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the melodies
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About The melodies was formed at the end of 2005 with a bunch of friends who shared the same interest in music. The Kajangs line up - Arul as the second guitar, Yus as the lead guitar, Acab as the vocalist, Wan as the basist and Joe as the tambourine. They are heavily inspiring by the rock and roll music. Mando diao, The Libertine and Oasis, the bands who are influenced them very much. For the beginning, they were just playing and writing music for fun. After their first performance at Putrajaya, they felt eager to record a demo and it titled Pesta 70-an. Their single Marilah Berdansa has been included in Indie for Glory, Vol. 1 compilation.

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kepada organiser2 gig yg memerlukan music retro70an, kitorang sedia beraksi..... hehe..

perhatian!! demo sulung kami sudah siap untuk di jual.. kepada sesiapa yang berminat untuk mendapatkan demo kami, sila hubungi en. Arul di talian 0173681252

Members acab-lead vocal, yus-lead guitar, arul-guitar/vocal, jimmy-bassist, joe-tamborine/vocal and meen-keyboard
Location kajang indie town
Influences the beatles,the shadow,the rithym boys,the si glap5,the zurah,the swallow
Sounds Like brit pop,rock n roll

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yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM