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cartman, eric
PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 4:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 05 Jan 2006
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gig kat Kota Bharu pernah ade, kena raid jugak tapi tak kena tangkap,
Polis suruh bersurai... Evil or Very Mad
"Jean Claude Van Damme is back. In the same crap you've seen over and over, and over again"
Pablo Franscisco stand up routine
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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'Saya insaf...' pengakuan bekas ahli kumpulan black metal


"KAU ni tak habis-habis menyusahkan aku. Lebih baik kau pergi mati daripada hidup membebankan aku saja," jerkah ibu tirinya bagai singa lapar yang ingin menerkam mangsanya.

Dia hanya mampu terdiam. Kadangkala, dia sendiri tidak tahu apa lagi kesalahan yang telah dilakukannya. Seboleh-bolehnya dia tidak mahu menimbulkan kemarahan wanita yang dikahwini ayahnya sepuluh tahun lalu.

"Apakah ini satu kesalahan hanya kerana menumpang kasih pada ibu yang tidak melahirkan aku?" Pertanyaan demi pertanyaan mula bersarang di hatinya hingga membuatkan dia runsing dan keliru dengan ketentuan takdir Tuhan.

Akhirnya, jiwa remaja yang memberontak merangsang keinginannya untuk lari dari rumah dan membebaskan diri daripada cengkaman ibu tiri yang tidak pernah menyayanginya apatah lagi melayaninya sebagai seorang anak.

Pada usia semuda 14 tahun, Aidil (bukan nama sebenar) mengambil keputusan hidup berdikari bersama kawan-kawannya. Baginya, dunia luar lebih menarik daripada hidup dicaci dan dimaki saban hari. Apa yang diperlukan ialah mencari duit untuk kelangsungan hidupnya seharian.

Tanpa disedari, Aidil mula terlibat dengan kumpulan black metal akibat pengaruh kawan-kawan dan kurangnya kasih sayang ibu bapa. Kita ikuti pengakuan daripada Aidil yang kini sedang menjalani rawatan pemulihan di Rumah Sahabat Perkid (Pusat Kebajikan Darul Islah Selangor), Gombak sejak dua minggu lalu:

"Terus terang, saya tidak tahan dimarahi setiap hari. Sejak kecil saya tidak pernah mendapat belaian kasih seorang ibu yang meninggal dunia semasa saya masih kecil. Lagipun, saya anak bongsu. Setelah ayah berkahwin lain, saya berharap akan mendapat seorang ibu yang penyayang dan menerima saya seadanya. Tetapi apa yang saya dapat ialah cacian dan makian daripadanya. Malah kami juga dibezakan dengan anak-anak kandungnya. Saya cemburu dan benci dengan keadaan itu. Akhirnya, saya lari dari rumah.

"Dengan keadaan diri yang tidak terurus dan hilang tempat berteduh, tidak sangka ada kawan-kawan yang sudi membantu. Saya tinggal bersama-sama dengan mereka dan berhenti sekolah. Minat pada pelajaran pun dah lenyap. Semua kawan-kawan saya berumur 18 tahun dan paling muda, 12 tahun. Saya selalu mendapat pujian daripada mereka dan rasa seperti dihargai berbanding dengan keluarga sendiri.

"Mereka pernah cakap, kalau saya hendak menjadi lebih kuat dan ada geng sendiri, saya boleh sertai kumpulan black metal. Pada mulanya saya takut kerana saya tahu kumpulan ini selalunya ada pemujaan pada syaitan dan boleh memesongkan akidah. Walaupun saya lari dari rumah dan tidak berminat pada pelajaran, tidak bermakna saya sanggup menggadaikan agama. Saya beritahu mereka, saya tak sanggup dan ingin mencari duit bagi menampung kehidupan.


"Namun, segala-galanya berubah dalam sekelip mata. Kami selalunya bergaduh dengan kumpulan punk sama ada menggunakan kayu ataupun batu bata. Sebelum bergaduh hari itu, kami mabuk dan masing-masing ingin menunjukkan kekuatan. Saya dan rakan-rakan juga diberikan sejenis pil dan saya telan lima biji sekali untuk tahan rasa sakit apabila dipukul. Memang teruk saya kena sampai pernah retak tulang kaki. Pengikut kumpulan punk menolak black metal kerana adanya upacara pemujaan.

"Apabila saya melihat kekuatan dengan adanya kumpulan yang sanggup sama-sama susah, akhirnya saya tewas pada pujukan mereka. Untuk menjadi pengikut black metal, kami perlu menjalani satu upacara sujud pada ketua yang dipanggil 'King'. Daripada tutur kata dan lenggok bahasanya, ketua kami berasal dari Indonesia dan boleh bersilat dengan baik. Saya juga difahamkan, 'King' tidak menganuti sebarang agama.

"Kemudiannya kami akan duduk dalam bulatan yang dikelilingi lilin. Selepas itu ketua meminta kami menoreh tangan masing-masing dan bermulalah upacara minum darah antara pengikut. Darah merah pekat yang mengalir saya tadah dengan tangan dan minum. Loyanya hanya Allah yang tahu. Semasa darah yang diteguk mengalir di tekak, saya sedar kesalahan yang dilakukan dan terbayang wajah ayah. Betapa kalau ayah tahu mesti dia kecewa.

"Selesai upacara tersebut, kami diberikan sebuah kitab black metal bertulisan jawi. Saya tidak boleh baca sebab tidak faham tulisannya. Seterusnya kami diminta menyembah syaitan yang kesemuanya ada sembilan dewa dan disuruh menghafal lirik-lirik lagu dalam bahasa Arab. Maksud dan maknanya juga saya tidak faham. Saya hanya mengikut.

"Bayangkan, harga kitab itu cuma RM5 tetapi sesiapa yang berjaya menjualnya akan diberikan ganjaran RM50 sebuah. Dalam tempoh dua minggu, saya boleh memperoleh pendapatan sebanyak RM200 hanya dengan menjual empat kitab. Betapa lumayan ganjaran yang mereka berikan kepada pengikut black metal yang berjaya menjual kitab tersebut.


"Pada masa yang sama, ayah selalu memujuk agar saya pulang ke rumah dan tinggal bersamanya. Sebelum menjalani upacara tersebut, saya pernah balik ke rumah tetapi tidak lama. Kali ini saya cuba dengar cakap ayah dan tinggal beberapa hari di rumah. Agaknya Allah ingin memberi petunjuk agar saya tidak terlanjur lebih jauh, kitab itu tertinggal di rumah ayah semasa saya mengambil keputusan untuk kembali tinggal bersama kawan-kawan.

"Akhirnya ayah bawa kitab itu ke balai polis dan laporkan kepada pihak berkuasa. Ramai kawan-kawan saya tertangkap dan ada juga yang terlepas. Kini saya bersyukur kerana Tuhan menyelamatkan saya lebih awal.

"Saya juga berharap kawan-kawan yang masih di luar sana agar kembali ke pangkal jalan dan sedarlah bahawa apa yang kita lakukan sekarang adalah salah di sisi agama.

"Kini saya menjalani hidup yang lebih bermakna bersama dengan rakan-rakan di sini. Insya-Allah dengan bimbingan Ustaz Hanafiah, saya berharap dapat membina hidup baru dan menyambung kembali persekolahan yang tertangguh dulu."

Aidil kini berusia 15 tahun. Hampir dua tahun bergelumang dengan dunia black metal ternyata Aidil sedar akan perbuatannya yang terpesong akidah, namun apa yang boleh dilakukannya. Mujur ada tindakan daripada pihak berkuasa dan rumah perlindungan yang membantunya membina semula nilai-nilai murni dalam dirinya yang telah lama hilang.

remember that article?
ok, now i have to inform u guys something

aku baru borak dgn sorang pegawai ABIM
artikel kat atas tu,die ade skali masa wartawan tu interview budak tu

the thing is
ade bnyk lagi crucial points dlm interview tu wartawan tu tak masukkan
point2 yg bakal change the direction of the situation skarang ni
pegawai tu sendri tak puas hati dgn artikel kat atas ni

aku ade mintak a copy of the kitab rm5 tu
hopefully bole dpt dlm masa terdekat ni
bole kite sesame tgk betul ke kitab ni kitab Black Metal
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 2:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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looking forward to take a look at it
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cartman, eric
PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 9:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 05 Jan 2006
Posts: 491

what happen'd to rempits...
did they suddenly dissapear from the strret of Malaysia..?? Twisted Evil

what happen'd to bdak2 skin-gam yg makan sampah blkg fast food outlets..??
sampah dah abis ka..??

do we need another by-pass election for the media to converge and hound somewhere else..??
or just another issue involving politicians or international policies...Evil or Very Mad

p/s i bet my ass that Aidil kid is not a musician... and knows little bout how various genre of metal differs form each other. heck even i scratch my head...
"Jean Claude Van Damme is back. In the same crap you've seen over and over, and over again"
Pablo Franscisco stand up routine
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 02 Mar 2004
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So memang ada la kitab black metal bertulisan jawi....

Terror black metal nih....
Can you feel the groove?
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Aidil is not a musician
even masa interview tu
die tak pernah mention pergi gig memane pon
aku ngan pegawai ABIM tu dah suspek dah smalam
bahwa kes Aidil tu bukan kes Black Metal
mmg betul ade Quran kena pijak
tp bukan atas nama Black Metal

aku ade satu idea
kite sendri pergi jumpa mamat Aidil ni
ok tak?
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cartman, eric
PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 12:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 05 Jan 2006
Posts: 491

adzakael wrote:
Aidil is not a musician
even masa interview tu
die tak pernah mention pergi gig memane pon
aku ngan pegawai ABIM tu dah suspek dah smalam
bahwa kes Aidil tu bukan kes Black Metal
mmg betul ade Quran kena pijak
tp bukan atas nama Black Metal

aku ade satu idea
kite sendri pergi jumpa mamat Aidil ni
ok tak?

interbiu ni bile punye... baru lagi ka...??
nak jumpe mmt tu... hmmm... Rolling Eyes
mane tau blkg kuar kat Harian "we blow smoke up ur asses" Metro...
you can never guess wit these Harian "we blow smoke up ur asses" Metro mofos...Twisted Evil
"Jean Claude Van Damme is back. In the same crap you've seen over and over, and over again"
Pablo Franscisco stand up routine
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 12:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 24 Nov 2003
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weih kalau nak pi jumpa mamat aidil tu.. lemme know!
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 18 Jan 2004
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interbiu ni bile punye... baru lagi ka...??
nak jumpe mmt tu... hmmm... Rolling Eyes
mane tau blkg kuar kat Harian "we blow smoke up ur asses" Metro...
you can never guess wit these Harian "we blow smoke up ur asses" Metro mofos...Twisted Evil

interbiu ni bertarikh 20 disember tahun lepas
sbb tu kite kena pakat dgn kengkawan wartawan dan journalist kite
pakat gi interbiu reramai la
ade sesape punye no. kontek izuan auburn?
ajak die skali
sementara aku mintak ABIM aturkan pertemuan
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mod Squad
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ade.. pm me
"Thus let my enemy's blood be spilled
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 8:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 18 Jan 2004
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err guys?

Harian Metro - 11 Jan 2006 (translation)

Thanks for doing this! This is an *unofficial* translation... refinements welcome (i've corrected a couple of spelling errors!!).

Irreverent Bastard Pokes Fun at Holy Rite of Sacrifice
Harian Metro. 11 January 2006.

A group of youths believed to be influenced by "wild" music behaved
irreverently when they equated the holy sacrificial rites of Aidil Adha
(commemorating Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son as an act of faith
and dedication to his god) to Black Metal Devil worshipping sacrificial

This heretical belief was disseminated via email by an individual who was
probably dissatisfied by Harian Metro's expose of the New Year's raid on an
illegal concert where 380 youth's in their early 20's were detained.

Caught at a premise on Old Klang Road, the 380 youths, 100 of them young
women, who were believed to be followers of rock groups were wearing all
black attire. Upon detainment, 8 were tested positive for drugs.

This abominable act was detected after Harian Metro received more than 10
emails from several unidentified individuals over the past 5 days, one of
them poking fun at the Aidil Adha sacrifical rite.

An excerpt from the email reads, "I've received intelligence that there are
a group of people in robes (there is a possibility that some may be black)
shall be sacrificing goats (there is a possibility that some may be black)
and possibly cows (there is a possibility that some may be black) and even
camels (they're generally grey but that's almost black) on Tuesday 10
January 2006 (Aidil Adha)."

The email stated clearly that the sacrifices would be conducted at the two
main mosques, the Shah Alam Mosque and the National Mosque.

If one were to read into the email, the "sacrifice" can be construed to mean
the Aidil Adha holy sacrifice of animals, and the reference to "people in
robes" refers to the service attendees carrying out the sacrifices.

In addition to that, the email message claimed that the individuals in robes
(service attendees) did not have a permit or license for gathering.

The Coordinator of the Malaysian Islamic Consumers Society, Noor Nirwandy
mat Noordin, characterized this email as over the top and extremely

"The individual who sent the email is clearly lost/an unbeliever and his
life shall be dammned due to his values which have deviated from Islam."

He adds that this email pokes fun at and insults the word of Allah swt.

He believes that today's youths' passion for "hard" music rather than the
holy religious teachings is an indication that this moral crisis is reaching
a critical stage.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 11:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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hahaha. nape la diorg ni slalu salah sangka... kitorg bukan nk kutuk raye haji tu... tp nk kutuk diorg! haha. ade plak eh org hantar emel tu kat metro... aku pk main2 jer...
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 11:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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I wrote this article. Already sent to Irene. I think I should publish it here:

Although I was not arrested at the night of New Year eve at Paul’s Place, I could not help myself from voicing out my opinion regarding the so-called “Black Metal” issue. Being a fan, a friend, a supporter and an activist for the independent music scene for more than a decade, I have seen positive establishment in the scene. I am very disappointed with the irresponsible authorities that are trying to destroy everything that we have been struggling to develop.

The first time I went to a gig was in the early 90s. I was merely a college student who was interested in the American and British alternative music and I didn’t have high expectation on the local scene. However, I was amazed at the local independent bands after attending my first gig. I have to admit that the scene during those days was scary. The hated so-called Nazi-punks and trouble makers were always present. Violence and fights may occur occasionally. Those days, the scene was consisting of Malays mostly.

Today, the independent music scene is a multi-racial & multi-lingual community. It is very common for Chinese, Indian, Malay, Eurasian and even Caucasian to work together to form a band and the bands from various genres play together at a gig. Isn’t racial unity a goal of our country? The current local independent music scene is a very small and close community. Even though, there are conflicts and differences of opinion, we have a united scene. This has been proven based on the support of everyone from the music scene at the “Black Metal” press conference held at Paul’s Place recently. Nowadays, violence does not occur at the gigs anymore. Sex and drugs do not mix with rock n’ roll. Satan worshipping is a laughing stock created by the irresponsible media to link to the independent music scene. The majority of the community consists of professionals and students. Excluding students, almost everyone in the scene has a day job to support their dream and hobby. None of us has a sugar daddy or parents as rich as Bill Gates.

Due to the lack of venue, lack of cash and lack of support from commercial organization and government bodies for the independent music scene, Paul’s Place was the perfect location for gig organizers to hold the gigs to promote the bands. The independent music scene encourages DIY ethic. Therefore it’s very common for the bands to release their self-financed EPs or albums, and, gig organizers will design flyers and distribute them on their own. Friends and bands in the scene may help one another. The sales of the CDs and the outcome of a gig are always uncertain. The opportunity for failure is very high. Insisting on the permit and license for everything will eventually kill the small scale start-up industry that our youth attempts. In this country, permit and license come with a price too – amateurs of the music industry consisting of mostly students and young DIY entrepreneurs in the independent music scene cannot afford that. I would like to urge the authorities to provide an opportunity for these young entrepreneurs without any prejudice to learn about music business in the independent music scene and gradually grow into a registered corporate slowly. Please provide them some rooms to learn and grow – a whip does not make a child a grown man.

At the same time, I would like to urge the leaders of our country, the police and the media to understand and study the local independent music scene. A thorough research is required before jumping into any conclusion. Just by surfing the internet is not sufficient – you will need to talk to the people involved, observe the situation yourself, obtain the evidence and use some common sense. Do not call hardcore, punk or indie music as “Black Metal”. Do not call everyone dress in black as Satan worshippers. Wrong accusation does not solve any problem. The “Black Metal” incident is a laughing stock for foreigners visiting our country. I believe it was a joke to the foreign bands performing in Malaysia that night. It is an embarrassment to the leadership of this country once the news is spreaded to overseas. If it is political motivated, using music as a scapegoat does not help. It will hurt the innocent people and the people will lose their trust in the leadership and the media. The old trick does not work anymore. Finding 7 black sheep’s among the crowd of almost 400 people does not serve as a proof that everyone is guilty. It is similar to killing all the Afghans just because of the sin of Osama Bin Laden.

Human is naturally afraid of the unknown such as ghost, bigfoot and aliens. Imposing psychological fear to the general public is unhealthy and dangerous. Let’s not forget about the history of human kind. Wrong accusation leads to the death of Mahsuri in Pulau Langkawi. It also leads to the murder of innocent people wrongly accused of practicing witchcraft in Massachusetts, U.S. Let us learn from the mistakes of our ancestors and avoid repeating them again. The general public should be made aware to be careful of what they read from the media as well as the internet. We are human being – we ought to have some common sense and able to use our brains for judgment.

I hope that this “Black Metal” incident will be the last of its kind in Malaysia. I am not looking forward to see similar accusation being imposed on Doom Metal, fans of Britney Spears or even some kids obsessing with Barney the dinosaur.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 1:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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i rather be killed by osama bin laden than getting arrested la
"Thus let my enemy's blood be spilled
like water and sink into the earth."
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