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About ....We were born. We drank milk. We eat rice. We formed a band through contact ads. We are from all over the northtern Malaysia. TABLEORDESK started from December 2000 with pokka (guitars+vocals), numd-me (bass) and faiz (drums) to express their interest in music. Then, cause a lot of commitment needed between study and music, TABLEORDESK had to stop because to concentrated in their studies. In December 2003, TABLEORDESk invited penyu as vox. In the middle 2004, TABLEORDESK had less something for their music and invited aap|t as their rythm. Now we are together. Now, our bands survives in five members.. Now we play alternative, pop-punk(maybe..?). Now everything will be wonderful. ^^^^^We encourage all of you that enjoy what they just heard to surf towards our website in i-bands...actually our band is TABLEORDESK not tabeordesk...there has some mistake....

Members vox = penyu,lead guitar= pokka,bass= numb-me,rythm= aap|t,drum= faiz
Location deSert,kedah darul aman
Sounds Like just judge when you heard..

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM