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About Anonimix was born late one evening in the autumn of the year 1999 in a small converted garage in the rugged, lava-black foothills of Mount Etna, on the east coast of Sicily. An only child of mixed parentage, Anonimix's infancy was strongly marked by the regular, structured, pop/rock influences of an English father and the looser jazz/ethnic influences and rhythms of a Sicilian mother. Raised and nurtured on such classic childhood development aids as Cubase and Stylus, Anonimix began at an early age to explore the delicate art of blending the acoustic instrumentation of those critical formative years with more modern, carefully selected electronic sounds. Timid by nature, Anonimix is not known for extravagant live exhibitions, preferring the quiet intimacy of the garage/studio to fashion and shape with calm reflection the songs and instrumental tracks that are offered here for your listening pleasure. Please take the time to listen, and feel free to use the contact link to offer your comments and impressions.
Members Tony Lawson, Dario Calì, Enzo Vaccaro
Location Sicily
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last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM