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 Fuel Prices « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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man velo
PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 06 May 2008
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adzakael wrote:
lu tuduh gua cabut duduk negara org?

tp ape kelas jadi hamba abdi mcm korang ni

kalau aku join korang dah tentu maruah aku jatuh
kalau aku join korang dah tentu aku takleh duk sebaris dgn Tan Sri Mokhtar Al-Bukhary,Tan Sri Yahya dan lain2 utk selama-lamanya

i have my pride and dignity
therefore i will not join u all in this.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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i hv to apologise for being such an ass
but in this case,i have to.

yes man velo
that kind of person does exist and i hv found many
we are what ppl call fighters/warriors
we fight,we don't whine

the thing is aku pun bukannye always agree with what Pak lah said
to me,kite kena always compare with other countries
in order to see if our living standard on par or below

kita adalah antara main contributor to global warming
due to our inefficiency in energy usage
this inefficiency is caused by our mentality,caused by the cheap fuel price that we enjoy for 20 years.
masa aku keje buat urban planning,aku gila annoyed with our vehicle oriented culture sampai 30% of the planning only for vehicles shj.10% adelah utk green space.

semua ni sbb org mesia punye mentaliti yg mmg nampaknya mcm tak sayangkan alam sekitar.
minyak naik marah tp sungai kotor buat dek aje.nanti bila air jadi scarce mcm kat sini baru mcm biase la,selagi air abundant kat mesia slg tu org buat tak peduli.

(sama mcm 15 tahun dulu,petrol masih murah tp sorang pon tak terpiki camne nak jd energy efficient)

perangai org Malaysia, Dah terhantuk baru terngadah!

aku rase pelik,kita kat sini selalu ckp psl bangsa Malaysia la,anti-perkauman la ape la
tp bile aku citer psl ape Hitler buat dulu,bole kluar alasan bangsa?
bg aku itu kurang relevan
kita bole bersatu atas nama pembangunan dan penguasaan ekonomi serantau
satu perkara yg menghalang hanyalah mentaliti pessemis kita.
Hitler berjaya menjadikan Jerman sbg kuasa besar atas nama Aryan
kita bole jd kuasa ekonomi atas nama Malaysia.

tp mcm aku ckp la
ape kelas aku jd hamba abdi
nak capai status penguasa ekonomi,kena la bikin revolusi diri
ingat,Tuhan tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu melainkan kaum itu berusaha mengubahnya.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 10:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

adzakael wrote:

tp mcm aku ckp la
ape kelas aku jd hamba abdi
nak capai status penguasa ekonomi,kena la bikin revolusi diri
ingat,Tuhan tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu melainkan kaum itu berusaha mengubahnya.

I must agree with you on this point. But not everyone is cut out to become a chief. Kalau semua nak jadi chief sapa nak buat kerja??

Its not very nice to call us "hamba abdi" eventhough I do understand the concept you are trying to convey. It's like saying all the professionals like doctors, engineers etc etc are all slaves..

Where to a certain extent that is true, as we are slaves to the machine - it's a derogatory one.

lets keep the debate nice and clean Smile

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 10:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 10:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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By the way given the choice I would use public transport as well.. But what has the govt done to persuade us to use public transport?


We need more network coverage... trains, buses... wouldn't it be better to expand and improve the LRT/train/bus services so it can reach everywhere.

Im sure if there was a choice Malaysians would take public transport if the infrastructure was in place and kept being improved on. Personally I wouldn't drive If I had the choice. for example, from where i live..i have to drive to Putrajaya then i take the ERL to the airport to go to work. kan best kalau ade some sort of train/LRT line that goes to the ERL??? Example je ni...

Why are they channeling the money into project that only benefit a select few?? For the rakyat ke tu??

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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takleh amik ERL transit kat Bandar Tun Razak? Razz
my photoblog -
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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everyone is not cut to be chief in the beginning
so one must try to become one
at least on nuclear family level

we were meant to be khalifah di muka bumi
khalifah to our people
khalifah to our family
khalifah to ourself
so why must become slaves to others?

but then again,we must find an appropriate leader to lead all the minor khalifah so that together they can be a great nation.

'Hamba abdi' yg aku letak tu bermaksud org yg tak mampu dan/atau tak mahu berusaha utk mengubah status dirinya sendri,sebaliknya terus menerus menyalahkan org lain terhadap apa yg berlaku pada dirinya.

(Sbb tu kita dipanggil 'hamba Tuhan' kerana kita mmg selama2nya tak mampu mencabar status dan kuasa Tuhan)

What we can do is actually to begin upgrade our lifestyle.
Tp nak upgrade mmg kena buat economic reform la dr level terendah sekali.

Dulu Dr. M mmg sgt menggalakkan kita melabur dlm saham.Mmg ade reason to that since die dah tahu economic crisis tetap akan akan dimasa akan dtg.So,dari satu crisis to another kite kena la prepare simpanan dan siapkan status diri ke arah lebih tinggi.

Kerajaan dah sediakan bnyk gila amanah saham yg kita bole libatkan diri tanpa pening2 psl jargon pasaran saham.amanah saham ni disediakan utk perkara2 mcm sekarang la (krisis ekonomi sedunia etc)
dgn duit dr pelaburan tiap2 tahun kita bole siapkan diri utk menghadapi tekanan ekonomi (mcm beli kit NGV since kite mmg tau masa depan petrol akan naik)
dgn hasil pelaburan kita boleh lepaskan diri kite dari bergantung sgt terhadap satu2 sumber.

dlm keadaan skarang ni,ape yg kite bole buat ialah dgn ramai2 melabur dlm kompeni2 kecik.korang bole pakat2 dgn sedara mara kat kampung,buat satu bisnes plan yg berbentuk koperasi (sbg contoh).lps tu start la trading.u can even kutip laba tiap2 tahun without even directly involve with the business operation (provided u assign org to run it on ur behalf la)

Pak Lah dah revive balik Buku Hijau,so aku dah nampak bnyk gile kompeni2 yg demand hasil pertanian.Sekarang yg plg senang nak buat is actually to involve in contract farming.Kawan2 aku ramai dah terlibat (esp. yg dropout college),supply ikan la,herba la,pacat la,cacing pun ade.(but my favorite is always vanilla pods,demand always high,supply always short).Jadi kompeni yg bakal dibina tu bole jd supplier/vendor utk kompeni2 besar ni.

Just get involve directly in our economy,be it in agriculture,services or heavy industry.Ini adalah cara yg paling bagus utk contribute to our society and nation.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 08 Dec 2003
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minyak naik?


ubah cara hidup? carik extra income? review daily expense?

sendiri pikir, its your life, your money....
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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undefined wrote:
minyak naik?


ubah cara hidup? carik extra income? review daily expense?

sendiri pikir, its your life, your money....

I would love to deal with it...but the government should help us deal with it by improving our public transportation network.

Ini kalau duit tu semua pegi projek2 yang menguntungkan a select few buat apa? Untuk rakyat ke??

I am sad... because the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer. Our pockets just cant cope and does not reflect the development of our country.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Posts: 386

the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer?
i think in some context its quite the opposite
mcm kwn aku (org Felda) ckp

BTW - Orang tua aku juga jauh sekali dari orang senang... TAPI! pernyataan - "orang kampung akan susah bila minyak naik " aku sanggah .. ada 50% tak betul.

Because of what? Sawit dan getah naik harga.. mak ayah aku bleh dapat at least 3K + permonth duk kg. dan orang kampung tidak menggunakan minyak yang banyak macam orang bandar yang nak pegi kedai 100 meter pun bawak myvi, vios, persona baru diorang berlagak macam kaya dan banyak duit sangat.. muahaha .. so patut risau dengan kemiskinan bandar lebih lagi.

smalam aku diskus dgn org economics
die ade mention satu pendapat mengatakan harga minyak sekarang relatively lebih murah dari 20 tahun dulu
die ade mention that the opinion was based on inflation rate since 70's
aku akan investigate lg this claim
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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Well I really don't know about you at all.. but the reality is like this....

Quoted from

Corpetro said...

saya yg paling terkena bila minyak naik ni....ini disebabkan saya berulang alik dari cyberjaya ke melaka. Skrang ni pun belanja minyak + tol saya pi keje rm 1000 sebulan....itu minyak harga rm1.92 je....aku rasa klu dengan rate skrang ni rm 2.70 mau kat rm 1500 untuk minyak kereta je!!!! kerajaan bg subsidi rm625 setahun tu cuma belanja minyak saya setengah bulan.

isteri saya pun x sanggup tgk saya sakit poket ujung bulan, malam tadi beliau buat keputusan untuk berenti belajar. dan kami akan pindah balik ke Seri Kembangan ujung bulan ni. Satu keputusan yg amat menyedihkan, tapi kami terpaksa menerimanya. Nak duduk asrama, anak saya nak letak mana pula...tak terjaga. Satu keluarga menangis mlm tadi. isteri nangis sebab dia kena berenti belajar, saya nangis sebab terharu dengan keputusan isteri, anak aku nangis sebab tgk mak ayah dia nangis...terima kasih kerajaan malaysia....

Untuk keluarga yg One Man income mcm saya ni, sure banyak effek...

Tariff elekrik pun akan naik tidak lama lagi, berikutan diesel naik rm 1.....ahhh...malas nak pk apa lagi yg akan naik....
June 5, 2008 1:11 PM


So what can we conclude from here? Thats just one person.... And rata2 most of us are not at the ranks of Tan Sri's and Datuks as you mention.

Cakap memang senang.

Nak bukak koperasi?? Please lah... anak bini pun belum bagi makan lagi. Bukannya everyone ade expendable income to invest. Nak kena bagi makan family dulu.

Tengok Skim Pinjaman Mikro yang BSN offer dulu. Kawan aku mintak nak bukak kedai gunting. Dapat tak...? Haram...

Kerajaan kita zalim tahap cipan dah ni and I quote again from

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Oil Price


The price of crude oil has increased by 400 percent in the last three years. It follows that the price of products must increase, sooner or later. In other countries petrol prices had already increased. In the United Kingdom one litre of petrol sells for more than one pound sterling or RM7. In the United States it is about RM5.

That the price in neighbouring countries has gone up is shown by the rush to fill up by Thai and to a lesser extent Singapore vehicles.

The Government has now announced an increase in petrol price by 78 sen to RM2.70 per litre, an increase of more than 40 per cent.

I may be mistaken but there seems to be less vehicles on the road today. But obviously that is not all that will happen. All other consumer goods, services and luxury goods would increase in price.

The cost of living must go up. Put another way there will be inflation and the standard of living will go down.

Obviously our increase in petrol price is far less than in the United Kingdom or the United States. But our per capita income is about one-third of theirs. In purchasing power terms our increase is more than in the UK or the US.

The increase hurts but the pain is greater not just because of the increase percentage-wise is higher than in developed countries but because of the manner the increase is made.

A few days ago the Government decided to ban sale of petrol to foreign cars. It flipped. Now foreign cars can buy again. Flopped.

Knowing that in a few days it was going to raise the price and foreigners would be allowed to buy, why cannot the Government just wait instead of banning and unbanning.

But be that as it may what could the Government have done to lessen the burden on the people that results from the increase in petrol price.

In the first place the Government should not have floated the Ringgit. A floating rate creates uncertainties and we cannot gain anything from the strengthened Ringgit. Certainly the people have not experienced any increase in their purchasing power because of the appreciation in the exchange rate between the US Dollar and the Ringgit.

Actually the Ringgit has increased by about 80 sen (from RM3.80 to RM3.08 to 1 US Dollar) per US Dollar, i.e. by more than 20 per cent. Had the Government retained the fixed rate system and increased the value of the Ringgit, say 10 per cent at a time, the cost of imports, in Ringgit terms can be monitored and reduced by 10 per cent. At 20 per cent appreciation the cost of imports should decrease by 20 per cent. But we know the prices of imported goods or services have not decreased at all. This means we are paying 20 per cent higher for our imports including the raw material and components for our industries.

Since oil prices are fixed in US Dollar, the increase in US Dollar prices of oil should also be mitigated by 20 per cent in Malaysian Ringgit.

But the Government wants to please the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and decided to float the Ringgit. As a result the strengthening of the Ringgit merely increased our cost of exports without giving our people the benefit of lower cost of imports.

This is not wisdom after the event. I had actually told a Government Minister not to float the Ringgit three years ago. But of course I am not an expert, certainly I know little about the international financial regimes.

I believe the people expect the increase of petrol price. But what they are angry about is the quantum and the suddenness. The Prime Minister was hinting at August but suddenly it came two months earlier, just after the ban on sale of petrol to foreigners.

If the increase had been more gradual, the people would not feel it so much. But of course this means that the Government would have to subsidise, though to a decreasing extent.

Can the Government subsidise? I am the “adviser” to Petronas but I know very little about it beyond what is published in its accounts. What I do know may not be very accurate but should be sufficient for me to draw certain conclusions.

Roughly Malaysia produces 650,000 barrels of crude per day. We consume 400,000 barrels leaving 250,000 barrels to be exported.

Three years ago the selling price of crude was about USD30 per barrel. Today it is USD130 – an increase of USD100. There is hardly any increase in the production cost so that the extra USD100 can be considered as pure profit.

Our 250,000 barrels of export should earn us 250,000 x 100 x 365 x 3 = RM27,375,000,000 (twenty seven billion Ringgit).

But Petronas made a profit of well over RM70 billion, all of which belong to the Government.

By all accounts the Government is flushed with money.

But besides petrol the prices of palm oil, rubber and tin have also increased by about 400 per cent. Plantation companies and banks now earn as much as RM3 billion in profits each. Taxes paid by them must have also increased greatly.

I feel sure that maintaining the subsidy and gradually decreasing it would not hurt the Government finances.

In the medium term ways and means must be found to reduce wasteful consumption and increase income. We may not be able to fix the minimum wage at a high level but certainly we can improve the minimum wage.

Actually our wages are high compared to some of our neighbours. The investors who come here are attracted not by cheap labour but by other factors, among which is the attitude of the Government towards the business community and the investors in particular.

From what I hear business friendliness is wanting in the present Government – so much so that even Malaysians are investing in other countries. There are rumblings about political affiliations influencing decisions. Generally Government politicians are said to be arrogant.

Malaysia is short of manpower. The labour intensive industries are not benefiting Malaysians. Foreign workers are remitting huge sums of money home.

The industrial policy must change so that high tech is promoted in order to give Malaysians higher wages to cope with rising costs of living.

The world is facing economic turmoil due to the depreciation of the US Dollar, the sub-prime loan crisis, rising oil and raw material prices, food shortages and the continued activities of the greedy hedge funds. The possibility of a US recession is real. In a way the US is already in recession. The world economy will be dragged down by it.

Malaysia will be affected by all these problems. I wonder whether the Government is prepared for this.

We cannot avoid all the negative effects but there must be ways to mitigate against them and to lessen the burden that must be borne by all Malaysians. I am sure the Government will not just pass all these problems to the people as the review of oil prices every month seem to suggest.


Harga Minyak

Harga minyak mentah naik sebanyak 400 peratus sejak tiga tahun lepas. Lambat laun harga barangan juga akan alami kenaikan. Di negara-negara lain harga petrol sudahpun naik. Di United Kingdom satu liter petrol dijual pada kadar lebih satu pound sterling atau lebih kurang RM7. Di Amerika Syarikat harganya lebih kurang RM5.

Petunjuk bahawa harga minyak di negara-negara jiran mengalami kenaikan ialah bagaimana kenderaan Thai dan juga Singapura berpusu-pusu mengisi minyak di Malaysia.

Kerajaan umumkan kenaikan petrol sebanyak 78 sen ke RM2.70, kenaikan melebihi 40 peratus.

Saya mungkin tersilap, tetapi ternampak kekurangan jumlah kenderaan di jalanraya hari ini. Tetapi kesannya bukanlah terhad kepada itu sahaja. Barangan pengguna, perkhidmatan dan barangan mewah akan mengalami peningkatan harga.

Kos sara hidup sudah tentu meningkat. Dilihat daripada sudut lain akan tercetus inflasi dan taraf kehidupan akan menurun.

Memanglah kenaikan harga petrol di sini jauh lebih rendah daripada di United Kingdom, mahupun Amerika Syarikat. Tetapi pendapatan per kapita kita adalah lebih kurang satu pertiga mereka. Berasas kepada kuasa membeli kita kenaikan harga adalah lebih tinggi dari UK atau Amerika Syarikat.

Kenaikan ini menyakitkan, tetapi sakitnya lebih dirasai bukan kerana kenaikan dari segi peratusan adalah lebih tinggi daripada negara-negara maju, tetapi kerana cara kenaikan tersebut dibuat.

Beberapa hari lepas Kerajaan putuskan untuk haramkan penjualan minyak kepada kenderaan milik asing. Tunggang. Sekarang kenderaan asing dibenar membeli semula. Terbalik!

Mengetahui yang ianya akan menaikkan harga minyak dalam beberapa hari dan orang asing akan dibenar membeli, kenapa Kerajaan tidak menunggu sahaja daripada keluaran arahan larangan dan kemudian benarkan semula.

Namun begitu apakah yang Kerajaan boleh lakukan untuk meringankan beban kepada rakyat hasil daripada kenaikan harga petrol.

Pertamanya, Kerajaan tidak patut mengapungkan Ringgit. Kadar apungan menyebabkan ketidak-tentuan nilai Ringgit dan kita tidak akan meraih apa-apa keuntungan daripada kekuatan Ringgit. Sudah tentu rakyat tidak menikmati peningkatan kuasa membeli walaupun terdapat peningkatan nilai Ringgit dari segi tukaran dengan Dollar Amerika.

Sebenarnya Ringgit mengalami peningkatan lebih kurang 80 sen (daripada RM3.80 ke RM3.08 pada 1 US Dollar) satu US Dollar, melebihi 20 peratus. Jika Kerajaan teruskan sistem tambatan kadar dan menaikkan nilai Ringgit pada kadar 10 peratus pada satu masa, kos import, dalam Ringgit boleh dipantau dan dikurangkan sebanyak 10 peratus. Pada kadar kenaikan 20 peratus, kos import patutnya turun 20 peratus. Tetapi kita tahu harga barangan import dan perkhidmatan tidak kurang. Ini bermakna kita bayar 20 peratus lebih tinggi untuk import termasuk bagi bahan mentah dan komponen untuk industri

Oleh sebab harga minyak disebut dalam Dollar Amerika, kenaikan harga minyak dalam Dollar sepatutnya dikurangkan sebanyak 20 pertaus dalam Ringgit Malaysia.

Tetapi Kerajaan hendak turut Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa dan Bank Dunia dan telah putuskan untuk mengapung Ringgit. Akibatnya kekuatan Ringgit hanya meningkatkan kos export tanpa memberi sebarang keuntungan kepada rakyat menerusi kekurangan kos import.

Ini bukanlah kecerdikan selepas sesuatu itu terjadi. Saya telah beritahu seorang Menteri Kerajaan supaya Ringgit tidak diapungkan tiga tahun lalu. Memanglah saya bukan pakar dan saya hanya tahu serba sedikit tentang rejim kewangan antarabangsa.

Saya percaya umum terpaksa menerima kenaikan harga petrol. Tetapi apa yang menimbulkan kemarahan ialah jumlah kenaikan serta keadaan tergesa-gesa. Perdana Menteri sebelum ini seolah-olah mencadangkan kenaikan hanya pada bulan Ogos, tetapi ianya datang dua bulan lebih awal, sejurus selepas pengharaman penjualan kepada orang asing.

Jika kenaikan berperingkat, rakyat tidak akan terlalu terasa. Tetapi ini bermakna Kerajaan perlu terus beri subsidi walaupun tahapnya akan menurun.

Mampukah Kerajaan terus beri subsidi? Saya “penasihat” Petronas tetapi saya tahu sedikit sahaja berkenaannya dan tidak lebih daripada apa yang dilaporkan dalam akaunnya yang diumumkan. Apa yang saya tahu mungkin tidak begitu tepat tetapi cukup untuk saya membuat beberapa penilaian.

Malaysia mengeluar lebih kurang 650,000 tong minyak sehari. Kita guna 400,000 tong dan selebihnya 250,000 tong di export.

Tiga tahun lalu minyak mentah dijual pada kadar USD30 satu tong. Hari ini ianya USD130 – kenaikan sebanyak USD100. Hampir tiada peningkatan di dalam kos pengeluaran oleh itu lebihan USD100 boleh dianggap untung bersih.

250,000 tong yang dieksport sepatutnya memberi kita pulangan 250,000 x 100 x 365 x 3 = RM27,375,000,000 (Dua puluh tujuh bilion Ringgit).

Tetapi Petronas untung lebih RM70 billion, yang kesemuanya milik Kerajaan.

Kerajaan ini melimpah dengan wang.

Selain minyak, harga minyak sawit, getah dan timah juga meningkat lebih kurang 400 peratus. Keuntungan syarikat perladangan dan bank-bank juga mencecah sehingga RM3 billion tiap satu. Cukai yang dibayar juga sudah tentu mengalami peningkatan yang tinggi.

Saya percaya jika subsidi dikekalkan dan dikurangkan secara berperingkat ianya tidak akan mengekang kewangan Kerajaan.

Di dalam jangka masa terdekat cara untuk mengurangkan pembaziran dan menaikkan pendapatan mestilah diperkenal. Kita mungkin tidak dapat menetapkan gaji minima, tetapi sudah tentu kita boleh meningkatkan sedikit jumlah gaji minima.

Sebenarnya pendapatan kita tinggi berbanding sesetengah jiran kita. Pelabur yang datang ke sini tertarik bukan dengan harga buruh murah, tetapi faktor-faktor lain termasuk sikap dan pendekatan Kerajaan tehadap komuniti perniaga terutamanya pelabur.

Daripada apa yang saya dengar, sikap mesra peniaga amat berkurangan pada Kerajaan sekarang hinggakan orang Malaysia juga melabur di luar negara. Terdapat cakap-cakap berkenaan hubungan politik mempengaruhi keputusan. Secara amnya ahli politik Kerajaan dikatakan sombong.

Malaysia tidak punyai cukup tenaga kerja. Industri yang memerlukan tenaga pekerja yang ramai tidak menguntungkan Malaysia. Pekerja asing menghantar jumlah wang yang besar ke negara asal mereka.

Polisi industri mestilah bertukar agar teknologi tinggi dapat dipromosikan untuk memberi rakyat Malaysia lebihan pendapatan bagi menampung kos sara hidup yang meningkat.

Dunia sedang menghadapi kecelaruan ekonomi akibat penurunan nilai Dollar Amerika, krisis pinjaman sub-prima, kenaikan harga minyak dan bahan mentah, kekurangan makanan dan akiviti tamak “hedge funds” yang berterusan. Kemungkinan berlakunya resesi ekonomi Amerika Syarikat adalah benar. Sebenarnya Amerika Syarikat sedang mengalami kelembapan ekonomi. Ekonomi dunia akan turut ditarik turun.

Malaysia juga akan terjejas kesan daripada semua masalah ini. Saya tertanya adakah Kerajaan bersedia untuk menghadapi semua ini.

Kita tidak boleh lari daripada akibat negatif tetapi mestilah ada cara untuk mengatasinya agar beban yang terpaksa ditanggung rakyat dapat dikurangkan. Saya harap yang Kerajaan tidak akan melepaskan sahaja segala masalah ini kepada rakyat seperti ynag digambarkan cadangan untuk menilai harga minyak setiap bulan.

So there you go.... what the govt is doing right now does not make sense whatsoever. They cant even make a decision stick. To be honest I dont think any of them know what they are doing!!! Might as well let monkeys run our country!!!

As i said in a previous post...Mahathir agrees that to compare our income per-kapita to other countries is ABSURD. contohnya Malaysia and Australia.. ours is 1/3rd or Australias!!

But i must hand it to you Adzakael... you will make a great BN/UMNO crony one day!! Wink
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

adzakael wrote:
the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer?
i think in some context its quite the opposite
mcm kwn aku (org Felda) ckp

BTW - Orang tua aku juga jauh sekali dari orang senang... TAPI! pernyataan - "orang kampung akan susah bila minyak naik " aku sanggah .. ada 50% tak betul.

Because of what? Sawit dan getah naik harga.. mak ayah aku bleh dapat at least 3K + permonth duk kg. dan orang kampung tidak menggunakan minyak yang banyak macam orang bandar yang nak pegi kedai 100 meter pun bawak myvi, vios, persona baru diorang berlagak macam kaya dan banyak duit sangat.. muahaha .. so patut risau dengan kemiskinan bandar lebih lagi.

smalam aku diskus dgn org economics
die ade mention satu pendapat mengatakan harga minyak sekarang relatively lebih murah dari 20 tahun dulu
die ade mention that the opinion was based on inflation rate since 70's
aku akan investigate lg this claim

Berhubung dengan kenyataan kau pasal orang Felda tu... dont you think the wealth should be balanced for both kampung and bandar people??
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 18 Jan 2004
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wealth as in what?
wealth in information? (diorng pandai main Internet gak ape,Astro pon ade)
monetary wealth? (itu atas hasil ladang sendri la)
knowledge wealth?(dah kalu dah pandai main Internet...)
facilities? (this is important)

org kampung punye lifestyle tak memerlukan kos sara hidup yg tinggi
therefore they tend to make more money than urban ppl.
kalau nak distribute wealth,i say it must be more on facilities.

in a sense,org kampung sebenarnya lebih maju dr org bandar
the lifestyle is very green and efficient
the methodology and philosophy used by org kampung since zaman dulu enable them to use less resources than us while at the same time preserving their environment.

this is what Malaysian urban ppl fail to do.

let see,org kampung sllnye duduk dekat dgn tempat kerja (ladang sawit blakang umah je),this methodology is actually same as in European cities and every city that modeled after it.
org kampung punye environment sgt la dekat dgn pokok,taman etc,this methodology has been also used by the Europeans since zaman dahulu dan still being used until today (bandar dlm taman,green boulevard etc) ie. Paris.
org kampung suka berkebun,westerners pun same jugak walaupun space kecik (siap ade tong recycle makanan jd baja kompos lagi)

since the cities design were not vehicle oriented,public transportation bole run tersgt efficient (tram,train,bus etc)
yes mmg ade congestion (mcm kat central London on peak hour) tp ia adelah seimbang dgn jumlah org yg duduk situ.

basically,we need to learn to use energy efficiently at all level.Dari rumah ke bisnes,kite kena revamp our attitude towards energy usage.(Aku dah lama start dgn buat SOHO,hari2 bgn pagi sarapan dgn family lps tu jln skit bukak laptop buat keje sebelah dinner hall) Kalau ade appointment dgn client je baru pakai kereta (jumpe kat opis diorng or lunch sama2)

because our attitude jugak la kite guna tanah x efisien.Sbb kite punye culture so vehivle oriented kite bnyk spend our land just for jalanraya.the effect is that bnyk area dlm bandar isolated to each other sampai susah nak cross jalanraya (opposite to European cities where it is so pedestrian friendly)

aku kat sini mmg hari2 jln kaki or naik public transportation,even kat mesia kalau aku nak pegi KL aku amik Komuter or bas shj pastu naik LRT.cume kalau perlu aje aku bwk keter.kwn aku dari Kajang ke Bangsar setiap hari pegi keje naik bas jugak.

i see this as a good thing because in the long run kite bole jd negara yg green,yg guna tenaga sgt efisien dan x membazir.

aku lagi peduli psl kebersihan air dari minyak sbb in the end kalau aku tersadai kat padang pasir,aku mesti nak minum air,petrol mane leh buat minum.(Kat ostrelia ni,diorng takde kecoh2 psl minyak naik sgt,ye la kalu dah sejak 10 tahun lps minyak nye price mmg x stabil,TAPI diorng mmg betul marah kalau ade org membazir air,siap masuk tv lagi org yg membazir air tu,since water is so scarce right now)
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 02 Mar 2004
Posts: 744

adzakael wrote:

let see,org kampung sllnye duduk dekat dgn tempat kerja (ladang sawit blakang umah je),this methodology is actually same as in European cities and every city that modeled after it.
org kampung punye environment sgt la dekat dgn pokok,taman etc,this methodology has been also used by the Europeans since zaman dahulu dan still being used until today (bandar dlm taman,green boulevard etc) ie. Paris.
org kampung suka berkebun,westerners pun same jugak walaupun space kecik (siap ade tong recycle makanan jd baja kompos lagi)

since the cities design were not vehicle oriented,public transportation bole run tersgt efficient (tram,train,bus etc)
yes mmg ade congestion (mcm kat central London on peak hour) tp ia adelah seimbang dgn jumlah org yg duduk situ.

basically,we need to learn to use energy efficiently at all level.Dari rumah ke bisnes,kite kena revamp our attitude towards energy usage.(Aku dah lama start dgn buat SOHO,hari2 bgn pagi sarapan dgn family lps tu jln skit bukak laptop buat keje sebelah dinner hall) Kalau ade appointment dgn client je baru pakai kereta (jumpe kat opis diorng or lunch sama2)

because our attitude jugak la kite guna tanah x efisien.Sbb kite punye culture so vehivle oriented kite bnyk spend our land just for jalanraya.the effect is that bnyk area dlm bandar isolated to each other sampai susah nak cross jalanraya (opposite to European cities where it is so pedestrian friendly)

aku kat sini mmg hari2 jln kaki or naik public transportation,even kat mesia kalau aku nak pegi KL aku amik Komuter or bas shj pastu naik LRT.cume kalau perlu aje aku bwk keter.kwn aku dari Kajang ke Bangsar setiap hari pegi keje naik bas jugak.

i see this as a good thing because in the long run kite bole jd negara yg green,yg guna tenaga sgt efisien dan x membazir.

What ever you said above, who's fault is that, if not the government? Isn't that a symptom of bad planning and management on the government level? Itu belum kira the monopoly system that exists in KL lagi. Tell me how many companies that provides public transport in KL? there's only 2, KTM and Rapid KL. Kalau ko nak bukak kompeni bas kat KL tak boleh, sebab kena monopoli oleh satu pihak sahaja. Ko nak bawak teksi, nak dapat permit sendiri bukan main susah, kena dapat from those crony companies and be prepared to be slaughtered alive. Aku dah duduk kat KL for nearly 10 years dah, from what i gather from people who has been staying here, the public transport network is getting worse and worse. Especially after minibuses are banned.

Ko ingat aku tak pernah naik public transport ke?

Dulu aku duduk kat Taman Connaught KL, and I work in Bangi. Aku pegi kerja terpaksa travel macam ni just to arrive at Bangi at 9:00 in the morning->

House to KL = Bus @ 6:30 Cost RM1.50
KL To Bandar Tasik Selatan = LRT Cost RM1.80
Bandar Tasik Selatan to UKM = Komuter Cost RM2.50
UKM to My work place = Bus Cost RM1

I had to take 4 different modes of transportion to get to work. Tu belum kira balik lagi. Travel time lama gila pasal jem dan sebagainya. On the good days pukul 8 baru sampai rumah. Normal arrival time 9:00 malam.

Ko ingat aku nak sangat ke pakai kereta? Dah la kereta kat Malaysia mahal nak mampus. Even protons are cheaper else where but malaysia...

Besides ko ingat semua orang boleh jadi kaya raya, abis macam mana dengan government servants? Teachers, Police Officers, what about them?

Ubah gaya hidup? apa yang nak ubah kalau there is not much that we can change to begin with.

I do agree with you on a certain extent that Kampung folks live a more content and simpler life, due to the close proximity of their work place and home. But sadly the fact is, not everybody can be a farmer la kawan.

About working SOHO, Unless you own the company, is not likely you will be able to do that. What about those workers yang nak kena pantau kerja dia, deadline oriented line of work like mine...
Can you feel the groove?
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
Posts: 2198
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

adzakael wrote:
wealth as in what?
wealth in information? (diorng pandai main Internet gak ape,Astro pon ade)
monetary wealth? (itu atas hasil ladang sendri la)
knowledge wealth?(dah kalu dah pandai main Internet...)
facilities? (this is important)

org kampung punye lifestyle tak memerlukan kos sara hidup yg tinggi
therefore they tend to make more money than urban ppl.
kalau nak distribute wealth,i say it must be more on facilities.

in a sense,org kampung sebenarnya lebih maju dr org bandar
the lifestyle is very green and efficient
the methodology and philosophy used by org kampung since zaman dulu enable them to use less resources than us while at the same time preserving their environment.

this is what Malaysian urban ppl fail to do.

let see,org kampung sllnye duduk dekat dgn tempat kerja (ladang sawit blakang umah je),this methodology is actually same as in European cities and every city that modeled after it.
org kampung punye environment sgt la dekat dgn pokok,taman etc,this methodology has been also used by the Europeans since zaman dahulu dan still being used until today (bandar dlm taman,green boulevard etc) ie. Paris.
org kampung suka berkebun,westerners pun same jugak walaupun space kecik (siap ade tong recycle makanan jd baja kompos lagi)

since the cities design were not vehicle oriented,public transportation bole run tersgt efficient (tram,train,bus etc)
yes mmg ade congestion (mcm kat central London on peak hour) tp ia adelah seimbang dgn jumlah org yg duduk situ.

basically,we need to learn to use energy efficiently at all level.Dari rumah ke bisnes,kite kena revamp our attitude towards energy usage.(Aku dah lama start dgn buat SOHO,hari2 bgn pagi sarapan dgn family lps tu jln skit bukak laptop buat keje sebelah dinner hall) Kalau ade appointment dgn client je baru pakai kereta (jumpe kat opis diorng or lunch sama2)

because our attitude jugak la kite guna tanah x efisien.Sbb kite punye culture so vehivle oriented kite bnyk spend our land just for jalanraya.the effect is that bnyk area dlm bandar isolated to each other sampai susah nak cross jalanraya (opposite to European cities where it is so pedestrian friendly)

aku kat sini mmg hari2 jln kaki or naik public transportation,even kat mesia kalau aku nak pegi KL aku amik Komuter or bas shj pastu naik LRT.cume kalau perlu aje aku bwk keter.kwn aku dari Kajang ke Bangsar setiap hari pegi keje naik bas jugak.

i see this as a good thing because in the long run kite bole jd negara yg green,yg guna tenaga sgt efisien dan x membazir.

aku lagi peduli psl kebersihan air dari minyak sbb in the end kalau aku tersadai kat padang pasir,aku mesti nak minum air,petrol mane leh buat minum.(Kat ostrelia ni,diorng takde kecoh2 psl minyak naik sgt,ye la kalu dah sejak 10 tahun lps minyak nye price mmg x stabil,TAPI diorng mmg betul marah kalau ade org membazir air,siap masuk tv lagi org yg membazir air tu,since water is so scarce right now)

You speak as if we have the facilities to actually do all those things you say. Wake up! We live in a country where all these facilities just dont exist.

Recycling facilities (Takde) ..kalau ade pun dulu..memang hangat2 taik ayam kempen recycling kat Malaysia ni.

Public Transport (Takde) Which is causing us to become more vehicle orientated. No choice. Nak jalan kaki? hell even depan rumah pavement pun takde.

Kat uk anywhere you go mesti ada pavement for pedestrians and cyclists. Its the LAW for developers to provide them. That includes all govt and commercial buildings... Don't get me started to Disabled access lagi..

Malaysia ade ke laws like this in place... kalau ade pun, ada ke diorang enforce?

Inefficiencies in the use of land (Sapa punya fault if not the govt?)

I for one am all for the points that you stated. I agree with you. TETAPI the way you convey your ideas is as if Malaysia has a uber network of public transportation. I would love for this nation to be a green one... lega sikit asthma aku. Wink

So this is the POINT I have been trying to get through you. "Malaysians would mind so much of the price hike if the govt uses that money to put the infrastructure in place. Only then it will be seen by the rakyat as a positive move. Ini tidak, janji nak buat, tapi asyik mungkir janji aja. Itulah sebab rata2 everyone feels like we have been robbed! It's daylight robbery!!!

So please la brother, pull your head out of your arse and come out of that utopian idea of yours. We are talking in the sense of the CURRENT situation in Malaysia. Not what it should be. Everyone has ideas of what Malaysia should be.

In the mean time we work for all this to happen, tak wajar kerajaan membebankan rakyat sampai macam ni sekali. We are all but human and we need to feed ourselves and our families whilst we strive for perfection.

Bukan strive to be a rip-off nation!!!
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