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About Formed in middle of 1999 at Masjid Tanah, Malacca. Started with Aboi on drums, Epul on bass,Dokteh on guitar and Pejal on vocal. Then in around year 2001,dokteh has left this band because they have a personal problem.Atoi join the band as a lead guitar to replace dokteh position at january 2002. And now in the year 2004 we have change the line up all over again with Aboi on Drums Midie on vox+1st guitars, Epul on 2nd guitars and Pejal on bass. Atoi have to pull out from this band because he needs to proceed in his study(ALAM).Madhouse was have only 3 stuff became now. The first Madhouse stuff is COMP.ART OF NOISE(Malacca Grunge Band Compilation-2001).The 2nd stuff is COMP.SICK SPLITTERS(Masjid Tanah Grunge Band Compilation-2003) and the 3rd stuff is NEW REVOLUTION FOR MADHOUSE BANDS called SINGLES and this is a TRUE VARIOUS SOUND of Madhouse development(February 2005).Actually we have experimenting various of sounds and for this time, this is it! We found it!!

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Members Aboi(Drums) | Epul (Guitars) | Pejal (Bass) | Midie(Vox/Guitars).
Location Masjid Tanah, Malacca,Malaysia
Influences Helmet,Chevelle,Alice In Chains,Stone Temple Pilots,Foo Fighters,Staind,Nirvana,Fear Factory,Metallica,Strait Up,Creed,Soundgarden,Tad,Thrice,Silverchair
Sounds Like Alternative Metal+Grungecore

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last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM