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About My family including my relatives love music and my aunt, made the first record
in Sabah during the 60's, very active singing in RTM Sabah with my dad. I guess listening him sing Tom Jone's songs during those childhood years made me an avid music lover myself. I play guitar and start composing songs using a 4 track which was introduced by my american friend in Arizona while doing my study there. Back in Sabah, I produced a local rock album for a Kadazan band and also did a compilation of traditonal music of Sabah using an ADAT in a proper studio. Now i am using Sonar with a MAYA card. Next project will be, to produce a religious christian songs to sell to church members , about 10,000 members. Not my type of project, but $$$ comes first i guess.

My real job is a banker but nothing beats making sweet music for the world!

Location sabah
Influences beatles, alanis morissete, u2, yngwie malmsteen, luther vandross
Sounds Like u2, alanis morissete

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM