This site is currently in archive mode. We no longer accept new accounts and song uploads. All rights to the published songs belong to the respective artists. But circumstances might have changed since the last time i-bands was online. Therefore, do report any copyright infringements to our team at
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New song - psychedelic
author: bitterpill posted: 30 Aug 2006 03:09 AM
a friend wanted me to write a song with these words
pissed off

so i came up with psychedelic, head to my music page and have a listen lol

monolog sepi (remix wip)
author: bitterpill posted: 11 Jul 2006 12:25 AM
uploaded a 60% done monolog sepi... feel free to rate the song! feedback n criticism r always welcomed

lagu baru - monolog sepi
author: bitterpill posted: 14 Mar 2006 06:48 AM
hi , i uploaded a new wip entitled monolog sepi. sorie sebab the converted file mcm corrupted sket. ade bunyi buzzbuzz. i'll fix it later. hehee

later ppl!

author: bitterpill posted: 09 Mar 2006 06:08 PM
go show some love!

wanie k's mp3 compilation..
author: bitterpill posted: 28 Jan 2006 04:56 AM

author: bitterpill posted: 10 Dec 2005 02:22 AM

author: bitterpill posted: 08 Dec 2005 06:17 AM
adoi. tercame across eynkarr's page... hahahaa...mattt aku takleh lupekan experience nyanyi lagu metalll...warhahahaaajakk...pengsan!!!!!!!!!!!!!

check it out at

"journey of mascba sun"

author: bitterpill posted: 06 Dec 2005 09:15 PM
hey peeps, uploaded more original songs! comments r appreciated! hihihii... had to put down the coverssss... sadly!

author: bitterpill posted: 02 Jul 2005 07:45 PM
hey ppl .. nuffin much to add on at the moment.. been really bz wif werk dah lame takk update or recorded any songs... adelar a few songs in progress n stuffs i havent had time to work on.. will get on that later2 lepas abes keje

anywaaaaaaay... my monitor ni mengong sket somehow its resolution is dark... which might result the header and other images look too bright on ur pc... so pepaham je lar

author: bitterpill posted: 11 May 2005 07:43 PM
new song uploaded, gothier. recorded this last year for mpm subject..

lalala new songgg
author: bitterpill posted: 30 Apr 2005 06:46 AM
a new song uploaded.. called THE FIGHT SONG (AN ANTHEM OFTHE METAL & OI) .. a special tribute for all metallers and ois!.. feedbacks are welcomed!

you jagan
author: bitterpill posted: 25 Apr 2005 06:33 PM
yet another song is uploaded, called you jangan feat my youngest bro on lead vox. the song was originally recorded in 2001, where we were just goofin around.. dis song was once a hit in mmu cyber back in 2001.. ahahaha..
enjoy the remix


berite tekini hiburan sensasi
author: bitterpill posted: 24 Apr 2005 07:35 PM
uploaded a new song...original composition called lullaby windu
hehehe..bole lagi manje tak name lagu eh ;p anyway, view song
info if u wanna noe more abt the song..

im also lookin for male vox to collabo on my so-called ska song
ni.. die cam duet girl/boy.. sape yang berminat nak berduet ngn
sore kiut (wek) saye ni, sile la msg.. ;p

cuti cuti
author: bitterpill posted: 22 Apr 2005 05:58 PM
im on my semester break skang.. n workin on 2 songs.. finalizing the drum tracks n vocals.. both wud be my first try on multitracking.. very very much excited abt the final outcome of both songs.. at the same time im also lookin for intern (practical) placement.. so sesape yg tau any kewl design/it solutions/post production companies.. pls recommend :) thankssssssss babaiiii


new songs
author: bitterpill posted: 19 Apr 2005 05:21 PM
hey new songs by cujo uploaded.... covers of 12:51 and i wanna hold ur hand... r.i.p cujo.sobsob...

+ the place you've come to fear the most +
author: bitterpill posted: 09 Mar 2005 08:37 PM
hi, welcome to my page. on my page, u will get to listen to my songs. some are covers. some are my own.

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM