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Pop songs? K-songs?
author: cass posted: 12 Jun 2006 11:10 PM
Hello friends, have not login to i-bands for quite some time...
very happy to see that my statistics are still growing, hahaha...
Well, wondering anybody out there can make me clear.... I'm facing some problem, which I think it's not easy for me to understand. The worse is tht I thought I understand, and I thought I'm already doing it. But afterall, someone told me that I'm not...
I'm "studying" on pop songs & so called "K-songs" (karaoke songs). What is the main characteristics of this type of songs?
As all know, these are 'marketable' songs.
I believe most of u guys here might not spend much time thinking about this. We are here because we want to be ourselves, publicise the music which might not be easy to accept by the 'ordinaries'...
But yet, I'm still wondering....

I found a partner
author: cass posted: 17 May 2005 11:47 AM
Hey guys, how r u doin'? Thanks for dropping by on my site.
Please check out the artist 'Frankenstein' as well. We work on a song together, he does the music, and I'm on the lyric (I don't know how can I do it, but I did! Ha!)
Cheers to you all and keep it up with your passion towards music!

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM