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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:36 am    Post subject: Fuel Price Reply with quote

Joined: 20 Jun 2005
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Location: Mont Kiara

Aik.. dulu bukan main berapi bila harga minyak naik.

Skang masing2 senyap? Very Happy

Seronok bejalan agaknye...

Rasanya kat mesia 1.90 seliter kan?

Puas ati? Laughing
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 24 Nov 2003
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Location: Agombak Ago go!

turun takpa.
naik takleh.. korupsi. Laughing
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 18 Jan 2004
Posts: 386

ala biase la
adat perangai manusia

tp jgn lak melatah bile harga minyak naik balik
so skarang ni
memasing harusla bersiap sedia menghadapi keadaan akan dtg
sejarah akan berulang sekali lagi
maka bilamana ia berlaku
janganlah kita menyalahkan sesama sendiri
kerana kita telah diberi peringatan
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 02 Mar 2004
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Jangan jadi bodoh, takkan minyak turun nak bising lagi... unless orang bahlul... lain la...

But in all seriousness, we in malaysia are effectively paying tax for fuel now... crude oil price is below 40 dollars, yet we are still paying way above than what it should be.

Buta je orang malaysia kena
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

adzakael wrote:
ala biase la
adat perangai manusia

tp jgn lak melatah bile harga minyak naik balik
so skarang ni
memasing harusla bersiap sedia menghadapi keadaan akan dtg
sejarah akan berulang sekali lagi
maka bilamana ia berlaku
janganlah kita menyalahkan sesama sendiri
kerana kita telah diberi peringatan

You are such a cockknobber you are...
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 20 Jun 2005
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Location: Mont Kiara

owh well.
Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 18 Jan 2004
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utk mengulas lg ape yg freqzz ckp
sesungguhnya mmg manusia dijadikan sbg makhluk yg pelupa,suka merungut dan kedekut
(lgpun kata akar manusia,insan,adalah bermaksud pelupa)
jd mmg aku x terkejut la bile freqzz buat ulasan camtu

bacaan tambahan

Tehran to reform subsidy scheme for oil products
Published: 4th January 2009

TEHRAN: Iran will begin deregulating the heavily subsidised prices for oil products in three stages in the year starting in March.

Deputy oil minister in charge of planning Akbar Torkan said it was part of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's economic reform plan that includes increasing energy prices and paying direct subsidies to the needy people instead.

The president's reform bill was presented to parliament on Tuesday, which voted to debate it swiftly.

The plan needs parliament's approval before implementation.

"The deregulation of the prices of oil products, such as petrol and gas oil, will be done in three phases next year," Torkan said, referring to the next Iranian year which starts on March 21.

Iran is the world's fourth-largest exporter of crude, but lacks enough refining capacity to meet domestic petrol needs, forcing it to import large amounts which it then sells at subsidised prices, burdening the country's budget.

Seeking to curb soaring consumption, Iran launched rationing in 2007 that limited how much petrol motorists could buy at the heavily subsidised rated of 1,000 rials (about 10 US cents). Any additional fuel costs four times more.

When presenting his bill, Ahmadinejad told MPs targeting subsidies could not be done without making prices "as real as possible".

Other officials have previously said the country planned to gradually cut the amount of subsidised petrol sold from this year and completely eliminate such subsidies by 2011.

Torkan repeated Ahmadinejad's comments that subsidies would be directly paid to those most in need.

"We believe that subsidies should be paid to those in need in cash because the consequences of hiking energy prices show themselves more on the most needy," he said.

Officials say that, under the current system, subsidies often most benefit wealthier Iranians rather than the poorest which they are aimed to help.

© Gulf Daily News

terpiki gak aku
kenape pengeluar crude oil ke-4 terbesar ni tetiba nak hapuskan subsidi minyaknye dlm masa 2 tahun lagi?
hmmm nampaknye mcm akan ade riot lagi kat Iran ni
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Wait... we are talking about the fuel here in Malaysia..not in Iran.. I couldn't give a rats arse about the fuel prices in Iran and whether they are getting subsidised or not.

I guess your average motorist here in Malaysia also could not give a rats arse about the Iranians too.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Location: Mont Kiara


But on the other hand. The point is, it doesnt make any sense at all.

"sesungguhnya mmg manusia dijadikan sbg makhluk yg pelupa,suka merungut dan kedekut"

Thats what i said.

Merungut.. merungut.. dan merungut..

Agak orang tembak je point. Tutup thread.

Oops! Razz
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 20 Jun 2005
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Location: Mont Kiara

GryMlock wrote:
turun takpa.
naik takleh.. korupsi. Laughing

Haha.. betul...

Korupsi sana sini.

Bende besar pun mahu korup..

Benda kecik pun mahu korup?


Are we talking about money corruption or


ala.. yang ada kuasa untuk buat seka hati je tuh.. itu kan?

Oops! Razz
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 11 Dec 2004
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Sebenarnya korupsi ni dah diamalkan sejak awal lagi, satu contoh mudah kat tempat aku ni ramai student yang ponteng kuliah tapi suruh member sign attendance untuk pihaknya. Tu belum cerita staff yg guna harta pejabat utk kegunaan peribadi. Kesimpulannya, kita pulak macamana?
Gelanggang guitar :
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 18 Jan 2004
Posts: 386

Sesungguhnya manusia mmg suka merungut
bila benda tak baik berlaku ke atasnya dia akan merungut
bila benda baik berlaku keatasnya dia akan menjadi kedekut
itu mmg adat perangai manusia

sbb tu aku ckp bacaan tambahan
ia hanya utk org2 yg mahu berfikir
utk dia faham dan amik iktibar
ye la aku ingat lagi ade setengah org dok compare Malaysia dgn negara2 pengeluar minyak besar lain
how negara pengeluar minyak lain bg subsidi kat rakyat dia
dan mempersoalkan knp mesia sbg negara pengeluar minyak jugak takleh bg subsidi bnyk mcm diorng ni
tp kalu tak mau berfikir biar la
aku tak terkejut pun
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 20 Jun 2005
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Location: Mont Kiara

aku setuju.

so jgn la nak membebel bila harga naik.

kalau setakat tau cerita dari surface je kan.

ini tidak, sikit-sikit merungut.

aku pun marah mula-mula harga minyak naik. tp bila tgk facts, ada betul jugak.

ini kata dok membesar, merantau pg negara org dr kecik sampai besar, tp bila kena cuit sikit, bukan trigger otak utk berpikir, tapi trigger mulut nak maki sana sini.

isk isk isk.

aku pun kadang2 mcm tu gak. hehehehe..

well, we have our own days kan.

Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 24 Nov 2003
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takbleh2. harga naik mesti kena bebel. itu hari naik banyak sial. aku yg pakai kancil ni pun senak rasa. cam nak pengsan cari freelance job.

anyway aku dulu pernah kerja kat petrol stesen kat amarika (ya orang pi study aku pi kerja kat stesen minyak)

weekly task yg aku menyampah gila is tukar harga minyak kat pricesign dia. dah la tinggi nak mampus, pastu kena tukar pakai galah beb. lekat keping nombor2 tu kat ujung galah pastu terhegeh2 nak aim kasi selit celah board tinggi tu. dah la tu..tag tu kadang tgh aku jolok2 naik atas sket lagi bleh plak melayang jatuh. ada skali jatuh dia cam friesbie plak melayang ketengah jalan. kecoh. dah la silap sket jek kat sana senang2 jek orang nak saman. Sendiri terpelecok depan kedai pun nak saman kedai.

*note : ok doesn't look that high in this pic but serious aku rasa tempat aku kerja dulu mmg lagi tinggi. either that or aku yg pendek sgt kot hehe.

bayangkan la seorang lelaki pendek tgh tertenjet2 kaki kat tepi price board tu. terjolok2 dgn galah seketul..caner nak tekel awek omputeh camtu. tak glemer langsung. aku tak ingat harga berapa but eveytime harga naik or turun, mmg aku protes ah. hahah

anyway, back to issue minyak. interesting to know Iran pun nak cut subsidi minyak diorang. IRan tu!
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 20 Jun 2005
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Location: Mont Kiara

isk x la ajeep.

ko tinggi la. betul.. aku x tipu.

tulah, aku rasa negara yang x membebel cuma negara brunei je.

jadik la ape pun, aku x dgr pun diorang bising. huhu..

ajeep, dok US kerja kat pam minyak.. teringat plak aku..

"sepuluh ka.. dua puluh ka... penuhhhhhhhhhhhh" Razz

jangan marah ajeep. happy new year..
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