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About before we decide to form a band in year 2000 something, we are some bunch of loser student, doing fart when free in skool, skip class, slept during class...then suddenly after we skip skool we decide jamming nearby our skool area at bmw studio(titiwangsa)..after couple hour jam, suddenly stupid idea came to make a band!playing some shitty grunge n punk first we are in trio band..baly,farid and boy...after a few years came sop to add our line rhythm guitar and keyboard!
play some couple of gig nearby kl only...after dat senyap kejab bcos busy continue study....then play again bcos maner bleh tahan x jamm!!haha!
until now we stil play!makin music fun and loud!!not making fuckin profit!!
so enjoy our fuckin musi!!
Members farid- guitar,baly-bass,usop-guitar,boy-drum
Location kuala lumpur
Influences nofx, nufan,jimi hendrix, joe satriani,less than jake, slayer, iron maiden
Sounds Like punk rock,reggage, rock n roll

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM