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mind vibes
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About Mind Vibes explores the vast unique sound of noises and turning them into a weird and hallucinating wall of sounds..weird one..these noises can be heard thru its first demo..MISERY OF SCIENCE..8 tracks full of torturing and tormenting noises.. The main brain behind MindVibes is Pia MAter..a noise manipulate whose influences in music range from Iron Butterfly to Napalm Death..with the help of sound freak Cobweb, MindVibes is ready to manipulate noises and releasing its second demo..WHAT ON MY MIND..a collections of electronic and noise surely freaking your mind..Mind Vibes stay true to the brutality and agression of noise .get ready to be depressed and disarray!!!!
Members Pia MAter (noise manipulate) and Cobwed (sound freak)
Location Serdang, Selangor
Influences Godflesh, Iron butterfly,Depeche mode,Front 242, The beatle and etc
Sounds Like Experimental,weird, dark and electronic

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last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM