg paling pandai menonjolkan diri
tp dlm politik,lg cepat ko naik lagi cepat ko jatuh
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 3:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
Posts: 2198
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

JUst checked this out on the SPR website... Hidup lagi ka dia ni...?? 119 tahun... agak mencurigakan...

890211050014 / 1307762
Birth Year : 1889
Gender : P
Locality : 131 / 26 / 08 / 001 - KG SEBERANG BATU HAMPAR
Polling District : 131 / 26 / 08 - PEKAN REMBAU
State Assemblies : 131 / 26 - CHEMBONG
Parliamentary : 131 - REMBAU
Polling Stream : 1
Voting Time : 08.00 PAGI - 05.00 PETANG
Serial No : 1
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 3:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 22 Jan 2006
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malas nak taip panjang²,
aku setuju dan sokong dengan pendapat adzakael,
korupsi dan pilih bulu ada dimana²,
x kira didalam persatuan berdaftar atau tak, kecik atau besar, top atau x,
manusia mudah lupa diri bila ada byk duit dan kuasa,
tapi yang pasti, Allah itu Maha Adil,
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cartman, eric
PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 4:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 05 Jan 2006
Posts: 491

Ridzi wrote:
JUst checked this out on the SPR website... Hidup lagi ka dia ni...?? 119 tahun... agak mencurigakan...

890211050014 / 1307762
Birth Year : 1889
Gender : P
Locality : 131 / 26 / 08 / 001 - KG SEBERANG BATU HAMPAR
Polling District : 131 / 26 / 08 - PEKAN REMBAU
State Assemblies : 131 / 26 - CHEMBONG
Parliamentary : 131 - REMBAU
Polling Stream : 1
Voting Time : 08.00 PAGI - 05.00 PETANG
Serial No : 1

i got this same thing in my YM.
the oldest person alive today, Edna Parker was born in 1893.
"Jean Claude Van Damme is back. In the same crap you've seen over and over, and over again"
Pablo Franscisco stand up routine
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 11 Dec 2004
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Itu masalah tak ada surat pengesahan kematian tu so rekod tak dipadam.. Sebab kalau nak menipu undi cara macam tu terlalu bodoh utk gov la rasanya. Ovious sangat..
Gelanggang guitar :
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 3:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 02 Mar 2004
Posts: 744

OneMB wrote:
malas nak taip panjang²,
aku setuju dan sokong dengan pendapat adzakael,
korupsi dan pilih bulu ada dimana²,
x kira didalam persatuan berdaftar atau tak, kecik atau besar, top atau x,
manusia mudah lupa diri bila ada byk duit dan kuasa,

Betul, tapi kalau kita asik dok sokong orang yang korup ni, makin teruk la jadinya... Berapa kali ko dah dengar orang cakap "Aku masuk UMNO sebab nak dapat projek". Ahli UMNO langsung tak boleh sokong usul pembangkang, walaupun perkara yang diusulkan tu baik. Ahli Parlimen BN yang tak menyokong usul kerajaan dikenakan tindakan tatatertib. Orang yang ada perbezaan pendapat dengan kerajaan is shut out, or even worse, being held without trial. Apa punya demokrasi yang kita ada sebenarnya?
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 4:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 11 Dec 2004
Posts: 3447
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Scumgrief wrote:
OneMB wrote:
malas nak taip panjang²,
aku setuju dan sokong dengan pendapat adzakael,
korupsi dan pilih bulu ada dimana²,
x kira didalam persatuan berdaftar atau tak, kecik atau besar, top atau x,
manusia mudah lupa diri bila ada byk duit dan kuasa,

Betul, tapi kalau kita asik dok sokong orang yang korup ni, makin teruk la jadinya... Berapa kali ko dah dengar orang cakap "Aku masuk UMNO sebab nak dapat projek". Ahli UMNO langsung tak boleh sokong usul pembangkang, walaupun perkara yang diusulkan tu baik. Ahli Parlimen BN yang tak menyokong usul kerajaan dikenakan tindakan tatatertib. Orang yang ada perbezaan pendapat dengan kerajaan is shut out, or even worse, being held without trial. Apa punya demokrasi yang kita ada sebenarnya?

correct correct correct..akhirnya melahirkan orang yang mana-titah-patih-junjung saja.. tak boleh suara pendapat dan tak berani tegur kesilapan.
Gelanggang guitar :
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 24 May 2006
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anyway..aku tunggu debate antara BN n BA...
rasenye on 4 n 5 march da terlepas?
aku x dpt tau exact location or date..just bace keratan akhbar yg menulis ttg komen Dato Wira Ali Rustam - " Debat dgn org hutan"

debate tu berlangsung atau x?

p/s: WIRA stand for our 98 commonwealth mascot is it?so sape yg org hutan ni? hahahah
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Manusia ne cepat lalai bila berada di atas.
- so tak salah kalo sekali sekala kena tampar, kasih sedar skit.
- nanti bila dah tersentak, baru la sibuk buat kerja.

Kerajaan camporan walopun hakikatnya bukan cara yg baik, tapi pada aku hanya tu jer cara utk tarik balik polisi polisi bengong yg banyak diperkenalkan sampai la ne. So kita nak media khasnya tidak berat kat satu pihak jer. supaya telinga dan mata kita tak hanya nampak satu pihak jer hero.

Aku teringat, seorang sahabat cakap kat aku, "Sekarang ne tv, suratkabar semua lain jer bunyi, so we gali kat net, blog utk lebih informations ". Tapi pada aku even baca internet dan blog pun kita tak boleh terus percaya.

Aku tak suka bila dalam parlimen still ada parti parti lagi padahal masa tu, diorang mewakili rakyat. Why not make some change... hahahhaha.

SO, duduk atas pagar lebih berkesan. Atleaset i have more choice. hahahha. walo cam man pun undi itu rahsia...

It not me, ok, it not me... aku ceta hal guitar jer... hehhehe
my goodness one... hehhehe
Maiden, loudness, ACDC, black sabath, deep purple, jimmi and vinnie moore

And Now all jazz.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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bagi aku pula..aku ni bias kepada sistem 2 parti yg mana check and balance dia agak bagus

contoh nya di US - Democrat and GOP (or better known as republican)
di UK - Labour and Conservative

since you have two opposing powers , there's a better check and balance system in place - kat UK siap ada shadow position lagi - look it up on google what does Shadow Ministers do..

so in malaysia any party memerintah aku tak kisah - asalkan ada good power to balance and ask questions and scrutinize bila perlu

and also the ability to dissent within the party boleh di alu kan - takde penggunaan Whip (please look it up this also) to toe the line suka hati kromo je..

and last but not least , a free media

prof politics aku pernah cakap - a govt can be as corrupt as possible - but as long there's free/transparent media - then naturally public opinion will fix this problem..

my two cents!
my photoblog -
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 02 Mar 2004
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omarjamaludin wrote:

so in malaysia any party memerintah aku tak kisah - asalkan ada good power to balance and ask questions and scrutinize bila perlu

and also the ability to dissent within the party boleh di alu kan - takde penggunaan Whip (please look it up this also) to toe the line suka hati kromo je..

This is what we want, thats why we have to deny any party 2/3rds of the majority.

omarjamaludin wrote:

and last but not least , a free media

prof politics aku pernah cakap - a govt can be as corrupt as possible - but as long there's free/transparent media - then naturally public opinion will fix this problem..

But alas, a free media is something that we do not really have in malaysia. Sad
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Apart from all that know what i would really want for Malaysia???

"A world class, comprehensive and efficient public transportation system throughout the country"

Not a half-arsed one we have presently.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 02 Mar 2004
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In malaysia, it is as though democracy ends with the elections, but at other times semua kena ikut telunjuk parti memerintah. Patutnya takleh la macam tu. Our government is unable to listen to critisism.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 6:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 18 Jan 2004
Posts: 386

depends on how u address ur opinion
kritik2 jugak la
tp kalu diselang selikan dgn budaya menggelar etc. camno tu?
cam org sll duk ckp Dr. M x dgr ckp org ke ape
tp utk org yg pernah semeja meeting dgn die lain lak pendapat diorg

deny 2/3 majority will spell disaster for Malaysia
nanti bnyk sgt benda tak bole dibuat
(well,kerajaan x stabil,susah wooo)
jgn psl marahkan parti korbankan satu negara

sbb berdasarkan pengalaman aku dgn sistem shadow minister jugak la
aku takleh bg PAS/PKR/DAP power
bnyk lagi benda2 yg tak clear
mcm contoh ape diorng nye polisi terhadap pertahanan negara?
dgn growing threat of terrorism dgn global political climate apekah polisi dan tindakan yg bakal diorng amik?
brapekah bajet yg diorng akan allocate utk keselamatan rakyat?
brapekah peratusan bajet utk diorng tingkatupaya sistem pengangkutan awam?
brapekah peratusan dr KDNK yg akan diorng allocate utk research and development di universiti2?

ingat tak citer Hero (yg ade Jet Li tu?)
kenape karekter pendekar takde name tu tak jadi bunuh Raja Qin?
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 25 Jul 2006
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kadang2 aku x paham ngan rakyat me'sia.minyak naek tp yg bising2 pakcik makcik yg kat umah yg ada 1 keta je(xdak keta pun sibok gak).tokey2 bas senyap je walhal pakai minyak bergelen2.hehehe.bagi aku politik ni sama je.kaki bohong kuat.kekeke.pembangkang ke kerajaan ke sama gak perangai cam setan.satu kuat mengata satu lagi kuat bohong.yg pembangkang berlagak pandai,si kerajaan dah berlemak bagai.jadi sama2lah kita pilih yg terbaik utk semua.isu rasuah bagi aku mmg x bleh nak kontrol sbb yg makan rasuah tuh byk mula dari org2 dibwah.hmm aku ada terbaca manifesto pembangkang nak bagi gaji minimun rm 1200.bagus benda nih secara otomatik harga barang lagi naik. :twisted:tokey kalo x mampu bayaq terpaksa la bagi naek barang nak bayaq pekerja.satu lagi kita kena tgk apa jadi kat vietnam,kemboja?(politik x stabil setelah diperintah si pembangkang)tp aku sokong kurangkan majoriti kjaan dlm parlimen.hehehe..(pendapat aku la....dari pasukan lalang..kekekeke) Wink
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