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 Fuel Prices « View previous topic :: View next topic » 
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:42 pm    Post subject: Fuel Prices Reply with quote

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Good news for those who voted umno/bn -


And its just the beginning. Tolls will also naik.

Now the next round of price increase begins.


/r Mad
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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hahahaha relek ridzi...

walaupun aku undi PR last election siap semangat balik dari UK nak vote - aku rasa kalau pakatan in power pun diaorang sooner or later terpaksa naikkan harga

aku lagi prefer sooner or later kitaorang scrap away subsidy (gradually of course) and invest money kat transportation system (sampai tak perlu ada keta) and also get rid of car import tax etc etc
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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omarjamaludin wrote:

aku lagi prefer sooner or later kitaorang scrap away subsidy (gradually of course) and invest money kat transportation system (sampai tak perlu ada keta) and also get rid of car import tax etc etc

I agree with you BUT,

Kalau ko ingat the last time they increased fuel prices - they promised to improve public transportation. Tinggal janji aje.

Well we all know where the 56 billion is going now. Project Iskandar. i.e. pocket diorang la tu..

Wouldn't it be better to invest it to provide an extensive and world class public transportation network?

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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yep ,exactly my point so we need to protest / make noise not because of the higher petrol prices cos those are sooner or later inevitable but to make sure we're not getting screwed about the promise of better transportation , lower car tax etc...

and also maybe look at the whole 'sell msian oil for profit and buy back from other country cheaper oils' mechanisme....but i'm no economist/oil gas expert on that lor..

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 18 Jan 2004
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harga minyak naik
literally aku sgt gembira

for a very long time
rakyat malaysia membazir tenaga
kerna subsidi mcm ni,nak gi 7-E blakang umah pon naik keter

for a very long time
kite rakyat mesia terlampau bergantung pd kenderaan bermotor
sampai segala urban design pun terpaksa berpaksi pada attitude mcm ni

don't give me the notion of Pakatan Rakyat bole turunkan harga minyak
kalu diorng buat pon ia hanya akan bertahan utk 5 tahun shj
with all the global fuel price hikes
no goverment in the world can withstand it
and yeah thanks to country like Iran (oil price manipulator)
kite sumer terpaksa menanggung beban harga barang

but anyway
aku steady je psl benda2 camni
minyak kitorang bayar mmg jauh lagi mahal dr mesia tp kitorang xde komplen
lgpun aku bnyk jln kaki,naik tram,bas,teksi,car pool
ye la sesetengah org mesia ni kan mundur pemikirannye
tau komplennnnn aje
tak ramai yg berfikiran inovatif
hari2 mau kena suap
dah kena suap pun,marah dgn org yg menyuapkan
marah2 kerajaan still pakai minyak yg disubsidi
marah2 kerajaan still makan nasik subsidi
marah2 kerajaan tp anak2 still pakai buku teks subsidi
mmg dasar muka tak malu

ade org mesia ni kan kalu bole sumer benda nak kena subsidi
sampai spenda pon nak kena subsidi gamaknye
kalu dah kena subsidi tp sentiasa pikir utk majukan negara takpe la jugak
ini tak,kena subsidi pon still cr salah org lagi
tuduh org tu rasuah sana sini tp x leh buktikan (aka membuat fitnah)

aku rase bile mesia jadi state of anarchy mcm Somalia
mau terkencing terberak time tu jugak sesetengah org mesia nanti
satu benda pon tak leh disubsidi

aku dah lama expect benda ni akan berlaku
even before election lagi
tapi at least gomen berhati perut lagi
still bagi subsidi minyak kpd yg betul pakai sahaja
(satu lagi perangai sesetengah org mesia yg tak sedar diri ni,dah bagi subsidi kemudahan sumer pegi abuse lak,baik dr minyak,beras,tong sampah,tandas awam,same aje,mmg dasar otak kelas ketiga segelintir org mesia ni)

oh ya bg org mesia yg berfikiran maju dan bijak pandai serta berwawasan
sudah tentu dah prepare dgn segala plan utk menangani perkara sebegini
kpd yg sudah bersedia,syabas diucapkan
anda semua adalah harapan negara

yg tak bersedia lagi
teruskan merungut
ni kan negara demokrasi,merungut adalah hak asasi kita semua
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


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LONG LIVE adzakael!!!!!

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 25 Apr 2007
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Cemerlang, Gemilang, TEMBERANG! terima kasih Paklah!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 4:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Under the lopsided terms of the Power Production Agreements (PPAs), the IPPs are shielded from the rising cost of fuel.

The five first generation IPPs all use natural gas as their feedstock and PETRONAS sells gas to the IPPs at RM6.40 per million British Thermal Units (mmBTU).

That pales in comparison with the current market price of around RM35/mmBTU.

PETRONAS has paid out RM58.2 billion in gas subsidies since 1997, out of which, RM26.7 billion has gone into the pockets of the IPPs.

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like water and sink into the earth."
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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haha kalau amik subsidi takleh marah dah kerajaan? wow what a logic
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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what i mean is
org marah as if the kerajaan never done anything to the people
yet kite still pakai the subsidy

lagi bagus kalu divert the subsidy for the fuel to other sector
like food subsidy
kalu minyak,org yg x pakai kereta tak merasa faedahnye secara langsung
kalu makanan,semua org akan merasa faedahnya

lagipun if petrol price jd isunye
tukar pakai NGV la
harga tetap same
jimat pon jimat (RM60 for 500km,wah itu mmg jimat!)
aku rase nanti lori2 ladang aku pon kena pakai NGV la
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 02 Mar 2004
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Let's compare our fuel prices with other countries WITH oil production...

One more point what is this talk about subsidies? Mana ada subsidi... The subsidies are just the amount of money that the government would've gotten if they sell our fuel 100% at market price to our own consumers... they never have to pay anything pun... its not like Petronas owns the crude oil... The Oil belongs to Malaysians...

Quoted from Malaysia Today
Malaysia is an oil producing country and therefore when its citizens are adversely affected by its domestic fuel pricing system it suggests of a less than thorough management of its hydrocarbon asset.

Firstly, in the context of an oil producing nation, there was no necessity then and now to term the Malaysian fuel pricing as ‘being subsidized by the government’ [ostensibly for the benefit of the rakyaat]. Simply, Malaysia is an oil producing nation, and it follows her citizens get to enjoy some benefit from a lower than world market rate fuel pricing system. Period. For a government to curry that mileage then[cheap fuel], she must also bear the burden now[higher cost of fuel].

Secondly, hydrocarbon is but ‘black gold’, an ever diminishing natural produce, which requires million of years to form. Thus managers entrusted to maximize hydrocarbon as a national wealth should have justified their worth by providing adequate guiding wisdom to cushion the impact should hydrocarbon pricing systems break loose.

So the question then: given a balanced management of Malaysian hydrocarbon reserves, why should the government find it necessary to quote the rising world crude oil price as the main reason for hiking up the national fuel pricing system? Shouldn’t the domestic fuel pricing system remain quite constant thru the ranges of world pricing escalation/de escalation? Is not this a straight forward case of mismatching forecasted hydrocarbon resources versus national fuel demands?

To ever begin a cure to this national issue, the Malaysian government must admit the root cause of mismanagement, and clearly pin point where the current system has fallen tru the gaps. One strong area to analyze is the mismatch of forward and future oil contracts, its contractual obligations, and its national forecast on fuel demands.

Embarking on a cure, the government of the day to remove any spins and honestly describe its problems and its directions for recovery. The Malaysian government can start by explaining away the word ‘subsidized’ fuel pricing.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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adzakael wrote:

lagipun if petrol price jd isunye
tukar pakai NGV la
harga tetap same
jimat pon jimat (RM60 for 500km,wah itu mmg jimat!)
aku rase nanti lori2 ladang aku pon kena pakai NGV la

Ko nak tukar tangki NGV tu boleh bayar dengan bulu? Besides, kalau semua Stesen minyak kat malaysia ni ada provide NGV takpe jugak... ni kat selected stations je... what are STUPID argument...
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 17 Feb 2004
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adzakael wrote:

but anyway
aku steady je psl benda2 camni
minyak kitorang bayar mmg jauh lagi mahal dr mesia tp kitorang xde komplenlgpun aku bnyk jln kaki,naik tram,bas,teksi,car pool
ye la sesetengah org mesia ni kan mundur pemikirannye
tau komplennnnn aje
tak ramai yg berfikiran inovatif
hari2 mau kena suap
dah kena suap pun,marah dgn org yg menyuapkan
marah2 kerajaan still pakai minyak yg disubsidi
marah2 kerajaan still makan nasik subsidi
marah2 kerajaan tp anak2 still pakai buku teks subsidi
mmg dasar muka tak malu

ade org mesia ni kan kalu bole sumer benda nak kena subsidi
sampai spenda pon nak kena subsidi gamaknye
kalu dah kena subsidi tp sentiasa pikir utk majukan negara takpe la jugak
ini tak,kena subsidi pon still cr salah org lagi
tuduh org tu rasuah sana sini tp x leh buktikan (aka membuat fitnah)

aku rase bile mesia jadi state of anarchy mcm Somalia
mau terkencing terberak time tu jugak sesetengah org mesia nanti
satu benda pon tak leh disubsidi

aku dah lama expect benda ni akan berlaku
even before election lagi
tapi at least gomen berhati perut lagi
still bagi subsidi minyak kpd yg betul pakai sahaja
(satu lagi perangai sesetengah org mesia yg tak sedar diri ni,dah bagi subsidi kemudahan sumer pegi abuse lak,baik dr minyak,beras,tong sampah,tandas awam,same aje,mmg dasar otak kelas ketiga segelintir org mesia ni)

oh ya bg org mesia yg berfikiran maju dan bijak pandai serta berwawasan
sudah tentu dah prepare dgn segala plan utk menangani perkara sebegini
kpd yg sudah bersedia,syabas diucapkan
anda semua adalah harapan negara

yg tak bersedia lagi
teruskan merungut
ni kan negara demokrasi,merungut adalah hak asasi kita semua

eh ko Singaporean ke.. kat sana takde sumber minyak... so kena totally buy from market la.. aku setuju dgn Scumgrief.. actually gov x literally subsidise rakyat.. itu duit yang tak dapat pasal tak jual pada harga market.. kita tengok Sabah, Sarawak and Terengganu.. takde la cekap sangat public transportation or any other infrastructure ke..padahal dah lama dok gali minyak kat sana..
Kalau rakyat merungut tu tak semestinya pasal 'lemak' ke apa...tapi salah satu proses 'check and balance'.. mana2 government kalau dibiarkan sangat nanti goverment tu yang 'lemak'..
save me from myself of what's left of my soul after I've sold some part of it
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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adzakael wrote:
harga minyak naik
literally aku sgt gembira
ni kan negara demokrasi,merungut adalah hak asasi kita semua

Yeah... not everybody is as well fed as you are... with that said

F U C K YOU, go suck a dick or something...
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joined: 24 May 2006
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minyak naik..bil letrik naik..bil letrik naik

so...adekah jamming studio naik harge?
harge string n gtar naik harge?

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