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Banshee was establish in a nocturnal night of eclipse moon somewhere in the dark mountains of hellish region by Jambu & Anas that feels the hunger for oldskool thrash/death metal. at that time there's only 2 of them so they invited some old friends of them to join the summoning, O'in & Ariff. early 2004, the band split up, o'in & ariff left the band leaving only jambu & anas,Ababil joined the band as bass/vocals. RAPTOR was used as the band's monicker and with that they've released a promo rehearsal tape in mid 2004 entitled Return of the 80's with Jambu on drums, Anas on guitars and Ababil on Bass/Vocals. the tape was recorded live but with quite a low quality sound. Raptor plays very rare and raw sound of thrash/heavy metal. Anas left the band in early 2005 and Man Sahar (Ex-Halun) took the replacement. due to new music and new concept, we felt neccesary to change our band's name to Banshee. and the legions from hell are now Jambu (demonic drums of war), Man Sahar (inverted strings of evil symphony) & Ababil (desecrating bass of antichrist/evil screaming of pontianak).