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Deja Voodoo Spells
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Band Bio
author: rithan posted: 19 Apr 2006 02:07 AM

Rithan first picked up the guitar when he was 16 years old. Back in his hometown of Johor Bahru, he fronted a hardcore band called ‘Siren Liberty’ with his cousin and friends from school.

He moved to KL to pursue a degree in Music, which was also when he first met Ainol.

While attending music school in KL, Rithan organised and played at numerous tributes to Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix. He also conducted guitar clinics for Ibanez and other events, but his life changed during the ‘Rentak Asia’ concert in 2000. His lecturer at that time recommended Rithan to be present at the soundcheck for the show, and it was then that Rithan first met Steve Vai. Mustering up the courage to walk up and say ‘Hi’ to the virtuoso, Rithan told Vai that he was a big inspiration, and that he was practising ‘Boy from Seattle’. Vai then asked Rithan to play it for him, and Rithan reluctantly agreed. After that fateful evening, Rithan knew what he needed to do.

That was the first time Rithan met Steve Vai, but it wasn’t going to be his last. In July 2004, Rithan beat guitarists from all over Asia and Australia in a competition organised by Yamaha Music. His prize: to be able to do a soundcheck with Steve Vai. Instead, Rithan went on to share the stage with the legendary guitarist and they played ‘Little Wing’ to a crowd of 3000 people in Vai’s concert in Suntec city, Singapore.

After Steve Vai, Rithan went on to play alongside other international artistes, particularly Marty Friedman, Gary Hoey, Sting and Dominic Miller.

In 2005, Rithan graduated from the International College of Music (ICOM) with a Westminster Degree in Music Arranging.

Rozaimi “Mie” Rosli

Mie started playing bass when he was 18 years old and was part of a Metalcore band called ‘Nephotetix’. They performed all over Malaysia and produced a demo. Unfortunately, commitments got in the way and the band disbanded.

After ‘Nephotetix’, Mie found himself playing New Age Metal around Malaysia in a band called ‘Terubozu’.

Malaysian radio station ‘Era’ organised a talent competition for individual musicians and Mie beat thousands of bassists to be among the top 5 that were selected.

When Deja Voodoo Spells called for an audition to look for a new bassist, Mie impressed Rithan and Ainol both with his skill and tone. The rest, as they say, is history.

Ainol Eqraf Ramli

Come May 2006, Ainol will turn the ripe old age of 19. Drumming since he was barely 9 years old, Ainol was signed under a major record label with his band ‘Kristal’ when he was 10.

Kristal toured Malaysia and played for Malaysia’s most prestigious award shows, namely AIM and Anugerah Era.

With undeniable talent, Ainol was regarded as a prodigy by professional Malaysian musicians and even backed up Rock singer Awie from Wings.

After meeting Rithan when they were both representing Malaysia in the World Music Festival, Ainol co-founded Deja Voodoo Spells to seek different musical endeavours.

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last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM