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 amp and stompbox setting suggestions... « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2006 8:32 pm    Post subject: amp and stompbox setting suggestions... Reply with quote

Joined: 05 Mar 2006
Posts: 164
Location: Taiping pun...


just want to share my findings with all of you. i stumbled across this when i was looking for the perfect setting of my BOSS FZ-2. it was quoted from some indon musical forum (and it's fjooking long too)...

Gw dapet nih stlh ngubek2 file2 lama di komputer...

Heavy Metal
Devices Used:
I play through an ibanez ax7221, a randall rg100, and the boss metal zone

Sound Description:
NOTE: this is a heavy assed sound that my metal band plays under. Get more from the Web.

randall rg100:
-gain = level 2
-low = level 3.75
-mid = level 5.5
-high = level 7.5
-master = level 2

metal zone:
-gain = 10 o'clock
-low = 4 o'clock
-high = 1 o'clock
-mid freq = 2.5 o'clock
-mid = 2.5 o'clock
-dist = 10 o'clock

-Justin Gibson-

80's to now Metallica
Devices Used:
Carvin Legacy 100 watt tube head matched with a Marshall 4x12 Vintage 30 loaded speaker cab or Roland Jazz Chorus 2x12 combo, Boss MT-2, 67' Gibson V with Seymour Duncan pickups or ESP EXP with EMG pickups.

Sound Description:
Basic building block for a Metallica type sound. Early Kill Em' All To the Load sessions tone can be achieved with this setting.

HIGH: 11:00
MID: 7:00

Carvin Legacy
Clean Channel
MID: 5
Bright Switch Enabled

Roland Jazz Chorus
Clean Channel
Treble: 6
Middle: NONE
Bass: FULL

Jonathan Spradlin <>

Death Metal
Devices Used:
Boss Metal Zone MT2
Marshall JCM 800
Guitar with a bridge humbucker

Sound Description:
Growling death metal kick-ass sound.

Metal Zone----
Level: A bit over half way
High: Min
Bass: Max
Middle: A bit over 3/4
Mid Freq: 3/4
Dist: Over half way

Use the clean channel
Bass: 2
High: 7
Middle: half way

Start with those. Then adjust the sound like you want. First make the clean channel sound good if you plan to use it and then adjust the pedal. But anyway, I suggest to keep MID and MID FREQ settings like that.

Mika <>

My Sound
Devices Used:
ESP LTD F-200 through the Metal Zone to the amp, a Peavey Studio Pro 112.

Sound Description:
Even sounding highs and lows and enough middle so it sounds good, but not to where it muddies up the tone.

Amp: Low-7
Pedal: Low-3 o clock
Mid-somewhere between 10-11 o clock
Mid freq.-1 o clock
High-3 o clock

Tone and volume knobs all the way up on the guitar, level on amp and pedal as desired. If you're playing a gig and turn the amp way up, you'll get pretty beefy lows, so you may want to turn the lows down when playing at high volumes.

Mike <>

Devices Used:
Fender hotrod deville set on treble;12 bass;5 mid;5
Esp Custom explorer with emg-85 and emg-81 pickups. On S.I.T. 9 guage strings

Sound Description:
It is a Creed sounding distortion. Sounds like mesa triple rectifier solo head. Good for any creed.

Level: all up
High: 3 o"clock
Low: 3 o"clock
Middle: 10 o"clock to 10:30
Mid freq: 1:30 to 2:00

Kyle Meek <>

Agressive Metal
Devices Used:
Ibanez Rg170 Crate GFX20...I cant afford anything big Boss MT-2 Metalzone...If you didnt no that shot yourself

Sound Description:
Agressive metallicaish type metal - GREAT MUTES

High: all the way up
Low: all the way up
Mid Freq: NONE
Mid: 5 o'clock
Dist. All the way up


High: all the way up
Low: 3 o;clock
Mid Freq: NONE
Mid: 5 o'clock
Dist. All the way up


Heavy Distortion
Devices Used:
Jackson Kelly Star XT, Laney TF300, Boss MT-2

Sound Description:
Heavy Distortion!

High: between 2 and 3 o clock
Mid: 10 o clock
Mid Freq: 12 or 2 o clock
Dist: FULL

Demonio Sangre

Agressive Metal
Devices Used:
I use my Marshall G30RCD and the Ibanez RG270. And the Metal Zone of course Wink.

Sound Description:
I use this setting for agressive metal. Actually it sounds great!!!

On the MT-2:
Level: 12 oclock
Low: all the way up
High: 3 oclock
Mid. Freq.: 4 oclock
Middle: 4 oclock
Dist: 11 oclock

On the Amp:
Channel: Clean
Bass: all the way up
Trebble: 3 oclock


Flo <>

Green Day
Devices Used:
I have a fender strat with custom pickups and a marshall vs65. I use a monster cable and an ibanez echo box with it.

Sound Description:
It is like a when i come around with a little twist.

I turn the drive up to 7, the mids to 2 and bass at 8 and trebble at 6. Then i just turn the gain to what is appropriate. The echo box i use i barely turn on to get more of a bass sound. It just adds some umph.


distortion (heavy)
Devices Used:
when i use it, i use a strat>mt2>marshall g80rcd

Sound Description:
very heavy pedal, too digital tho. I love the screaming leads tho

volume 9 oclock
treb 4oclock and thirty minutes
bass 3oclock
mid freq 3oclock
mid none
dist up all the way (heavy dist) or 9oclock (warm od)


My regular sound
Devices Used:
I usually use my Metal Zone with Marshall amps, my Ibanez RG420FA and Zoom 707 effect processor (or whatever it is called).

Sound Description:
The sound is the best possible I can obtain with this set of equipment. I use it at rehearsals and on gigs, it's relatively good for those situations.

My bass and treble are usually at 12 o'clock, depending on my need for treble and bass, another equalizer setting I usually use is: bass at 2-3 o'clock & treble at 12-1 o'clock. My level is usually also at 12'o clock and distortion at 5 o'clock. Middle & mid.freq are at 2 o'clock.

Jarmo Puolakanaho <>
Jape's home page

Heavy Metal Distortion
Devices Used:
I use a Digitech Whammy, into the Metal Zone, into a Dunlop Wah, to my crappy Peavey Rage 158 amp. This setting is just forthe metal zone though.

Sound Description:
This gets a good all around heavy metal sound good for Slayer, old Metallica, Pantera, etc...

Turn the Level knob to wherever you want it. (up a lot is good)

Turn the Low knob all the way up. Turn the High knob to 3 o'clock. Turn the Mid Freq knob to about 1 o'clock. Turn Middle to about 11 o'clock. For a more death metal distortion you can turn Middle all the way down and play with the Mid Freq knob to find what you like.

Dan Neufeldt <>

Death Metal
Devices Used:
BC Rich Bich, MT2, and Marshall Valvestate 8240.

Sound Description:
Awesome death metal tone in the wake of Suffocation.

Using the BC Rich Bich with Dimarzio Super Distortions into MT2 set at,

Mid Freq:10o'clock

Then MT2 into Valvestate 8240 with boost channel on OD1 and eq set at,
Channel Volume:8

Gary <>

Trash Metal
Devices Used:
Jackson DK-2, Marshall JCM-900 model 4500 Head + Marshall 1960 Lead 4x12 Celestion cabinet, Boss CH-1, Boss Ge-7, Dunlop Crybaby GCB95 Wah-Wah

Sound Description:

This settings are for a fantastic trash metal sound like a bit like 'Kill 'em All' from Metallica.

Settings: MT-2 settings:
High : 12 o'clock
Low : 3 o'clock
Middle : 8 o'clock
Mid. Freq. : 10 o'clock
Dist : 12 o'clock

Amp settings:
I Use Channel A
Presence : 5
Bass : 8
Middle : 2
Treble : 6

Jeroen Schlaman <>
My band.. Black/Death/Trash/Heavy metal from Holland..

Death Metal
Devices Used:
BC Rich Bich w/ SD Invader bridge HB and SD Jazz neck HB, Metal Zone, Boss NS-2, Marshall 8240.

Sound Description:
Indescribable death metal, but it is the distorted sound and the tone I've always wanted.

Marshall 8240:
Boost channel on OD1
bass-max, but at higher volumes I turn it down to 7

boost channel volume-max

master volume-whatever you prefer, but I wouldn't turn it up past because the stock speakers can't handle the complete load. If you get new speakers preferably celestions then it should be better at higher volumes.

Metal Zone:
level-10 o'clock
low-3 o'clock
hi-12 o'clock
mid freq-10 o'clock

Schizo <>

Iron Maiden sound
Devices Used:
Les Paul Custom fitted with an EMG-81 in the bridge with a Metalzone trough a Laney LC-15

Sound Description:
A good setting for any Iron Maiden up to Powerslave where lots of mids are used, especially Piece of Mind.

On the metalzone:
Level: Any
Low: Max
High: Cut
Middle: about 8
Dist: almost max

On the amp:
Gain: 7
Bass: Max
Mid: 8
Treble: 2
Volume: any

Per <>

Screaming Bubbly Death Metal
Devices Used:
B.C.Rich Bich '88 NJ Series with DiMarzio Super Distortions and Kahler Flyer single locking bridge, Marshall Valvestate 8240, Boss Noise Suppresor.

Sound Description:
Suffocation-ish death metal distortion

Level:matched w/ clean channel
mid freq:between 10 and 11
I set the clean channel eq to

I run the MT-2 through the NS-2's loop.

Wolverine <>

Devices Used:
Korean Fender Squier, Metal Zone, Meteoro RX100 (brazilian amp)

Sound Description:
Heavy sound, good for sepultura & other stuff

Amp settings: Gain:0, Volume: half, treble:9 o'clock, mids: 9 o'clock, bass: 3 o'clock

MT-2: Level: max, treble: 1 o'clock, bass:3 o'clock, mid: 9 o'clock, mid freq: 9 o'clock.


death metal distortion
Devices Used:
B.C.Rich Bich, MT-2, Marshall Valvestate 8240

Sound Description:
Suffocation (Pierced From Within album)

Metal Zone:
level: balance to clean channel gain volume
High: 12 o'clock
Low: 3 o'clock
Mid: cut
Mid Frequency: 10 o'clock

Amplifier (I'm going off settings on the Marshall Valvestate 8240, so if it doesn't sound right on a different amp then don't cry and whine that the setting sucks, because this pedal reacts differenlty to differenr guitars, amps and effects in the chain)

On clean channel:
Gain:11 o'clock
Bass:12 o'clock
Middle:9 o'clock
Treble:3 o'clock

Like I said before if it doesn't sound right with your amp set at this, then mess around with your amps eq, because the settings of the pedal are right on dead with the sound of Suffocation)

Gary <>

Slayer and Metallica Sound
Devices Used:
I gotta kh-2 and a jackson "v" series i use a mesa boogie amp ( half stack ) i also gotta chorus pedal to gimme some wacked out sounds and EQ pedal to gimme excellant tone

Sound Description:
heavy very heavy

level: at least 12:00
high: 3:00
low:all the way up
mid: all the way down
mid frequency:about 1:00 (exactly across from the mid.)


Deftones Sound
Devices Used:
Mesa Boogie amp ( half stack )

Sound Description:
Sounds like the deftones tone

level: half way or more(12:00)
low: 3:00
high: half way (12:00)
mid: half way (12:00)
mid frequency: 9:00
distortion: 12 - 3:00 which ever u like better


Warm Overdrive
Devices Used:
Peavey Solid State Amp

Sound Description:
Marshall Amp with light overdrive.

Level- 2:00
High- 11:00
Low- max
Middle- 11:00
Mid Freq- 3:00
Dist- 8:00

Jim Cim

Neil Young: Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black)
Devices Used:
Works best for Gibson mics.

- Any amp you like, I find 10w Yamaha best (believe or not).
- Bass, Treple & Gain to 3.00-5.00 o,clock.
- Midle to 9.00 o´clock.

Sound Description:
Muddy and good Neil Young sound.

Level: 2-3 o´clock
High: 11-12 o´clock
Low: Max
Mid: 11 o´clock or whatever you like
Mid Req: 12 o´clock or whatever you like
Dist: 12-5 o´clock

Hanzu <>

Devices Used:
Using an Ibanez RG680(japan) with a Peavey Rage amp.

Sound Description:
Crunchy and the heaviest and clear sounding distortion i came up with...give it a shot u will like it.

mid freq:2


Devices Used:
Samick SG into the MT-2 to a Crate GX-30M amp.

Sound Description:
Very warm tone, with a good bit of bass

Level: 11 o'clock
HIgh: 3 o'clock
Low: 5 o'clock
Mid: 12 o'clock
Mid Freq: 12 o'clock
Dist: 9 o'clock


Heavy Metal
Devices Used:
Marshall VS100R 1x12 combo amplifier and Epiphone Special II Model

Sound Description:
The heaviest distortion I could get out of this box. Switch inbetween your neck and bridge pickup, both sound good, just one might be more of what your after. Sounds like Metallica.

Level : Anything, but a higher level gives for better sounding distortion on this box
Low : Max
Mid : 0
High : Max
Mid Frequency : 12 o'clock
Distortion : Max

Mike <>

Devices Used:
A guitar and an amp, and the pedal(of course Wink

Sound Description:
It sounds really deep with lots of bass. Turn the volume on your guirtar all the way up to maximize the effect. It's a really thick tone and I like it. I have some other settings that I might post later. Oh, this also sounds better if you're tuned down to like Drop D or anything else tuned down. I use a similar setting to this to play some Pumpkins stuff like Today.

on the pedal:

Level- turn this up to at least 12:00, higher if you want it louder.
Low- all the way up!
High- leave it at 12:00 or if you want a slight high range boost, put it at about 1:00
Mid freq.- put this between 10:00 and 11:00
Mid- turn this all the way down
Dist- put this on 12:00


My Own Prison
Devices Used:
I use Les Paul running through a Boss MT-2 into a Crate GX-65.

Sound Description:
For a "My Own Prison" by Creed sound.

level- 12:30
low- all the way up
high- 3:00 to 5:00
mid freq- all the way up
mid- all the way down
dist- approx. 9:00

Hope you dig this. For the solo, just switch on a chorus pedal. My name is Judson Lewis, so if you use this on your page, I'd really appreciate getting credit for coming up with the settings. Thank you for your time.

Judson Lewis <>

Devices Used:
fender srat with alnico 2 bridge humbucker, Boss metal zone, DOD ice box stereo chorus, squier 15 practice amp

Sound Description:
You can get a major kick ass thrash sound out of this small setup. you can also turn down the distortion and kick up the mid-range for alot of nirvana sounds.

thrash: for metal zone

level: at about 2 o'clock
low and high: turned all the way up
mid-range outside: 12 o'clock
mid inside: all the way down
distortion: at 3 0'clock

Nirvana sound: for metal zone (although kurt used the DS-1 distortion, the metal zone still delivers because of its punchy mid-range

level: at 3 o'clock
low and high: all the way up
middle: both all the way up
distortion: 12 o'clock

c.m. brandle

Driving Sound
Devices Used:
To get this sound I use a Fender Champion 110 and a Boss Mt-2 (Metal Zone) pedal.

Sound Description:
This sound is good for almost any song, especially grunge and anything that sounds similar to Nirvana. Also, if this sound does not fit your style, turn everything up and you will get a sound similar to the one 311 uses on the song "down".

Fender Champion 110:

volume: variable
drive channel: off
equalizer: all the same
reverb: either 0 or 10 depending on the song

Boss MT-2:

level: 8:30 to 9 o'clock
high: 3 to 4 o'clock
low: all the way up
mid: all the way up
mid freq: all the way up
distortion: 1 o'clock


Killer Metal
Devices Used:
Marshall Valvestate VS100R, Fender Strat with Duncan Hotrails Pickup in front and rear position

Sound Description:
Fit for both Thrash and Classic metal.

Marshall Valvestate VS100R
OD2 channel
tone controls & contour : 12o'clock
gain : 7 o'clock? (not to overdrive)
reverb & master : as you wish
power dimension : off

Level : 1 o'clock
Bass : 3 o'clock
Treble : 1 o'clock
Mid Freq : 1 o'clock
Mid : 12:30
Dist : 11 o'clock

Park, Jong-ku

Sound Description: General Metallica Sound.

Level : 10'o clock
High : 10'o clock
Low : 5'o clock
Middle : 5'o clock
Mid Freq : 5'o Clock
Dist : 1'o clock

Joe <>


i reek of putrefaction...
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cartman, eric
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 10:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 05 Jan 2006
Posts: 491

dude, ni setting mmt tu carik sendiri..??
as close to recreate the sound

atau mmg setting that band/guitarist uses.?
"Jean Claude Van Damme is back. In the same crap you've seen over and over, and over again"
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PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 5:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 05 Mar 2006
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Location: Taiping pun...

cartman, eric wrote:
dude, ni setting mmt tu carik sendiri..??
as close to recreate the sound

atau mmg setting that band/guitarist uses.?

obviously those settings were interpretation of the respective author. some of them are nice though...

i reek of putrefaction...
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cartman, eric
PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 7:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 05 Jan 2006
Posts: 491

hehe...very obvious...Laughing
saje nak comfirmkan...
"Jean Claude Van Damme is back. In the same crap you've seen over and over, and over again"
Pablo Franscisco stand up routine
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PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 9:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 15 Mar 2005
Posts: 648

for me..most of it are bullsh*t Very Happy

i wanna see what ridzi gotta say about this lolz

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PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 10:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 26 Nov 2005
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mak aih... panjangnye listing.. he heh e
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PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 11:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 11 Dec 2004
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

almost semua heavy sound ka.. adeih..
Gelanggang guitar :
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