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author: waifoong84 posted: 16 Nov 2005 02:16 PM
Added 2 more mp3 clips.

1)Testing my zoom- I sold my BOSS OS-1 and CH-1 last month planning to get a new Behringer Vamp2, but ended up buying this cool looking Zoom G2.1U. I'm quite happy with this pedal, yea it rocks my boat. Its not the best sounding machine out there, but wat the hell ...for Rm400+ it came with built in drum machine, tuner, metronome, and USB connector, *thumbs up!!*,definitely a bang for the bucks. And yeah,I manage to squeeze out some cool lead tone out of this sexy little thing....well, its jz a simple recording la,and my playing is still sloppy. dun forget to drop some comments ...;)

2)YongHengDeKaoAn-This is a chinese song that I wrote few years back. Since I'm on holiday and got nothing better to do,I arranged and recorded this song --:

a)Vocals- Lead and backing vocal also my voice la ....(Recorded using some cheap pc mics,but after adding in some reverb,it sounds very ok to me )
b)Guitars- 3 layers:Rhythm,Lead, and chorus sound (G2.1U)
c)Bass- Haha pgm is my bass la (5th and 6th string,+G2.1U acoustic effect)
d)Drum-FruityLoops studio (This is my first time using this prog ...)

There is some guitar shredding at the end of the song. Enjoy.

author: waifoong84 posted: 28 Sep 2005 12:05 AM
Uploaded 2 more of my recordings. Just some normal wankings ....

Shalom !!
author: waifoong84 posted: 13 Apr 2005 10:25 PM
Ok,I only got one song. Will upload more soon....maybe after finals la ;).

We want to see Jesus lifted high (Cover)
Recorded by K.Chun from SAE
Bass : A-Bu
Drums : Jason Yu
Keys : Shinyi
Guitar&Vocal : Foong

Ciao,God Bless !!

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yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM