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A Shot At 'Blast Off!'
author: superheroes posted: 22 Nov 2005 12:06 PM
Last was a much envigorating experience since we got the chance to audition for 'Blast Off!'. It was really cool except for the part where the bands had to register and answer some very ridiculuous questionnaires. There were a lot of questions where we didn't even have the answers to so we just made them up, and some were true. Thanks to our closests friends for showing up and giving us the support we need! Adios for now

Finally! We have our own site.
author: superheroes posted: 20 Sep 2005 10:18 PM
We're glad to finally be able to put something 'out there' (wherever 'out there' may be...) and the material we've uploaded ain't really high grade studio recording but it's the best we could do for the moment. What was more important to us while recording the song was that we can keep these memorable melodies in its raw recording format! PLus we don;t have the money to make a real studio demo. All we did was plug the guitar and the mic to the audio line in of the PC and there you have it. So please...comments...anybody????

PS: Oh, if anybody needs us for a gig, do call us SUPERHEROES@012-9308373

Opportunities...evading us like always
author: superheroes posted: 22 Sep 2005 12:11 AM
I always wondered...what does it take really for a band to be able to play their music? Cronism is just as bad in our music industry as it is in politics. The only chances of us ever playing is by joining battles....

It's not really a bad know, joining battles...but we go into these battles with a different percepetion than some bands...coz we go simply for the sake being able to play to a crowd. The reception and the feeling is awesome, and never fails to surprise ur everytime we get up on stage and play. The cheers and the jeers (but thank goodness there were more cheers) just pumps the adrenaline in out veins. I mean there's no better feeling that being out there and playing your hearts out.

I wished Malaysia was like the that sense...not that im promoting westernization..but u know, there...they've got clubs that take amateur bands to play. And not simply counting on bands that play cover songs. Well, as long as 80% of the Malaysian population listens to 'leleh' songs...then until then, things will always be like this for non-leleh bands. Strangely enough, when u look at it in a certain way, we're no different than thse zombies in those B-grade horror movies that walk the Earth without any real purpose.

We claim to be in a band, we claim to write and play our own msic...but there's just no room to play. However, there could be one more reason why we never get any gigs...issit coz our music sucks? Well, we don't really care...but if that's true...then why would the crowds still cheer us? Out of mockery? Maybe.... I guess Battles judges aren't too keen in seeing a band that jumps up and down on stage, guitarisits that swing their guitars left to right, drums that blaze like machine guns, and vocals that scream with till you swear that their veins were gonna pop out of their necks and squirt blood all over the stage. There's nothing commercial about it at all. So the enigma continues....

The argument against that would simply be that these sorrt of people play their hearts out because this is what they love to do. Well, we love to do it too....we love playing music, we wanna play music..desperately....but where? How? If this is not gonna wait for us to play in gigs forever.... how lucky are those bands that get to play week in and week out... I wished we were like that...and i guess there are many other bands out there who are like us too...wishing they could play like that.....

So what do we do? This...put our song into the web. But will we ever get to play? I honestly don't know. Maybe yes...maybe never. Yeah we could shovel out the RMs to make an unbelievably good demo..then lobby to some label so that we could play in gigs.... but not ever1 is like that. Some people, like us...just wants to sit down, write music, and play it. Not become part of a label's bandwagon. Yeah, sure we can get gigs...we're stuck into depending on these labels and their kaum kerabat to keep playing.

The most ideal thing wuld be to just pick up your to a place that takes up anyone on a weekly basis, take your turn for a particular day of the week...without having to tie yourself to a label...then play and if the crowd loves have another chance to go at it again...there of maybe someplace else.

The conclusion to's really hard to be able to play...but we don't expect to be something hot on the shelf...we just wanna get out there and sweat it out on stage..thats all....

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM