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your murder translation .: Click To Enter :. we play annoying music that some of you may feel as a threat to your ears and your feelings. We play straight from our heart and we translate it through music that we make. The music is a blend of what we all have been listening to since we were introduced to music. In this chapter (as what we like to call this rehearseal demo .. and this is chapter one) you may find a lot of mistakes, but we try to make it perfect through a lot of rehearsal, meetings and experimenting. This is only a rehearsal demo and we hope that you will be very annoyed with the unconventional/unexpected guitar solo, drums, bass, scream and lot of loops/sampler/monologues. You also may find the riff that we use in this chapter sound like some band that you are listening to, listen to it very carefully and you will find comfort in it, trust us. Go to sleep with our songs and you will know what we mean. And one more thing, Erin screams in Bahasa Melayu, is that a problem? |