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Dust Components
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About Dust Components was formed in 1996. On their debut performance, they were the winners of the Taylors College Battle of the Bands competition. They signed with Psychic Scream Entertainment in 1998 and and their self-titled EP was in the same year. In 1999, they released a split album with Slovakia's No Promises.

Discography :
Censorship Will Not Remain (1997) - Demo
Panggilan Pulau Puaka (1998 - Psychic Scream) - Compilation
Dust Components (1998 - Psychic Scream)- EP
Piroutte of the Antisocial (1999 - Psychic Scream) - Split album with No Promises

Dust Components is now defunct.
Members Rizal (vox and bass), Elton (skins), Whye Kong (axe)
Location KL, NY
Influences Sepultura, Pantera, Megadeth, Nailbomb, Machine Head
Sounds Like \m/ All of the above\ m/

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last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM