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the american disaster
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The most significant songwriter since Bob Dylan, The Beatles and the Rolling Stones

The American Disaster has been a concept in the mind of Jack Tivoli since he was eight years old when he penned his first song city people. The name The Great American Disaster was the name of a Australian Coffee Shop that his brother used to work at after his two tours of duty of Vietnam.

This website concept will hopefully continue to be a 20 year Jack Tivoli project that will house 100 albums or more of material. Each album will be unique and are not expected to follow any order or genre structure.

The songs have been written to reflect the life and times of the world in which Jack experienced and reflected on.

Jack was born in Australia in 1963 the last of eight children and 1 of 42 first cousins of whom all live walking distance from each other. Along with travel and life challenges his family life has been a driving force for much of the material that will unfold over time on this website.

Recording in Jacks' bedroom began in January 2004 are slowly being recorded on a US$400 Hoontech System which came with a c-port, very basic logic audio software, and 1 mxl microphone, no compression has been used on the vocals. A cheap second hand electric 15 year old guitar with a pod line 6 and 1 acoustic guitar, a roland xp10 keyboard, and an sm57 and a sm58 microphone is used (all bought out of the trading post in January). Jacks limited recording studio experience is reflected in the work but is improving. In future some of the songs will be updated with better production quality however currently the time and resources are not available. If the website is successful Jack hopes to secure equipment & software sponsors.

Recording happens for 2 4 hours every second Saturday night and most of the time Jack plays many of the instruments & sings most vocals. Manytimes on occassion players assist with the project and some invited guests like Vincent Tivoli & others record their own material in the famous Jack Tivoli bedroom.

The American Disaster hopes to provide the listener with a smorgas board of interesting sounds and concepts.