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Daily Flavoured Tunes
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About Briefly, this paragraph will tell you the so called "history" or the background of "Daily Flavoured Tunes". The band was formed in the early days of 2001, by two-"chemically-bonded"-brothers: Yusaini and Yusrizal, and later Shamaizar@Mizan and Zubir join them to form a simply rock-quartet in the heart of historical town of Taiping@Raincity. Basically they're influenced by the likes of Silverchair, Butterfingers, Padi, Muck, and many more. With help from Zahid of Crashover Records, they recorded their debut ep "Sonik Di Atas Langit", around May till July 2003, and released in the form of cassetes under the same label. Merely 400 units have been sold from the date of released, sometime around September 2003. DFT also featured in the "Independente Silverstate Compilation" alongside with other prominent names in the scene like Elmkids, Scandel26, Muck, Couple and etc.
Sad to say we wouldn't work much on the last ep, couldn't commit to play gigs due to lots of constraints! Yet as the time goes, the band grows and since mid 2004 the band has expanded...maka munculllah dua remaja berjiwa besar, Mr Shiha n Mr Akmal. Around november 2004 DFT sempat merecord sebiji lagu yang agak beraura la jugak hehehe... but still tak dpt final master nyer disebabkan si perakam nye masih berada di United Kingdom. The only gig yang disertai DFT cuma the rock show kat lolipop ipoh... thanks pada yang organize, bodysurf! and the next gig bulan sembilan nie... 3/9/05. dft akan main lagi.... yah...itu saja...!
Members Yusrizal- Guitars, Violin, Piano :: Mizan- Guitars :: Yusaini - Vocals, Guitars:: Zubir- Drums, Shiha- Keyboards :: Akmal-Bass!!
Location TheEverlastingsPeacefullnessOfTaipings!!!!
Influences ramli sarip, m. nasir, p. ramlee, loque dan emmett, deqwan dan dayniel, zahid london, dayniel johns, dan ramai lagi
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last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM