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 Shure SM58, Behringer C3 atau My-Mic ? « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 4:19 am    Post subject: Shure SM58, Behringer C3 atau My-Mic ? Reply with quote

Joined: 15 Jan 2009
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Salam semua i-Bands members !
Sebenarnya saya dah baca banyak maklumat dalam ni dah beberapa bulan jugak, cuma sekarang baru daftar jadi forum member Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed

Ini kira solan pertama saya sepanjang saya berada disini. Selamat berkenalan Smile.

Berkenaan Mic ni, saya tak tau nak pilih mana satu, so nak mintak tolong pada yang arif pasal mic ni... So far 3 brand ni jer yg saya tau. Kegunaan, untuk Vocal dan instruments miking.

Apa yang saya tau pasal ketiga-tiga Mic ni :

1. Shure SM58 - Dynamic Mic

Mic yang paling popular antara ketiga-tiga Mic dan dah lama dalam pasaran. Banyak review2 worldwide mengatakan mic ni bagus dan "Durable", tapi yang membimbangkan saya ialah Mic ni dah banyak yang "Fake" atau tiruan jadi saya takut terkena Kelentong dengan tokey-tokey kat luar tu.

Dan boleh tak siapa2 boleh bagitau kat mana boleh dapat Mic ni di KL dan berapa harganya ?

2. Behringer C3 Condenser Mic

Tak tau banyak pasal Mic ni, yang saya tau masa ke kedai Audio Kat Palan Pasar salesman tu suggest mic tu. Bagus dan harga pun kira Ok, katanya.

3. My-Mic Condenser Mic

Tak tau model mana yang setara dengan model2 diatas dan so far belum ada lagi kawan2 saya yang pernah cuba mic dai jenama ni. Tapi pada saya My-Mic ni nampak cantik juga lah.


Lagi satu ada siapa2 boleh bagi tau paras harga untuk ketiga-tiga mic tersebut ??

So harap dapat idea sikit dari kawan2 semua.. Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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kalau untuk kegunaan kau dan menyenangkan
apa kata hang pakai My-Mic saja..
senang je..nak record instrument bole vocal pun bole..
kalau macam SM58 tu,itu dynamic sahaja,record vocal boley,tapi kalau nak instrument kureng sket la Very Happy

dulu aku gatal sangat kat studio aku kerja,mic dah takda nak pakai untuk record
aku pakai SM58 untuk record Tom Drum,hahahah....
bunyi dia tangkap,bole belah la jugak dengan sedikit EQ Razz

sini ada banyak pakar2 My-Mic bole la hang mintak pendapat daripada yang lain jugak..
tapi tak salah kalau kau nak try semua mic tu,
mana tahu salah satu daripada tu hang suka ka... Very HappyVery Happy
harga ketiga2 mic tu pun lebih kurang je kalau tak silap aku..

correct me if im wrong Razz
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


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kalau nak vocal ngan instruments, go for my mic Smile
kalau vocal sahaje, amik sm58, harga sm58 dalam RM380 camtu kalau tak salah aku
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 30 Aug 2006
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Salam Ampless,

rumah kat mana? the best thing is for u to test our Taming Sari mic with our friendly dealers. Kalau boleh test the SM58 & the C3 too, semua ni subjective. ikut taste masing2. Kalau beli condenser mic, u must have a pop filter, MY-MIC pun ada metal pop filter, murah RM 69 sahaja

tetapi yg pastinya, C3 sound dia nipis dan tajam

SM 58 excellent Dynamic mic. not condenser mic.

harga SM 58 kalau beli yg original MAHAL nak mampus. lebih kurang harga MY-MIC TS

ni sales team kat KL, sila call, buat appointment utk testing.

our other models for u to look at in future as upgrade


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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untuk aku .. it's always safe to record pakai dynamic mic.. unless kalau kau ada studio soundproof gila baru la clean pakai condenser ... in experience aku rec vocal pun dalam studio, kalau vocalist suara tak ada body, mmg jangan harap la aku nak taruk condenser... keh keh... dynamic always help laaa sebab dia punya proximity effect pun ada guna...

sm58 mmg voc sodap .. tapi aku paling rekemen sm57 .. the best la in da world... ko boleh tengok ada kat mana2 atas stage.. sebab dia versatile gila... ko boleh record apa saja pakai mic tuh ... sepanjang aku buat kerja atas stage pun, semua PA yang disewa mesti banyak sm57 ... masa aku buat gamelan punya PA pun, semua pakai sm57 ... sounds good!

harga sm57 sekarang rasa aku sekitar RM400+ ... alah membeli menang memakai.. hehehehe Wink
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Hmm, so price range untuk mic2 tu agak lebih kurang jugak...

1. Shure SM58 - RM380
2. Behringer C3 - RM340 (Harga belum diskaun)
3. My-Mic TS - RM399 (Takde diskaun ke ?? Smile)

Dari komen2 yg ada kat sini lebih narrow pada Shure SM 57/58 dan My-Mic TS.

Dynamic atau Condenser mungkin tak jadi masalah sebab saya rasa saya shortlisted Toneport UX2, itupun selepas baca banyak review yang baik2 di ni dan saya tak jadi beli mixer buat masa sekarang. Tapi yg agak pening sikit tak tau pulak nak beli Toneport UX2 atau Pod Studio UX2. Apa2 pun review pasal Toneport oleh Bro Zid, omarjamaludin dan lain2 (tak ingat, banyak sangat) banyak membantu. Takpelah, pasal toneport ni boleh bincang lain kali Smile.

Berbalik pada mic ni mungkin minggu ni saya akan pergi tengok demo untuk Shure SM57/58 dan My-Mic Ts dan saya akan cuba bandingkan. Minggu ni schedule agak free sikit.

Macamanapun kalau ada kawan2 yg ada kedua-dua mic ni dan ada masa free boleh saya pegi tengok.

Last edited by ampless on Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:58 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Tone port UX2 tu memang terbaik la kan..
presets dia pun memang hebat,
berbaloi la gak kalau kau beli tu

yang pasti,cuba lah kau test semua mic tu,
mana tahu kot2 ada mic yang kau puas hati ke,

selamat maju jaya Very HappySmileVery Happy
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Aku rasa aku layak nak bg pendapat sebab aku guna UX2, Taming Sari (TS) by my-mic & SM57! Wink

Aku dah tulis dlm thread sebelum ni pasal apa aku guna UX2, sebab nak phantom power. TS is my 1st mic. Aku pun bukan pro, baru je berjinak2 dlm dunia home recording ni. Aku tak leh compare TS dgn condenser mic lain sebab aku tak try pun yg lain. But for me, it gets the job done, very good actually. And aku guna mainly for vocals. Aku punya prinsip dlm recording senang je: beli benda yg OK, gets the job done for home recording. Kalau nak professional results, engage the pro.

Tapi aku ada satu masalah guna condenser ni. Ko tau kan nature of condensers, dlm bahasa org kebanyakan, dia tangkap sume bunyi yg ada kat persekitaran ko. Bunyi kipas ke, motor lalu lalang ke, nak jiran menangis ke etc sume dia tangkap. Very detail (can be good or bad). Since aku record kat bilik tido aku yg tak "acoustically treated", problem ni memang apparent, guna noise gate pun tak jalan sangat. So, after tanya pendapat ramai, aku angkut dynamic mic yang diguna oleh President USA kat rostrum, SM57.

Mula2 aku confuse sama ada nak angkut SM58 or SM57 sebab seingat aku, SM58 memang famous utk vocal (live performance?) and SM57 ni utk instruments. Tapi atas kepercayaan kepada jedi (JD Pop Shuvit), aku angkut SM57. Settle problem (walaupun sound yg dia capture tak sedetail TS).

SM57 & 58 ni byk yg imitation. Aku suggest ko beli kat sini, gerenti ori tanpa was-was:

Systems Electronics and Engineering Sdn Bhd
No. 16 Jalan 4/93A off Batu 2½ Jalan Cheras.
Warisan City View,
56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +60 392 872 345
Fax: +60 392 872 348

Harga dua-dua tu lebih kurang je, dlm RM330-350 cam tu. Tak tau dah naik harga ke blom. Good luck!
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 3:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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fish and afiq ada point situ.
kalau bilik and surrounding noisy, condenser akan tangkap sume tu. bleh la apply noise reduction but nak totally remove mmg end up sound pun jadi tak best.

aku kalau nak rec pakai mymic (condenser), aku kena switch to laptop pasal pc aku kipas CPU kuat bunyi.

but one thing yg sempoi pasal condenser ni, kalau ko pacak seketul kat dlm jamming studio, record live, sound bleh dapat cun gak. just move it around and cari spot yg balance then rec saja.

still, pada pendapat aku. mmg kena ada 2-2 type mic nih.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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yah .. sebaiknya kau beli dua2 jenis mic .. Wink
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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den nak tanyo pulak...
apo fungsi phantom power ?
den ingat nak angkat mixer satu, sebab nk phantom power ni..
nk guna sama condenser..
ni tgh pikir nak guno mic dynamic or condenser..
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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phantom power tu selalunya utk condenser mics la..(ada lagi equipment lain yg pakai gak.. i.e active DI box etc); range from 11Volt up to 52Volt, tapi biasanya 48Volt.. dynamics cannot see this phantom power, so ianya takkan merosakkan mic tu.. takde phantom power condenser mics tak berfungsi.. sebelum switch-on phantom power, make sure mic cable dah sambung elok2..

in general:
frequency response condenser lebih baik (up to 22kHz) tapi tak tough macam dynamics... that's why dynamics lebih sesuai lagi untuk live show..tapi untuk recording nak tangakp frequency lebih tinggi range dia, condenser can do just the job... walaupun dua2 bole pakai..

lain2 pasal mics:
-pickup-up polar pattern : cardiod, hyper-cardiod, omni, figure-8
-large diaphgram or small diaphgram

other type of mics : ribbon, tube mic

yg penting tahu sesuaikan kegunaan dan mic..
save me from myself of what's left of my soul after I've sold some part of it
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 21 Oct 2005
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Hello I-banders,

I hardly post here but I saw this topic of interest :

Please, please DON'T buy the Behringer mic. Its thin-sounding and has scratchy, totally unuseable highs. It's got to be one of the worst of the horrible sounding budget mics out there. I've had mixes sent to me that have been recorded at some home studio with el cheapo mics and it always becomes a problem trying to make it sound good in the mix. It doesn't take well to any EQ and processing at all.... In the words of a famous engineer I know off ... it sounds like "cock and balls" Very Happy

Don't spend money on something you will regret later.

A good dynamic mic like an SM58 / 57 would be a good buy and a necessity in any studio. You can use it for everything from vocals to instruments. Dependable and will give you good results all the time (if the source is good). Of course, being a dynamic it doesn't have the extended high-end response of a condenser, but given a good preamp and compensating with EQ, you can get pretty decent sounding results. Many rock vocals have been recorded with nothing more than an SM58.

As for the MY-MIC family , this would make an excellent choice for an entry-level condenser. If you do want to get a condenser, I would get this rather than a Behringer/Samson etc. It will not flatter all voices, but for the price it certainly delivers. Bang for Buck. Malaysia Boleh!

You should check out also the Audio Technica AT2020. It's their entry level condenser mic from a big-name brand, and it only retails for around RM400. Audio Technica are serious, workhorse mics with a professional pedigree. I'm getting a pair (nuff said) Wink
[Record Producer/Mixer/Recording Engineer]
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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afiqme wrote:
untuk aku .. it's always safe to record pakai dynamic mic.. unless kalau kau ada studio soundproof gila baru la clean pakai condenser ... in experience aku rec vocal pun dalam studio, kalau vocalist suara tak ada body, mmg jangan harap la aku nak taruk condenser... keh keh... dynamic always help laaa sebab dia punya proximity effect pun ada guna...

sm58 mmg voc sodap .. tapi aku paling rekemen sm57 .. the best la in da world... ko boleh tengok ada kat mana2 atas stage.. sebab dia versatile gila... ko boleh record apa saja pakai mic tuh ... sepanjang aku buat kerja atas stage pun, semua PA yang disewa mesti banyak sm57 ... masa aku buat gamelan punya PA pun, semua pakai sm57 ... sounds good!

harga sm57 sekarang rasa aku sekitar RM400+ ... alah membeli menang memakai.. hehehehe Wink

Condenser pun boleh ada "proximity effect" jugak ... ia bergantung kpd jenis polar pattern, dan bukannya sama ada dynamic/condenser.

SM57/58 .. harga mungkin mahal, tapi kalau jaga baik2 boleh tahan seumur hidup... These mics mmg tough... famous saying goes :

".. if you can't find a hammer, use SM57" Laughing
[Record Producer/Mixer/Recording Engineer]
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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fish wrote:
aku angkut dynamic mic yang diguna oleh President USA kat rostrum, SM57.

Actually, they've switched to AUdio Technica mics several years ago ... see the inauguration video closely"


Mula2 aku confuse sama ada nak angkut SM58 or SM57 sebab seingat aku, SM58 memang famous utk vocal (live performance?) and SM57 ni utk instruments. Tapi atas kepercayaan kepada jedi (JD Pop Shuvit), aku angkut SM57. Settle problem (walaupun sound yg dia capture tak sedetail TS).

Wah... thanks for the referral ... +1 karma for you ... (ooppss salah forum.. hehehe)
[Record Producer/Mixer/Recording Engineer]
Studio 21:05
46A, Lorong Rahim Kajai 14,
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