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 LIVE BAND AT SHAH ALAM -CABARAN BUAT SANG JUARA FATAMORGANA « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 30 Aug 2006
Posts: 416


apa maksud lagu "indie"? apa konsep lagu ni?


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 24 Nov 2003
Posts: 3699
Location: Agombak Ago go!

maksudnya lagu from independent artist. can be in any concept.

definisi independent artist/band/music has always been a hot topic especially now when independent music is getting the hype. Semua orang wants to be associated with the word independent and various intrepretation pun keluar. maybe i-bands should outline our own definition of independent band/independent music? new topic for discussion? mau ka? we can discuss, argue and at the end kita publish kat web nih.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 12:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 26 Aug 2008
Posts: 108

indie... mcm independent day key?
mentang2 la nk 31 ogos ni....

tp kne gak la dgn tema

xde indie gathering session ke sempena independent day ni????
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:28 am    Post subject: touching Reply with quote

Joined: 28 Jun 2008
Posts: 1429
Location: Shah Alam

Salamz all i-banders,

...wa siap g kt soundman lg...watpe?kasi sound kat tu man...
but the most important thing here is, u must know ur right,
if u got, yes u have,
if u dont, but u interupted, means u disturbing,
then u know what will be happen,
but inside here is only a forum, we are one of the forumer,
plz correct me if im wrong,

but now im skt perut, selagi x bg tau, tetap memulas, so aku tls gak ar,
today ive received about 6 or 7 msg, pm and call from some body who never contact me b4, and i never know who re they, but confirm, they re i-banders or even guest also,

the point is, all of them support that event have done & sucess, thanx to them, all of their words make me feel touching man.... but im realy appreciated it.
and believe me,
that i understand what all of u, feel outside there...
i dont know why im feel so touching at this time,
any way, my stomach already lega after i throw out what im feelg from the bottom of my heart..
bley wat lagu siot...

btw, thanx 2 bro campa

campa wrote:
bro fata
dr 1 sudut, yes u were rite..

tp utk wat org dpt terima apa yg kite nk sampaikan perlukan proper manner / approach bro... terlalu jujur pn boleh wat org bengkak hati.. even u say the bloody truth....
bukan semua org leh terima cara kita, style kita..
bak kata org, masuk kandang ayam.. berkokok...
masuk kandang rimau.. mati...

apapon, terpulanglah... dada sendiri2 punya.. tepuk la dada sendiri. xkn nk org len tepuk kan plak.. berdarah plak kang....

nk org senang dgn lu or nk org menyampah dgn lu...

facts is facts... betul kita ckp betul... no argue...
apa2 jela...

Hepi besday ajeeb

(xpasal2 plak aku nih)
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:50 am    Post subject: sinar Reply with quote

Joined: 28 Jun 2008
Posts: 1429
Location: Shah Alam

Saper2 yg g tgk sinar FM show kat Dataran MPPJ mlm td,
tlg share komen kat cni, aku mis lar,
Rusty Blade
& sape lagik eh
OrangeMusicStudioShahAlam since2004 call 0123-12345-0 for booking, MarshallTubeMA100&4x12",VS100&4x12", MG100DFX,LaneyTFX3hybrid UK, PeaveyCombo300,Hiwatt300,Hartke2500-2x10",hybridheadHartkeHA3500-Ashdown4x10"cab, SabianB8,StaggDH,PearlExportSeries&YamahaStageCustome,c/w twinpaddle, TamaImperial, IbanezGRX,SDGR, WashburnX10, YamahaRBX,EG303, VantageCustom, BossMT2,BF2,CH1,DD3,DS1, BehringerMultieffect, MegaHalfStack, - Linda
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:42 am    Post subject: as'kum... Reply with quote

Joined: 07 Aug 2009
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Location: shah alam

saye ade pegi konsert sinar fm kt dataran MPPJ...
ermmm...nk kate hampa pon ade nk kate enjoy pon ade..
yg m'hampakan adalah semase band MAY wat live..
aduh saket aty tgk..BASS lansung x dega.. Crying or Very sad
saket aty aku..
tp mase WINGS wat live bunyi semue ok...
cume ade la 1-2 kali gitar joe x bunyi..
tue biase la kan..hihhih...
ape pon RUSTY BLADE punye live mmg best gile..
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:30 pm    Post subject: Re: as'kum... Reply with quote

Joined: 12 Jul 2009
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Location: Shah Alam

dauzz wrote:
saye ade pegi konsert sinar fm kt dataran MPPJ...
ermmm...nk kate hampa pon ade nk kate enjoy pon ade..
yg m'hampakan adalah semase band MAY wat live..
aduh saket aty tgk..BASS lansung x dega.. Crying or Very sad
saket aty aku..
tp mase WINGS wat live bunyi semue ok...
cume ade la 1-2 kali gitar joe x bunyi..
tue biase la kan..hihhih...
ape pon RUSTY BLADE punye live mmg best gile..

macam mana boleh jadi macam tu...
diorg kan profesional???
Kalo fata pergi sana dah tentu dia mengamok sakan
kan kan kan
tentu dia cakap May dan WINGs hancusss..
Ko pergi ke x fata...
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 18 Nov 2004
Posts: 1731

bro, dia layan dream theater je, may ngan wing dia mana layan..
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:23 am    Post subject: Layanzzzzzzzzzzz........... Reply with quote

Joined: 07 Aug 2009
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Location: shah alam

tue la pasal..aku pon t'kejut gak..
bkn nye cikai nye band..dh bertahun dieorg maen..
dh otai...yang bengang nye..die nye PA bkn jauh sgt..
atas pentas jer beb..xkn x dega benda x bunyi..
kalu mcm nie la nye PA ner la nk maju
indusrti music tanah air..aku dok bkn jauh..dpn pentas jer..
itu pon x dega bunyi..
itu la yg terjadi semase konsert search...
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 24 Dec 2008
Posts: 16

MY-MIC wrote:

apa maksud lagu "indie"? apa konsep lagu ni?



i think what meant by bro fata is majority concept of songs dalam dunia independent band sekarang la kot. Kan ke ada satu pattern dominant genre untuk independent band...pada aku la. Tune yang bebas dari pengaruh kebiasaan yang dahulunya.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:22 am    Post subject: Re: touching Reply with quote

Joined: 24 Dec 2008
Posts: 16

boyroy wrote:
Salamz all i-banders,

...wa siap g kt soundman lg...watpe?kasi sound kat tu man...
but the most important thing here is, u must know ur right,
if u got, yes u have,
if u dont, but u interupted, means u disturbing,
then u know what will be happen,
but inside here is only a forum, we are one of the forumer,
plz correct me if im wrong,

but now im skt perut, selagi x bg tau, tetap memulas, so aku tls gak ar,
today ive received about 6 or 7 msg, pm and call from some body who never contact me b4, and i never know who re they, but confirm, they re i-banders or even guest also,

the point is, all of them support that event have done & sucess, thanx to them, all of their words make me feel touching man.... but im realy appreciated it.
and believe me,
that i understand what all of u, feel outside there...
i dont know why im feel so touching at this time,
any way, my stomach already lega after i throw out what im feelg from the bottom of my heart..
bley wat lagu siot...


Haaa...aku bley agak la apsal hang rasa "so touching" this time and why hang kene "let go from bottom of your heart" yang IM hang dapat ni mesti dari awex kannnnn......muahahaha Laughing Laughing Laughing
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
Mod Squad

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Location: Mines resort city

Walau cam mana pun gua kena tabik spring dengan saudara boroy.
- pada gua tak kisah la band perform bagus or tak bagus yg penting ada peluang pendedahan.
- kita lahir pun tak terus belari.
- cuma gua otoman jer yg lahir jer terus terbang... kakakakakak.
- mintak maaf geng gua tak dapat mai.
- buat banyak lagi beb.

Masing masing ada point kat sini.
- cuma kengkadang masing masing dah biasa terdengar kritakan AF la, idol la dan sebagainya.
- Kira pedas straight foward.
- Tapi kat forum ne ia tak sepatutnya bergitu.
- kalo ada yg kita tak stuju or tak suka or nak kondem, ada ayat yg lebih sesuai.
- Supaya tak keluar bebenda sakit hati dan sebagainya.
- kata orang forum pun bukan tempat bertekak nak hilang stress kena tengking bos or bini... kakkakkaak.

Kalo u rasa ia sesuatu yg tak bagus, sebaiknya itu pendapat anda sendiri, bukan pendapat kengkawan u, or saudara mara u or pihak ABCD sebagainya. Dan kalo nak kata sesuatu benda tu salah, tunjukkan juga mana yg betulnya. kalo nak bagi tau sesuatu tu sesuai, bagi tau la mana yg sesuainya. Mana ada benda dalam dunia ne perfect sangat.

Belajar cara nak attack pendapat orang before u start to write somthing tooot.
- Supaya u bukan attack orangnya.
- kalo kita nak kata U er right, tak semestinya kita kena buktikan they er wrong.
- kengkadang menerangkan idea yg kita ada, lebih baik berbanding dok kondem tanpa sebarang idea bernas.
- kata orang ada 10 orang buat kerja lagi bagus berbanding 100 orang kerja bercakap. Tapi orang yg kerja bercakap ne pun ada kepentingannya juga. Kena ada. tak boleh tak ada.
- Masing masing dah besar.

Aper aper pun bertukar pendapat tu penting, cuma jangan kecik ati la kalo pendapat kita tak diterima orang.
- sebenarnya ini nasihat utk gua sendiri... kakkakkaka
Maiden, loudness, ACDC, black sabath, deep purple, jimmi and vinnie moore

And Now all jazz.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 17 Feb 2004
Posts: 1100

nah.. lock topik nih.. (eh aku bukan moderator da...) Very Happy
save me from myself of what's left of my soul after I've sold some part of it
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 26 Aug 2008
Posts: 108

selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan al nubarak
yg mana didalamnya diturunkan quran al karim....
moga org2 terdahulu sblm kta dicucuri rahmat...
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
Mod Squad

Joined: 29 Oct 2004
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Location: Mines resort city

poundcake wrote:
nah.. lock topik nih.. (eh aku bukan moderator da...) Very Happy

apply laaa.
- tarak borang punya, pm bosss.
- hahahahahaha.
Maiden, loudness, ACDC, black sabath, deep purple, jimmi and vinnie moore

And Now all jazz.
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