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noughty little lilly
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About start with ujg,shah n jas...were playing a kurt cobain song for about 2 years.suddenly there an old friend that want to join as a new crew now we stedily stay with 4 members.both 2 guitarist n vocal.we can also play greenday song completely.most of our song are create by the group n we take about 3 month to complete 8 single.well folks u all should not suprise for the next 2 single still in mastering process..well enjoy
Members ujang guitar+voc-kurtcik voc/guitar-jas drummer-jhon bass
Location klang&shah alam
Influences nirvana,greenday,butterfingers,rooney
Sounds Like grunge...punk rock...indie..

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM