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they will kill us all
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About With band members consisting of seasoned players in the so-called scene, They Will Kill Us All (TWKUA) were born out of the frustration due to the failures of their past bands. Formed at the end tail end of 2003, TWKUA started off as a musical project spearheaded by guitarists David and Eddie celebrating their enthusiasm for indie rock music. After working on the music, the duo felt the need for a vocalist, and Hafizul took to the stand. The trio began writing songs and started scouting for permanent members. After a couple of lineup changes, the trio finally decided to rope in longtime acquaintances Amir on bass and Ihsan on drums. Their debut performances were on live TV (Latte@8) and the performance netted them the opening slot for Pop Shuvit at the K.L.H.C Revival gig at Hard Rock Café. The band has since played various shows around Kuala Lumpur and a gig in Singapore championing their brand of noise pop.

Often described as an exciting blend of British indie and US post-hardcore music, TWKUA has already been receiving rave reviews due to their live performances and tight musicianship. However being aware of the fragile and false nature of adoration, they are more tightly focused on delivering what matters most the music. While along the way enjoying the camaderie of a band, TWKUA is also determined more then ever to make great music that stands the test of time. Currently in pre-production for their upcoming release due by the end of the year, TWKUA are still experimenting with their sound and music but for now they are just enjoying what they do best and having fun at doing what they like.
Members Edwin, David, Fizul, Ihsan, Amir
Location Kuala Lumpur
Influences At The Drive In, Trail of Dead, Mew, Bloc Party, Ride
Sounds Like nothing you've ever heard before

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last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM