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About - WE LOVE TO BLOW! -
Yooralla is an experimental musical group, formed in 2004. People always ask what the hell does Yooralla mean. The name is originally taken from an Australian aborigine language which means love. This group was founded by Pitt and his friends, Isma and Botak who fell in love with the didgeridoo when they first discovered the ancient sounds a few years ago. In the beginning it's only for the purpose of entertaining themselves. They gathered in some places and started making noise with their didgeridoo. Then, Aishah and Adam were invited to join the group after Isma returned to his hometown after completing his studies.
Other than the didgeridoo being the main instrument, we also have percussionists, hitting on djembes and bongos, with the claps of the clapstick,and alot of other instruments (sompaton, maracas, bow harp, e.t.c...). Current members are Pitt, Sapick, Key, Adam and Aishah (the only female member in the group) which comes from different music background. Besides Yooralla's own members, the group sometimes invite some friends to play along like Aizat from Pink Mops Collective and etc.

Members pitt + sapick + key + aishah + adam k.
Location Kuala Lumpur
Influences ed drury + mark atkin + djalu gurruwiwi + outback + gangga giri + jamiroquai + tribal music + enigma + e.t.c...
Sounds Like something like the recorder you used to blow at school

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM