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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:37 pm    Post subject: What's it all about Reply with quote

Joined: 24 Nov 2003
Posts: 3699
Location: Agombak Ago go!

So this is a new forum topic (obviously). bear in mind that we're no experts in this but will try our very best to help out in any way we can. As always, anybody can help out and share their views and knowledge. There're a couple of introductory articles written for and we've made em available here as well.

head on to the "newscentral" to read the articles and post any questions here Wink
[ Kluk Kluk Adventure ] | [ Call the Paramedics ] | [ Dot ] | [ AJEEPEK ]
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PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2004 3:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 03 Dec 2003
Posts: 341


this is where we share our knowledge to protect our ideas.

bear in mind that legislation may differ from one country to another. so we shall pay attention to ours as ours, coz....malaysia boleh!!!!!!

let's share what we have Smile
<b>[ Call The Paramedics ]</b>
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 30 Jan 2005
Posts: 19

how about we talk about.... copyright..
so how GRY....
are we protected...?
penat wooooo buat lagu.......
otak, kaki, tangan, jari jemari, suma ar....
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 3:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 24 Nov 2003
Posts: 3699
Location: Agombak Ago go!

No worries dude.
we are protected by the God of Rock!

haha sorry.

There're few methods to get our songs "protected"
check out the articles and let us know if u can follow it.
[ Kluk Kluk Adventure ] | [ Call the Paramedics ] | [ Dot ] | [ AJEEPEK ]
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Zenith Zen
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 1:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 22 Feb 2005
Posts: 12

i just wanna say this ..

"what is ours is ours"

just keep it real .. me, out
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 10:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 27 Jan 2005
Posts: 52
Location: Desa Manjung Raya, Venice of Silverstate

Tapi klu org copy lagu kite pon ok gak...sbb cuba bayangkan klu lah Kluk-kluk main lagu aku...otai main lagu aku...bangga siut ..Cool
Tul tak... Laughing Kite pon buleh maju...Ini bile tiru jer gelagat rockstar2, org dah kata kite poser padahal kite pon same cuma kita kekadang tak sedar...yg kite marah pulak...mcm maner tuh... Mad
Aku ari tuh lepak kedai minumkan...nampak lor budak ni ngan awek...dia tangkap gambo dah rope monyet...terkinja sana-sini...las2 lemas nengok nyer...die slambe jer ngan awek die, ngan ramai org nyer... Kami gelak tak ingat dunia sampai yg sorang jenis gelak mulut luas ternganga...amik! lalat masuk...lagi lar mcm nk terburai isi perut... Very Happy
Tapi tetiba terjadi plak kat kami..mlm tuh tgh tunggu jam'g bukak kami pon tetiba rasa nk bergambo ngan h/p...saje jer lor...terkinja-kinje juge...orang lalu-lalang smua nengok..."apsal budak2 nih" pas 2 dah malu pasal kutuk mamat tadi...kekadang kite xsedar...Jd x buleh lor kutuk org...Terima je walaupon ganggu mata...
Tp Itu blum lagi org overseas lagi ciplak kite punye idea...memang idea Idea tue klu mahal betul, memang buleh menjadi suatu inisiatif bg meningkatkan diri... Kite pon buleh naik...
"Eh, eh...budak2 nie main lagu kite lor.." kita semangat, diorg semangat...
Tue pendapat aku lor...Jadi apa pendapat korang.... Cool Dah melilau jauh nih...Aku pon kire poser lor pulk... Wink
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 5:29 pm    Post subject: kalau korang sayangkan scene muzik... Reply with quote

Joined: 27 Jan 2005
Posts: 52
Location: Desa Manjung Raya, Venice of Silverstate

salam perkabaran...aku bukan limi...tapi member dia member limi (promote la plak)...terus terang tak tipu...aku yakin..bahawa tempat aku...kalau x caye tanye ajeep/grymlock...dia mesti tau...sebab dia ngn klux2 penah perform kat situ...scene muzik yg kita juangkan ini wujud dikalangan budak2 kat sini...masalah besarnya pulak....tak unite langsung...kutuk sana..kutuk sini...yg tak tau kene kutuk pon ade...masalh kutuk2 ni...dari zaman persekolahan aku pon dah meliar dlam kalangan sesama pemain sini kata org situ poser..dan sebaliknye...skrg ni dah marah2 pasal budak2 hiphop dah bersepah kat tanah air kite ni...budak2 skolah yg baru nak naik diorg x support..siap kutuk budak2 ni poserla,trendy la etc...hancur hati diorang...baru nak bjinak2 dlm dunia muzik ni..dah kene drop oleh golongan yg self claim senior/rockstar/mat bagus tahu sume ini...jgn terkejut la kalau budak2 ni akan terlibat ke kancah mat rempit/hiphop...mat rempit/hiphop pandai ayat budak2 join diorang...mat rempit/hiphop x sombong ngn budak2 baru naik yg nak join diorg...siap kasi full knowledge full support kt diorang...silap2 duit poket yg disimpan selama ni untuk membeli gitar/drum akan digunakan untuk beli motosikal@baju yg labuh2 suar kilat2(bling2 la kate) dah la x support langsung...kutuk..sorok knowledge/simpan untuk diri...kalau xnak diorg jadi poser ke ape ke...jgnla nak buat2 blagak cam rockstar...kongsi dgn diorg...diorang jadi camtu sebab teringin nak join2@jadi macam korg yg belagak ROCKSTAR...kite kene ingat..bukan kite je yg boleh/mampu main muzik...silap2 budak2 yg baru naik ni lagi otai...cuma xde guide/support utk diorg...kita mesti menjamin kewujudan golongan macam kite ni di masa akan datang...naik kan tempat sendiri dulu baru la kita banggakan tempat tak...terhegeh2 keluar dari tempat sendiri ke bandar untuk promote diri/band...sedangkan tempat sendiri punyai scene yg besar...kat luar sana kita blum tentu lagi ada least kalau kt tmpt sendiri..professionaliti tu ada la sket...fikirkan...camne nak overcome masalah ni..aku rasa bukan tempat aku je jadi camni..korang yg baca mesti penah ada experience dgn menatang ni...bantu kami...bantu muzik....scene ada...budak x unite... Mad Mad ..argh..aku malu...dari hati...
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 2:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 04 Mar 2006
Posts: 3

Wow, that is cool!
Surf the Net anonymously, bypass school/work Web filters!
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 5:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 22 Jan 2006
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Location: Banting

betul ape yang alimi cakap pada tahun lepas
It’s really hard to find an old timer with down to earth attitude + open minded
Ramai nak jadi otai/tunjuk otai sampai yang lain terabai

Too much critics is not good
What important is the guidance for the fresh/new people with the same interest
Mane yang serius kite terus support/tolong mana yang termampu
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 10:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 02 May 2006
Posts: 6
Location: Ampang KL

pekabar suma...
hurm apakah topik pada masa kini??
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