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RadioGravity - LamePost
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Two new stupid songs
author: cypher posted: 22 Aug 2006 12:06 PM
Dear Busy Stalin,

these two song are undone.. i recorded it for the song structure itself.. will called in the rest of band to play their part.. we got other song as well.. its in beta mode.

the fight is still on.. still waiting for u to sort ur life.. told u its not easy.. now u have to swallow all ur words when u said i got commitment to this shit.. hahaha.. working and singing.. hmm.. malas lar aku kak jako..

Enjoy the shit!

Chakwau's song
author: cypher posted: 16 Jun 2006 02:19 PM
heylo.. if anyone reading la.. i just upload lagu chakwau..

saja..sneak preview for their upcoming EP!

New Song
author: cypher posted: 15 May 2006 08:43 AM
Added new song .. finish over the weekend.

This is a mini project by RG Lamepost original members, Myself and Ah Peng.. 3 songs to go before Bandfest2006.

This is just a sneak preview.. Against Parent is a song about having the urge to move out from the house after listening to long ever so loving nagging from my parent. Hope u guys get the message. The vocal suckalot.. i know.. im practising my vocal..


New Song upload
author: cypher posted: 11 May 2006 03:37 PM
i uploaded new song.. its all in the making..

Firework in ur eyes... lead guitar by Andre.. very gud one!

author: cypher posted: 15 Nov 2005 02:07 PM
i uploaded the wrong song.. transfer the wrong crap into my handy drive lastnite! damm.. tomoro lar then!

New song Uploaded
author: cypher posted: 15 Nov 2005 10:42 AM
Hello all! i just uploaded two new songs which is a beta version.. meaning not yet completed lar..

i dunno..i think my head got too huge and i really want to showcase our song writting skills.. all these winning and cheering got me thinking.. dat i really have to work harder for kuching scene.. help others if u want other to support you...

Singapore, we are not only going to sing our song and leave..but we are going to show you what are Sarawak & Sabah are made of!! If we fail to lift RadioGravity's name, at least you know there is an emerging scene from Borneo.. This scene is gonna rawk us all...

May all of us be blessed with GudRock and GudSong! yehaa...


im a dumbass procrastinator prick!
author: cypher posted: 24 Oct 2005 03:29 PM
fuck me and my lil kenny.. oh yeah. i just name my lil useless long john..kenny.. figure kenny always die in south park, mine always die in the toilet.. hehehe.. if u get the drift lar..

i dint manage to finish my song.. firework in ur eyes.. fuck... endless need dint take off ..fark! but i manage to upload "the way u r".. it dint get gud response.. arrhh fuck..

my tactic is flush any song down my brain anal..

tgh meeting.. gotta go!

Timeline for a small project
author: cypher posted: 06 Oct 2005 01:37 PM
heya all,

im setting a timeline for myself.. its not dat easy to jugle between work and jamming at the same time. Its hard..composing song is difficult but must not let those sort of excuses dampen my spirit. This time, i finally get a smacked right between my eye. So, im promising myself to record tracks for Firework in your Eyes and a brand new single(konon lar) "Endless Need".

No recording using biggie sound card but my trusted creative SoundBlaster.

Here is a self punishment sentences.........

06/10/2005 - 13/10/2005 - Firework in Your Eyes
14/10/2005 - 21/10/2005 - Endless Need

Must get to work now.... arghh...

Slow Mo
author: cypher posted: 06 May 2005 10:20 AM
its been a very slow month for me, as there are no updates and new compose song.

Infact, i have a few up my sleeve but i could hardly find the time to do a proper recording. Damm, i so fucking lazy. Moral has dropped to sub zero and i could not push and drag this huge large balls to my private studio.

Anyway, im currently building up our home recording studio. We have already bought a drum set, now.. the mixer and a good recoding sound card. im still looking aroung its so difficult to find a 4 channel recoding sound card in kuching.

okie, gtg.. will work on new song soon.. and do a band performance for Firework in ur eyes!


U gotta be joking!!??
author: cypher posted: 31 Mar 2005 02:31 PM
hey guys.. u gotta be joking? check out Lamepost - Firework in ur eyes chart..

i got number one.. damm surreal.. thanks to all.. i dont know you but thank for making it number one. I hope it will shoot up and up and away.. Nah.. nothing stay forever, so i gotta be more creative and soapy, mushy.. Mebe im just one plain loser.

Thanks Again.. credit goes to all Under One Label's member for your constant long distance support. New song will up soon..

Till then, tata..

New Song
author: cypher posted: 24 Mar 2005 04:26 PM
Hey dudes, i just uploaded 2 new songs. i guess i screwed the first one. Damm.. wat happen? Anyway, if u wish to comment or to curse.. please go to our website :

Ok chow!

Halo Arse Ole
author: cypher posted: 11 Mar 2005 11:02 AM
The power of internet. One can leave his will and presence tho he is no more physically in this world. Well, wat are u waiting for?

Consume it!

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM