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About Infiltrated was around for almost a good year now .The birth of Infiltrated was 2004, September. How did we all get started, well officially it began as any other band would without a solid bassist or drummer, the two guitarists are brothers, and so are the rest us, but we are all brothers from other mothers. Fellowship, Showmanship and the Love of music is something we pride ourselves in, been through good and bad times, but we all stuck together. After 10 gigs we got our album deal, under the label of JM Multiple.

Our Genre is different...Uniqe if you will, because we vary due to the dynamics of our individuality. Some call us grunge, melodic etc. etc. So we came up with our own genre we call it Craft metal the definition is what we create is what you hear.

Need To know more? E-mail us at:
Members Ran (Lead) Pevan (Rhythm) Steven (Drums) David (Bassist)Daniel(vocals)
Location Bandar Sunway,Ampang,Sri Petaling
Influences Korn, Deftones, Metallica, Slip Knot, A perfect Circle, Tool. Basically any new metal bands
Sounds Like Craft metal. Curiouse? Hear it out.

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last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM