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The Elbino
+ about +
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About We've start to play together around 2004 and base from epoh "rock city".
The member of this band are Boy (vocal/ 1st guitar), Naim (drum), cupak (2nd guitar), and bob (Bass). Actually we had just been completed our 1st demo that include 3 tracks inside it. The sound that we created are based on our influence band such as the strokes, beulah, the stone roses, the cribs, beatles and many more. We are also now searching for a new vocalists as we want to hold on our respective position for our next project. For those who keen to get our demo and intrested in joining our band as a vocalist just give a call at 017-4627933 (Naim). Lastly, thanks a lot for those who had been supporting, criticised and following us from beggining untill today. Enjoy with our music. cheers !
Members boy = naim = cupak = bob
Location epoh / kL
Influences The stroKes = The stoNe roSes = RooNey + The beatLes + BeuLah + The cRibs = The Mars voLta = The kilLers
Sounds Like Indie - ReTro rocK ....

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM