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author: Cousin posted: 12 Apr 2006 01:16 PM
Begin to practise with my new band Dr. Eggs. Got to know a french musician(Joul)
through a friend December. We looked for more musician to join us to continue a band and
we found Des and Wing in April. We are play in a continue project call's DR.EGGS how a
freacky and stupid french create 10 years before.

Actually Dr.Eggs has been organized since 1996 and had more than 350 shows and one cd.
From now Dr.Eggs will rock in HK.

Our first practice was in 08 april 2006. We will started to compose songs for Dr. Eggs soon.
We shall announce our performance dates soon.

Vocalist : Joul
Guitarist : Cousin
Bassist : Des
Drummer : Wing

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM