This site is currently in archive mode. We no longer accept new accounts and song uploads. All rights to the published songs belong to the respective artists. But circumstances might have changed since the last time i-bands was online. Therefore, do report any copyright infringements to our team at
Better At Battling Idiots
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OMG.. 2 NEW SINGLES?!!!!!!! (^ o ^) /
author: ali3n8ted posted: 19 Oct 2007 02:47 PM
ideas for composing songs and daily life ain't gonna sync well so that's our reason for the fuck*ng long delays b4....

New singles:
1. Jika
2. Sekali Lagi

we are experimenting so ssshhh n listen.. then rate or whatsoever k..
oh ya we need feedbacks ppl!!!! (because we suck and need more improvement)

enjoy you hogass creature~

author: ali3n8ted posted: 05 May 2007 11:22 AM
phew~ it's been ages since we updated our page.. nu stuff coming soon pigs.. we P.R.O.M.I.S.E!

Another Letdown.. DAMN!!
author: ali3n8ted posted: 07 Oct 2005 05:19 PM
Oinkez~.. we're putting another acoustic single which we cover from an unknown guy.. "For You".. what about the other two that we mentioned before you ask? well they're not quite done yet bcoz we are too fucking lazy.. later or soon alrite?!! Owh yeah don't forget to give us your Feedback by messaging to us what you think of our stuff k!

- The Butcher From N.Sembilan -

Oops false alarm!!
author: ali3n8ted posted: 22 Sep 2005 06:16 AM
Sorry humans.. we made a mistake.. looks like the full band single is here.. packed and loaded to fill your ears with ear wax and blow your eardrums off.. it is called " Choices (For Nadya)".. She'll hate it for sure haha.. it's a mixture of zapin and ghazal and the vox are sang by our very own Jamal Abdullah and Ramli Sarap (The screamo part).. enjoi!!!
-The Butcher's Wife-

*P.s: Owh Yeah dun forget to rate, download and comment our fucking music k?!!!

Aww man.. we're out of big meats!!!
author: ali3n8ted posted: 13 Sep 2005 12:33 AM
Ssup! Looks like we'll be releasing 2 acoustic singles, "Turn Back Time" and "Could Be" before the full band song because still have no idea for lyric.. soon be tranqualized by our new shits!!! (owh yeah.. the main reason is because i have no mood to sing rite now when im facing too many personal problems.. so FUCK ME!!!)
- Chariot of Meat -

New song coming soon..
author: ali3n8ted posted: 03 Sep 2005 07:22 PM
Roinky doinky oinky.. working on a new full-band song.. have no idea for lyrics.. but the music's kinda cool.. i Love You Sayang (sape makan chili die terase pedas hahaha).. waaah sungguh gay!!!
-The Meat Transporter-

Oinking the oinks..
author: ali3n8ted posted: 30 Aug 2005 01:56 PM
Oink oink! B.A.B.I. is gonna make all you people pay for prosecuting all pigs to death in Malaysia.. Our music will keep on playing in your head until it pops.. HAHAHAHA!
- Chariot of Meat -

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM