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 Kenapa sound gitar aku berpasir2 pasiran? « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:40 pm    Post subject: Kenapa sound gitar aku berpasir2 pasiran? Reply with quote

Joined: 10 Aug 2009
Posts: 214
Location: Johore

Salam i-banders...sebenarnya aku tak tau nak bertanya mcm aku cuba jgk utk majukan diri aku..hehe..dah 3 hari aku aku nak bertanya la..haha..
1st,dah 2 hari aku try cari sound aku (berat2 gitu) utk recording lagu..aku guna Amplitube VST,Line6 toneport GX n gita ibanez GIO.yg aku pening kenapa aku x bleh dpt sound yg btol2 cantik?maksudnya xde bunyi2 pasir(term org kampung)...distortion gita semua balance etc....
aku guna amplitube,but aku off cabinet n gantikan dgn SIR2:

ni hasil sound gitar aku...buruk n berpasir2an ibarat berterabur di tepian pantai...

Persoalannya,apa yang harus aku buat untuk menyedapkan lagi sound gita aku without pasir?ataupun gita aku yg tak mencapai specs recording?ada sapa2 bleh tlg ajar settings amplitube?thanx..
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
Mod Squad

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biasanya kalau berpasir ko nak kene pakai impulses,, tapi ko dah pakai impulses.. ko pakai impulses ape? (ape setting sir2 ko?) aku jarang pakai benda tuh,, aku suka yg simple punya cam kefir..hahaha.. aku punya amplitube kalau tak pakai cabinet impulses takde plak masalah berpasir sangat. melainkan amplitube metal. yg lain aku tak pakai impulses... aku kalau pakai interface macam m-audio 2496, maya44,tascam us-428, or creative x-fi,, aku rasa macam something tak kene ngan sound gitar aku(untuk record guitar with amplitube). tak tahu lah aku tak explore2 betol2 lagi pasal tuh,.. untuk record guitar aku pakai behringer guitar link,, no problem at all, sound cantek.. masa mixing baru pakai interface lain...
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 10 Aug 2009
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Location: Johore

Erylasia wrote:
biasanya kalau berpasir ko nak kene pakai impulses,, tapi ko dah pakai impulses.. ko pakai impulses ape? (ape setting sir2 ko?) aku jarang pakai benda tuh,, aku suka yg simple punya cam kefir..hahaha.. aku punya amplitube kalau tak pakai cabinet impulses takde plak masalah berpasir sangat. melainkan amplitube metal. yg lain aku tak pakai impulses... aku kalau pakai interface macam m-audio 2496, maya44,tascam us-428, or creative x-fi,, aku rasa macam something tak kene ngan sound gitar aku(untuk record guitar with amplitube). tak tahu lah aku tak explore2 betol2 lagi pasal tuh,.. untuk record guitar aku pakai behringer guitar link,, no problem at all, sound cantek.. masa mixing baru pakai interface lain...

erm..tue la aku confuse.....hang dari dulu kata nak lego maya44...btoi or tak nie?kot2 aku bleh test ke..huhu..
masalah pasir nie aku dah detect aku chck wiring dlm rupanya wayar bumi putus..maybe la psl tue kot...(btol ke?)hehe
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
Mod Squad

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hahahah, entahlah,.. setahu aku guitar berpasir nih sebab Cabinet simulation tuh. kalau ko pakai podx3 ke, v-amp ke, zoom ke,, semua ade jugak masalah cabinet nih,,.. dia punya hi eq semacam bunyi contrast kasar. tak macam hang miking capture pakai mic,, baru sedap... tapi impulses responses ni dulu orang jarang pakai sebab makan cpu banyak, tapi sekarang dah ade vst cam sir2, kefir, voxengo yg dah bleh realtime drive cabinet punya impulses..hahaha.. cuba hang buat parallel bus kat guitar tuh maybe dia punya warm lagi kedepan.. cth- 2 track riff ko (left,right) ko send kat satu bus, kat bus plak ko add satu buss send kat situ(Parallel bus), yg parallel tuh ko taruk comp. cth waves SSL bus Comp.. , waves Rcomp or Ccomp,. atau mana2 lah plugin compressor ko..
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Joined: 18 Nov 2004
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ikut aku dengar ni, guitar ko takde cabinet atau cabinet slow sgt. dlm setting SIR2 tu, offkan DRY signal. ONkan wet sahaja.

kalau berpasir jugak.
1) Low Pass 13khz.
2) Narrow cut somehere kat 2-6k bergantung kepada cabinet dan preamp. Narrow cut tu maksudnya ko onkan Waves Q10 Parametric EQ, setkan Q dia dlm 20 atau lebih. pastu decrese dlm -8db ikut suka ko.
3) kalau ko pakai podfarm treadplate punya cabinet, narrow cut kat 4khz.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 17 Feb 2004
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yg ni lah yg mat salleh selalu dok panggil "shrill".. kot?
save me from myself of what's left of my soul after I've sold some part of it
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 10:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 30 Aug 2006
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kau tak suka guna your gearbox software ke? i think, it's not bad. ramai geng i-bands guna POD software and sound dia semua bagus2.

good luck!

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 10 Aug 2009
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Location: Johore

MY-MIC wrote:

kau tak suka guna your gearbox software ke? i think, it's not bad. ramai geng i-bands guna POD software and sound dia semua bagus2.

good luck!


hehe...sedang2 mencuba....tengah berlatih guna gearbox...nnti ada hasil aku kongsi ye abe zham....
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