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 FF News: Abdulla 'tops,' World Number One...! « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:25 am    Post subject: FF News: Abdulla 'tops,' World Number One...! Reply with quote

Joined: 13 Nov 2009
Posts: 1

Fireman saves MAN
during burnout building...

(1 August 2012-FF News) Three brave fireman from the Sandton

Fire department rushed to a call by a woman crying that her

house was on fire and that her husband was burning,

trying to put the fire off...

"It all started when an electric problem with one of the cables joined

a cord with another wire that caused the electric problem and

a fire to fathom in the household..." said local resident Hasina Kodwa...

Local resident Shaun Beyers said that he lives in the same complex

as the Patel's who's house was on fire...

"I remember that my wife woke me up at 3: am saying that our neighbours

house was on fire, and I just called the fire brigade department as

soon as possible..." said the resident...

Najma Patel says that her husband had tried to off the fire

by pouring water over the electronical equipment that had

led to the start of the fire...

"It was within minutes that my daughter was yelling for me to save her

in her bedroom and my husband had poured water on her

to stop the burning sensation of her body..." she said...

Local fire brigade personality Adrian Wilson told Footprints

in Sandton that when he arrived at the scene Mr. Patel

was on fire and the curtains and sofa's were burning to the


"We had did our job well, and perhaps saved an innocent

life today..." he added...

Ramadaan Advice from Shenaaz Motani...

(1 August 2012-FF News) Today, might be the 10th of our F A S T I N G

month, yet we as muslims still want to blend in with our friends by

not fasting and creating excuses for not fasting...It's sad that our

Holy Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) performed these rituals to cleanse his

soul from the antibodies of evil...Whilst Ramadaan, is the most

uplifting month of the Muslim Calendar many of us are engrossed

into our own lives not paying attention to the message of God...When

Allah, sent his messanger to Earth more than 700 years ago, Man

had agreed to his teachings because we understood the importance

of truth, love and joy...We as Muslims and parents to our children

should spend that 'quality-time,' with our

loved ones

in the rememberance of our holy forefathers...

The five pillars of Islam must be practised on a daily basis

and as the 'Holy-Quraan,' states

"Love is a different language,"

so we should follow in the teachings of these holy

w o r d s of Arabic sent in the 14th Century...Many Muslims

across South Africa and internationally will be travelling to

Saudi Arabia to pray, pray, pray for whatever they desire in

their lives...

We as not only Muslims, but as people should respect our

Muslims during this sacred month...

Ramadaan Messages from our people:

Ramadaan Mubarak to all my friends across

the world to celebrate this month with the w o r d

of God...

My grandfather was Muslim, as to say, I have

some idea on the Muslim world...I love you all...

-Barack Obama-Washington

I pray everynight that God keeps us united

and happy and 'always blessed,' towards

our dreams from our parents...Ramadaan

and Eid Mubarak...

-Lutfiyyah Abrahams-London

Ramadaan and Eid Mubarak to all my

fans across the globe...I will be off your screens

for this holy month-but's it's ok...See you next time...

Keep me in your prayers...

-Priyanka Chopra-Delhi

Ramadaan Mubarak from the Abdulla

clan, here in South Africa...Wishing all

our family from SA, and friends a blessed day...

Remember that Ramadaan is the month

that your creator is closer to you, so


-Omar Abdulla and Fehmeda Abdulla- Lenasia

Ramadaan and Eid Mubarak to all Muslims

in the world...Listen to my soundtracks this

season and let my words of God inspire

you...Sing along if you dare...

-Yusuf Sami-London

I always get to say something on Footprints Filmworks

and this time I would like to wish my loving family and

friends well over this Holy month...I would love to join

you pray this Ramadaan, so join me every evening

at the Rosebank Mosque...

-Zain Bhika-Rosebank

Ramadaan and Eid Mubarak to all my friends

in South Africa and overseas...I love you all very much

and know that everytime I use God's name you

are part of it...Many of my friends are Muslims

and perhaps I might stay away from them on

screen, but I can always 'pop by,' their office to

say hello...Have a blessed month...

-Shar Rukh Khan-Mumbai


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Ciaro and Centurion and is one of the 'too goody-two-shoes,'

smoking brand for lifestyle smokers...We are sponsers of

major community events in South Africa, so enjoy a break

with F R I E N D S by smoking with Malboro...


Tel: 0860 MALBORO Tel: 0839119000

Universal Properties

Universal Properties is a property investment group led

by Leonardo Botha that specializes in the lease and sale

of personal and commercial property in prime spots in the

world including London, Lenasia, Dublin, Drakensburg,

Erasmia, Eagle's Nest, Mountain View and Midrand...We

are commercial investors into the property market since

1999...Let Universal Properties guide you finance and

invest in 'quality residence,' for family members...

Tel: 011 888 7867 Tel: 0827779111

Orlando hit by another T W I $ T E R

(2 August 2012-FF News) What seems to be hurricane

s e a s o n in the United States proved weather fanatics

wrong when a 'Twirling and Swirling,' wind hit Orlando

this afternoon...Many residents from all over the

neighbouring area including Fairview Shores, Pine Hills,

Oakridge and Rosemont rushed to aid the community

as the hurricane nickamed 'Hurricane Obama,' as the

American President for his disaster in politics this year...

"The hurricane was seen from a far distance and although

CNBC reported that she was heading our way, many had

seeked shelter in the attic or basement..." said a local resident...

Natasha Lansbury told Footprints in Orlando that the hurricane

had 'whipped 'n walloped,' out the top part of her roof and several contents

of hers flew with the wind...

Another Orlando resident told Footprints in Orlando,

that hurricane warnings were released l a s t night

but the local area had said that the sun was out

so it's fine...

"It was around 4: PM when the Twister had hit the state

with a total of three confirmed dead..." said the US Martial

base in Toronto...

President Obama said in a statement that he was hoaxed

by the name of the hurricane and added;

"Hopefully this could boost my name for the upcoming

elections in November..." said the Obama Administration

in a statement...

Local Orlando weather fundi Nadeema Essa said that

she had been living in the United States for the l a s t

two years and everytime their insurance companies

have to fork out the bill for their losses...

Below: Pictures of the Tornado that hit Orlando this


Another victim of

(3 August 2012-FF News) The eighth victim of 'The-Vaal,' STRANGLER

was found floating in the river Vaal this morning after it was confirmed

by the local police that she had been raped and strangled by an unknown


"This is the eight victim of 'The-Vaal,' strangler and we have

got evidence that we know who could be behind this..." said

a mysterious source in the police department...

"This guy is clever...Most of the people found dead around the

Vaal community were educating themselves at the local

University of Johannesburg..." said Police Commissioner

Jamie Louw...

"The Vaal area is normally a relaxed envirnment with staff

of the local resort at Riverside Sun pulling the l a s t victim

from the river..." said The Vaal Times...

Speaking to Footprints in The Vaal, local residents were

caught dumb-founded when police had announced

that the lead suspect behind these deaths was Indian...

"We were shocked to hear on the Radio, that this

strangler could be Indian..." said local housewife

Shaida Mahomed...

Andrea Peters a local Vaal resident told Footprints

in The Vaal that evidence was being slowly prepared

by the so-called police as this serial killer might strike again...

Below: An artists drawing for Police on the suspect that

is still lurking the streets of The Vaal in Johannesburg...

British Petroleum

British Petroleum is an international brand located in

South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Romania, Namibia,

Norway, Ireland and India...We are a specialist technology

incentive company with strong investments in parts

of Asia and The Middle East...British Petroleum together

with Footprints USA Investments is giving a w a y 99

petro-cards valued at $5000 dollars to the f i r s t

99 people who answer this question...

Who is the founder of British Petroleum-send your

answer to , with reference to

Footprints USA Investments...

Ocean Basket

Ocean Basket started in 2001 in the humble area

of Kensington and today is located in Laudium, Los Angeles,

Hilton, Havana, Midrand, Middlesex, Sydney and Soweto...Ocean

Basket s t a r t e d in South Africa and today has grown to more

than 800 restaurants in 8 countries...Join our ever delicious 'prawn-specials,'

hake&chips, oysters to romance the loved one and some saucy wine

to perfect your candle-light dinner....

Tel: 0860 OCEAN Tel: 0834544544

Footprints Studio's

Footprints Studio's has been newly opened by Footprints

Filmworks to cater for upcoming films due in December 2012

including three blockbusters including The PrinCe of her Dreams,

'My Father, The President,' and Footprints in South Africa...The Footprints

Studio's is created for the purpose of inhouse backdrops in South Africa

using 21st Century technology...Film your ADVERT for television, radio

and other commercial purposes @ The Footprints Studio's...The Footprints

Studio's is a 5% shareholder in Footprints Filmworks...

Tel: 0860 FOOTPRINTS Tel: 0815988000


(4 August 2012-FF News) I write

this message on Footprints Filmworks as an anonymous personality...

Okay, so here is the whole story...I started liking this dude when we

were in partnership in a certain business deal that we were both

involved in...He seemed cute at first, and I started liking him, more

and more each day...He never knew that I truly, madly, deeply loved him,

and sometimes he would brush me off when I called him...This was in 2004...

Then my life started to fall apart when 'The PrinCe,' walked in my life,

and made me feel as though I was a Princess and sometimes

he would pop by the house to meet my parents...

I am an Indian female and we as Indian girls feel

that "sometimes we have to love, to turn ourselves,

upside down..."

We dated for four years and every day of that four years,

I dreamed, I smiled, I was happy and I was always

joking...Today, I feel depressed, alone, unsure

and sometimes feel that what we shared did not matter...

I am a firm believer in love, and sometimes I feel

that I gave too much, that I loved him more than I

loved my own father...

We were engaged and ready to marry, when he

walked out on me because perhaps he was naive

and a douchebag...

I am an American and we moved to America after my dad

had decided that he wanted to get away from the family business...

In 2008, we broke up and the Man who was suppose to be my

husband broke my h e a r t and whatever else I had...

It's 2012, and sometimes I feel that I still love him,

that I still admire him and that I still wanna spend my life

with him...

We always danced to the song 'i wanna spend my

life with you,' and yet I feel that he really broke my heart...

You know who you are, and I know that you adore Footprints

Filmworks, so answer me...? You have all my contact details

and you know that I still love you, why can't we make it work...?

My sister has convinced me that you are the guy for me,

and that I should pop by your place and try to see

if you still return my love...??



$250 million dollars and still rolling...

(5 August 2012-FF News) If you have not watched the flick

Batman 'Dark-Knight-Rises,' than you have not been keeping

up to the current blockbusters at the box-office...

Whilst the majority of Muslims all over the world will

be fasting, many other cinema buff's will be glued

to the latest Ster-Kinekor screens with the release of

Batman 'Dark-Knight-Rises...' Directed by Christopher Nolan,

the star cast includes Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne, (Batman)...

Eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, Gotham City is in a state of peace...

Under powers granted by the Dent Act (legislation inspired by the

perceived heroism of the late Harvey Dent), Commissioner James Gordon

and the Gotham City Police Department have nearly eradicated violent

and organized crime... Gordon feels guilty about the cover-up of Harvey Dent's crimes,

but decides that the city is not ready to hear the truth...

While following a lead in the

bduction of a congressional representative, Gordon's speech falls into the

hands of the villain Bane, who discovers the truth about Dent..

Gordon is shot in the process of escaping and promotes

patrol officer John Blake to detective,

allowing Blake to report directly to him in the hospital...

Whilst the company Universal Studio's had spent an

estimated $81 million dollars on the film, audience

members across the United States were surprised

by the lead performance-including specials props

and stunts...

Chistian Bane told Footprints in Las Vegas

that the l a s t two weeks since the premier

of the film, he was nervous as he wanted

the audience to welcome him on


"We had spent three full months of shooting

in Los Angeles, Louisiana, Texas and

Toronto and certain scenes were

shot in Canada..." he added...

Film director Christopher Nolan

said that the sudden death of movie-goers

in South Africa had died because a suicide

teenager thought that it would be folly by

gunning down 12 innocent lives...

"We had so much planned for a welcome

to the new Batman Series, and this idiot

had to spoil our plans..." Nolan added...

Batman 'The Dark Knight rises,' is a must

see film this holidays...

Jasmine's Tea Gardens

Jasmine's Tea Gardens is originally created by the Juana

Nkosi from Mamelodi with an idea to empower the 'tea-drinking,'

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on our farms

are specialized sactuary tea gardens so you can relax...We have

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Enjoy over 400 brands of tea in South Africa and internationally...

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Brakpan, Bahrain, Overport, Orlando, Sydney and Secunda...

Come and relax @ over 300 Jasmine Tea Gardens and

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The Footprints Universities

The Footprints Universities is a general university located

all over the world with construction plans for the offer

of 888 888 degree's to leaders, students, father's

and mother's who choose to 'lift 'n shift,' their lifestyles

by studying @ The Footprints Universities...The Footprints

Universities are located in Lenasia, London, Drakensberg,

Dubai, Rome, Rylands, Stolkholm and Soweto...Enrol

today... This is a R400 billion rand payment deal with

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Tel: 0860 F O O T P R I N T S Tel: 0815988000

Honey Wood Farm

Honey Wood Farm is the freshest producer of honey in South Africa

with 'mini-stores,' opened @ your local checkers distributor...We

are the finest quality with a collection of over 900 000 bee's at our


Come and enjoy the ever-healthy lifestyle of Honey Wood Farms...

Honey Wood Farms are located in Los Angeles, Laudium, Sydney,

Soweto, Athens, Athlone, Brakpan and Bermuda...

Tel: 028 7221839 Tel: 0832704035

Olympic S E A S O N

(6 August 2012-FF News) Whilst Olympic season is all over

the news, South African's have done the entire nation proud...

This comes after the opening ceremony on July 27, with an

audience of over 3 billion internationally...Sportsman and Fans

were rushed to the Opening in London, where an estimated

65 000 seats were fully booked out by a spectrum of people

who dared to support their countries...

Many were from across the globe holding their country's

flags...Speaking to Footprints in London, local resident

Sophia Jones said that the season was well-welcomed

by people who wanted to support their country by

'booing-'n- wooing,' the opposition...South African

Captain Hashim Amla said that he had attended the

opening of the Olympics held in Britain as he was on

tour with South African Cricket...

The United States has a total of 77 sportsmen


whilst Mexico has 65 sportmen attending, The Austrailians

are rumored to take the majority of medals with 48 sportsmen

attending and South Africa has 34 sportsmen attending-competing

in 100m, 200m, 500m and 1000m swimming, Javelin Combo Throws,

Karate, Athletics, Tracking Fields, Baseball, Basketball, Mini-Golf,

Weightlifting, Boxing, Kung-Fu, Gymnastics and other sports

totalling a combination of 222 sports...

"This has gotta be the time, that South African's back their boys

on field and even if they are not at the stadiums in London,

they should atleast attempt to watch them on television

or do what they do, if they really cared..." said local

socialite Dr. Yunus Abdulla...

According to News24, South Africa has planned a winning

formulae in the race format of the racing team, we still

have some strong opposition in weight-lifting and

swimming..." said Nadia Dockrat a South African


Canadian personality Johan Louis said that he

had enjoyed the combat between the Canadian

hockey team and South Africa and joked

that Canada could win the Woman's hockey...

Whilst the United States are favourites when

it came to the Baseball and Basketball championship,

local celebrity, 'who this time has to do the watching,'-Tiger

Woods said that he had flown from The United States to support

the local mini-golf of the Olympics...

Another resident from Middlesex Farhana

Essani, told Footprints

in London, that the average price per seat was 200

pounds and if given the opportunity residents

must attend a game....

President Mubarak DIES...

(7 August 2012-FF News) Former President of Egypt

Mr. Hosni Mubarak died this afternoon after falling

ill whilst in a Cairo prison...This comes after the

former president was found guilty of the death

of 99 mine workers in Cairo, and for the starvation

of thousands of women...He was sentenced to

prison for life at the age of 86...He had fallen ill

just over three months ago, where he complained

of a stomach bug and was later referred to a specialist

who said that he had Cancer...

Speaking to Footprints in Cairo, local businessman

Ahmed Mukthar Waja said that the some areas

of Egypt were crying, whilst others were relieved

that the dictator president had died...

Egypt which was ruled by Mr. Hosni Mubarak was

controlled by severe legislation that led

to his final dimise today...

Many had said that although Mr. Mubarak

will hold a legacy internationally,

he did free Egypt from Britain more

than 50 years ago...

French President Nicholas Sarkozy

said that the 'global-community,' can sleep

easier with the dictator safely asleep...

South African President Jacob Zuma

said in a statement that he had supported

certain ideas of President Mubarak's

although the majority of nations

were pleased with his death...


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Sangoma Elizabeth

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I can assist you cure HIV, make your penis bigger, sexual performance

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Let Sangoma Elizabeth cure you this time, and help

bring your sexuality alive...

Tel: 031 7827333 Tel: 0820797069

Footprints 24

Footprints 24 is a trading platform in association

with Global Trader that provides live pricing on

Forex, Shares, Warrants and other financial instruments

to treble your income...Fixed income based or % based

returns on profitable shares...A minimum investment

of R6000-00 will qualify you with opening an account,

including an additional one-month training on trading

the over $3 trillion dollar per day forex and share market...

Trade with Footprints 24 today...Footprints 24 is an independent

financial company with a 5% shareholding in Footprints Filmworks

and a 1% share-holding in Footprints USA Investments...

Tel: 012 3703469 Tel: 0815988000

Record Number of babies borne
@ Morningside Hospital...

(7 August 2012-FF News) The Morningside Hospital

in Durban has delivered a record number of babies

l a s t July 2012...This comes after 342 babies were

borne in a single month calendar at the Hospital

with the price of delivery priced at R33000-00 said

local Dr. Sakeena Joosub, a doctor at the Morningside Hospital...

"I have delivered thousands of babies in my time, with most

of the babies being born normal, healthy and with awesome

readiness to take on their new life experience" she said...

In a conversation with Footprints in Durban, Joosub says

that residents had preferred to pay a bit more for the

child's birth knowing that their baby's future was left in

their hands...

Discovery Life said in a statement that it had paid

over fifty million rand to residents who were using

medical aid cards...

"We have seen a burst in the pregnancy department

of our services and more and more mothers

are choosing our product to secure their

baby's future..." she said...

Another Durban resident Shubnum Tayob

told Footprints in Durban, that this is the month

of Ramadaan that she will be planting her third


"I am twenty-nine years, and my husband wants me

to have atleast 3 kids before I reach my thirties..." she added...

Morningside Hospital Dr. Michelle Benson said that

her work with the mothers and new-born's was a celebration

and that bringing a new loved one

into the world is the greatest gift...

We at Footprints in Durban, say that if you are married

and happy, make the babies, because they are your

footprints in your life...


(8 August 2012-FF News) A lion has attacked and killed a

Man in India this morning after the Man was crossing the

river through a village Ferry...A friend who was with him

said that he had travelled with the Man across the river

and as soon as the Man got off the Ferry, he was attacked

by a lurking lion in the mountains...

"The Man had said that he was visiting his mother

in the village and travelled 28km to give

her money for the month..." said the friend...

Speaking to Footprints in Delhi, local Lion

breeder Mohammed Ahmed said that

he had grown lions on his farm and often

sold the Lions when he travelled to the markets...

"The Lions serve as domestic pets on certain

rice farms and many residents use these

animals to protect their livestock from

being stolen by shepards and passerby's...

The lion that attacked the Man, has been

put down by the Indian Animal Association

stating that the lion was not tamed by the


Mohammed Ahmed said that he had a license

from the Indian government for the breeding

of these lions as part of his stated job title...

"Many farmers who own livestock protect

their stock by using a lion to protect the

sheep and other cattle," he said...

Other village passerby's told Footprints in

Delhi that they were sparked by the tragic death

of the resident, but in parts of India, one

requires these beasts to protect their


Fun With Candles

Fun With Candles is a specialist producer and wholesaler

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Fun With Candles offers selected price lists for clients

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Tel: 031 7662231 Tel: 0748698461

Denel Aviation

Denel Aviation is located in all major communities

in South Africa and selected located across the globe...We are

a manufacturing company in the field of Aviation...We supply

and install new and second hand parts for small aircraft and

helicopters...We repair all major airplanes with specialization

in German parts...Denel Aviation has an academy for the

'learning-community,' of South Africa offering pilot lessons

in assiciation with The Footprints Universities...Denel Aviation

is directed by Mr. Ismail Dockrat with an idea to become

one of South Africa's leading aviation companies...Special

deals on stimulators and other gadgets to improve

flight performance...

Tel: 011 9272620 Tel: 0837867860

Footprints Ferrari's

Footprints Ferrari's is a branch-off Footprints Filmworks

as our investment penerates the South African market

and is currently exploring the oversea's market...Footprints

Ferrari's is an investment company with 88 Ferrari's on

our dealers floor with pricing ranging from R400 000-R4 million

rand...We have selected models of Ferrari on floor...Footprints

Ferrari's is located in South Africa, Sweden, Italy, Ireland, Mexico,

Madagascar, Nigeria and Norway...Shop with Footprints Ferrari's


Tel: 021 7868888 Tel: 0815988000

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 08 Jan 2011
Posts: 713

TZM aku dah ready nak langgaq hang time sahur satgi
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