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'In the Shadows'... demo for next band project
author: soulsynther posted: 06 Mar 2006 05:03 PM

Song by RS ; bass by JSL; drum programming & production by Doreen (of Bass Zen); JD... still practising drum parts:

Play Hi / Play Lo / Freeload

Footprints in a Rainstorm (demo for next band project)
author: soulsynther posted: 28 Feb 2006 07:24 PM

Song by RS ; bass by JSL; drum programming & production by Doreen (of Bass Zen); JD... still rehearsing drum parts:

Play Hi / Play Lo / Freeload

An old shoegazer song resurrected from the hard disk digital detritus
author: soulsynther posted: 02 Jan 2006 04:21 PM
The Slackhack Shoegazer Song of 2003 [from The Discarded Heap]

Play Hi / Play Lo / Download

Blogs 4 Cool Links
author: soulsynther posted: 25 Dec 2005 10:41 PM

Just RS

Khabar Bike

Merry X'mas & Happy New Year!

Chilled to the Bone [Christmas / New Year Choral Version]
author: soulsynther posted: 25 Dec 2005 10:38 PM
Chilled to the Bone [Christmas / New Year Choral Version]

Play Hi / Play Lo / Download

Have a Punky Christmas! [with The Mangkuks of Bujang Valley]
author: soulsynther posted: 25 Dec 2005 10:37 PM
Have a Punky Christmas! [with The Mangkuks of Bujang Valley]

Play Hi / Play Lo / Download

Free MP3s (192kbps) of projects I've had a hand in... now at!
author: soulsynther posted: 14 Dec 2005 03:40 PM
Free MP3s (192kbps):

RS + Archtop Soul / synthdude / Tribute To Mardana / Los Tenggas / Abysm / Bass Zen /
Hindi Moogy / The Mangkuks / Che Ahmad / Dollah Baju Merah / Wall of Drums

Listener feedback
author: soulsynther posted: 14 Dec 2005 12:24 PM
Hello RS,
my name is Massimo Lavagnini, I'm an indipendent lounge/downtempo
and I have a 12" coming out in Norway for Tasters Choice under my
of Shaitan.

I've just produced another single, "The wicked thoughts of you", for
I'm in word with the distributor and should go out in March/April 2006.
I've already a mix from Lemongrass (one of Germany's best groups), but
I was
wondering if you would be in the mood to make a mix for me, I liked
style: I've listened to your songs on

If you want to listen to the song, I can mail you an mp3.
I can mail you all the samples via zip...and you can join the party, my
release's gonna be in vinyl.

Let me know what do you think.
Massimo, Roma Italy


'"ahh come on.. gimme a break. another foreign band signing up on
i-bands!" then my friend shouted "oi that's local lah" My God! U rule! people on i-bands can definitely learn a lot from u. thanks for sharing your music with us. Hope u can spend some time
sharing some music making knowledge of yours. All the best man! Do tell us more bout yourself aite.'


'well i've been searching for a music that match my musical experience
and inspiration..well thank God i found your i want to ask
smthing if u dun mind..can i know how u produce ur own composition?Did u
use any computer software in most of your production?hey.heheh...i'm
now in the process of learning how to turn my laptop to do the home
recording...anyway,nice job dude!'


' name is Finie.i'm from JrJ Management Consultantand we are
system integrator for Celcom 3G (mobile TV) would like to promote u in
this mobile tv in entertainment product.if u interested with this
program,could u send a copy of your own song in CD copyrightwith your profile
to us at :

JrJ Management Consultant Sdn Bhd
A2-4,Block A, Plaza Dwitasik,
Bandar Sri Permaisuri,
56000 Cheras Kuala Lumpur.
Tel : 03-91736202 / 012-3476825'


like to exchange ideas in home produced music.
how to get started in terms of gears to invest on which is ideal for
semi beginners.


lagu ko semua best....... aku nak pi download semua lagu ko.... ko dah
jadi idola aku lal...huhuuuuuu


Clips from upcoming 'Traintown Blues' album
author: soulsynther posted: 07 Aug 2005 09:12 AM
PLAY clips from 'Traintown Blues'

'Before I Go To Sleep', a guitar ballad
author: soulsynther posted: 02 Aug 2005 07:27 AM
Before I Go To Sleep

Demo version available for streaming/download HERE feedback feedback

A rocker called 'Hey You War Starter!'
author: soulsynther posted: 05 Jul 2005 07:59 PM
Hey You War Starter
A mad-dash (written & recorded in two hours) Sabbath-soaked anti-war anthem.
HERE (please scroll down) feedback feedback feedback


Back To The Blues
author: soulsynther posted: 22 Jun 2005 02:44 AM
Been ages since I played the blues so decided to visit the "birus" again. Have uploaded the latest mixes of four originals that came out in a blinding rush... just like molten lava gushing from a vicious volcano: Middle Of The Night (laidback blues), Hey Mr. Devil (blues rock), Sunday Morning Blues (slow blues), Cold Day In Hell (blues boogie) & Ain't Got No Mojo (acoustic blues)

Please go
HERE (scroll down) if the links don't work.

The feedback so far:

i-bands forum forum forum

The Blues Site forum

Temple Of Blues forum (Cold Day In Hell) (Cold Day In Hell) (Cold Day In Hell) (Ain't Got No Mojo) 'Song of the Day' June 28, 2005 - Hey Mr. Devil SOTD feedback (Hey Mr. Devil)

Peace Out!

Download 'Tribute To Mardana' now!
author: soulsynther posted: 12 Dec 2004 09:14 PM
In case you strayed here looking for the 'Tribute To Mardana' MP3 downloads, let me redirect you to the right place:

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM