This site is currently in archive mode. We no longer accept new accounts and song uploads. All rights to the published songs belong to the respective artists. But circumstances might have changed since the last time i-bands was online. Therefore, do report any copyright infringements to our team at
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Edit Information Video
author: alimi posted: 13 Mar 2006 04:59 PM

New Chapter
author: alimi posted: 06 Feb 2006 02:59 AM
Hi folk..We have uploaded new song for this earlier year. The song entitled 'Noodle'.
Comment welcomed. thanks!

Tatawarna Fatamorg released!!!
author: alimi posted: 17 Sep 2005 08:21 PM
feel free to hear our new sound that is created lately this month..
feddback welcomed.. :D

(Click here to read more)
recarnation & REda?
author: alimi posted: 04 Aug 2005 09:47 PM
New uploaded song recarnation & reda...Fell free to hear them... :)

Hadapi Dengan Senyuman...
author: alimi posted: 23 Jul 2005 02:58 AM
"..semua yg terjadi biar terjadi, hadapi dgn tenang jiwa, smuanya kan baik2 saja..."

Syukur, smua masalah telah selesai dan kembali seperti sedia-kala...

--> Dengarkan "Apocalypt Noise" & "Mari kita tengk wayang!" (Acoustic) new upload..

(Click here to read more)
...banyak masalah?
author: alimi posted: 08 Jul 2005 06:12 PM
skunk nih, byk masalah yg timbul demi memperbaiki dan memantapkan lagi benda2 nih smua sedikit sebanyak telah memberi suatu harapan baru kepada pembentukan suatu era dan genre terbaru yg hangat dan masyuk utk tatapan smua nih cepat berakhir..

Lagu Cover Radiohead?
author: alimi posted: 24 Jun 2005 11:39 AM
Dengarkan "The National Anthem" lagu Radiohead di olah dgn gayasound kami sendiri demi menepati ke kreatifan umat...feed back welcomed!!

Elixir Released..!!!
author: alimi posted: 18 Jun 2005 09:26 AM
Ep terbaru kami "ELIXIR" baru jer di released kan....jadi bg mereka2 yg ingin menjadikan ia sebahagian daripada koleksi peribadi, anda di jemput utk mendapatkan ia...Ep ini mengandungi 9 buah lagu!...saje je letak byk lagu... :)boleh lah dengar lagu kami kat dlm i-bands nih...
Jadi, pada yg berminat, sila contact kami...luv u all...!!
Need support from you all!!!

Lagu cover x cambest...
author: alimi posted: 24 May 2005 10:09 AM
huh...banyak sangat lagu cover kat dalam nih...macam anjing ngan kucing lol..x best langsung...

latest info of the band
author: alimi posted: 14 May 2005 01:09 PM
kitorg akan release kan 2 lagu baru...masih lagi dalam proses bunyi2an yg mentah...tunggu ajol buat arrangement utk drums...salah satu nya recarnation (lagu rebirth untuk meditation) yg masih belum dapat dilabel kan arah muziknya....ada gothic sket...neo sket..industrial sket...satu lagi blum ada title lagi tapi dah ada arrangement utk setiap track instrument....dengan lafaz bismillah semoga segala nya bjalan lancar & harap2 korang leh masyuk dengo lagu nih,...k

Askum release...
author: alimi posted: 31 Mar 2005 10:05 AM
New upload "askum'...feel free to hear it...TQ!

author: alimi posted: 05 Mar 2005 02:37 AM
New song uploaded entitled "Meditation". Hope you'll like it! Best Regards..

An Intro...
author: alimi posted: 28 Jan 2005 10:17 AM
Wanna say Ape Khabo kat semua warga i-bands moga2 berbahagia selalu hendak nyer...Kami, pendatang baru, biasalah...musti kekok skit ngan keindahan flora n fauna tempat nih...dan dgn ada nyer kehadiran kami...maka hendak nyer dapat lar kalian smua terima dan bukakan hati mendengar sound yg di olah sedemikian rupe...Sekian.

band site...
author: alimi posted: 03 Feb 2005 10:41 AM
we are on myspace. check out >>

webcasting your concert video for worldwide exposure..
author: alimi posted: 03 Feb 2005 10:48 AM
check out >>

Hey guys:

My company would like to promote you by webcasting one of your concerts for worldwide exposure. This service is at: Your show would not be livecast, but a copy of the concert video footage would be archived and streamed on-demand 24/7. My company has a database containing links to streaming concert footage that viewers can preview ten minutes for free, or pay-per-view the entire show, plus there will be a link to your website, plus information about the show. Each time the viewer selects your concert to pay-per-view. The PPV charge is $6.50, of which you get 50%. Viewers will not have to pay anything to visit the website. Artists will NOT be charged the one-time setup fee of only $50 if their footage is received by 3/15/05. To learn details, click "New Artist" button on the home page, download the agreement, and fill-out the form. Concert footage will be provided by you to my company to encode, and upload into the website database.

I am marketing to not only to potential fans of yours, but also booking agents, labels, venues, and promoters, who could be interested in you in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the U.K.

If you need someone to videotape your show, check my online list linked to the artist info page.

Therefore, I hope you will visit the site to learn details, and let me know if you have any questions.

Peace out,
Jay Michael Raymond, Owner LLC
Hollywood, California, USA

Gig Invitation welcomed...
author: alimi posted: 08 Feb 2005 04:05 AM
People were welcomed to invite us perform live...

contact :>
012-5555417 (imiy)
012-4495050 (joy)

TQ and Best Regards!

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM