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Lucky No.13
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we got a cd nyeh nyehh~
author: LuckyNo 13 posted: 02 May 2004 08:55 AM
alright!! we managed to lay down some tracks on to cd. FINALLY! 4 hour session. tired lah. :P

anyway, we have 2 new tracks for everyone. our very own 'why' - full band! and a special one for all you dashboard confessional fans... HANDS DOWN, THE WAY IT'S MEANT TO BE DONE!! and you can definitely tell we played it ourselves from the little glitches. hehe.

catch ya laters boys and girls ;P

-LN13 girly girl-

author: LuckyNo 13 posted: 25 Apr 2004 07:57 AM
Had another 3 hour jam session, this time with the full band playing all 3 songs "D.I.E", "One Thousand Years" and "Why" with great success. Unfortunately, we still haven't found a way to record onto digital format without it sounding fucked up. Soon...soon...

author: LuckyNo 13 posted: 08 Apr 2004 03:50 AM
had a 3 hour jamming session today. without our bassist unfortunately, as he is still in amsterdam.

izzhar and shasha wrote a song especially for hiro the night before and performed it for him. so i think that adds another song to our playlist? :o)

we're also currently trying to upload the songs we played in the studio, but we only have it on tape at the moment. anyone know how to digitize stuff from tape?

til next time,

Band lineup
author: LuckyNo 13 posted: 04 Apr 2004 06:16 AM
Our positions shifts around certain songs (just like sex), but so far:

Shasha- Lead vocals
Hiro - Guitar, drums, backing vocals
Izzhar- Guitar, drums, bass
Azlan- Bass, drums, backing vocals

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM