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We are BugsNoiZe
author: BugsNoize posted: 14 May 2005 04:13 AM
We are not the kid like u, all we need is just a little concern, notice and we do appreciate all the chances u give to us. All u need to do is just let us perform in the coming giggs no matter when, where it will be held. Thanks a lot.

All Rights Reserve for WHAT???

BugsNoiZe are here to make some NoiZe!!
author: BugsNoize posted: 11 May 2005 03:47 AM
A band which is formed by the name of PUNK! Ready to rock the world with our new style of music, new style of anything and what does it reserve for???
Here's the list of the band members :

Guitar/Vocal - Wai
Bass /Vocal - Kelvin
Drum/Sampling - Eric
Guitar - B3ar

Contact :
Kelvin - 0129007559
Eric - 0129836226
B3ar -

Few years ago, Eric and Wai formed a band with their Kelantan Friends. They did very well but that band were not doing punk n alternative like BugsNoize, they did Rock. So they decided to called up Kelvin(which is known as Shorty Punk) to join them to played in punk. Then, "Zam Zam alaka Zam!" here comes BugsNoiZe. It's been quite some time BugsNoiZe had been preparing for their demo and well here it is, ready to be judge by you all out there; the best judge of all! Please do give comments by the contact given above. Thank you.

All Right Reserve for WHAT???

Thank you Songster Recording. Thank you Ah Chen(soundman). Thank you Luah(soundman).

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM