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Eye Borneo
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author: Eye Borneo posted: 10 Mar 2005 08:20 AM
All hail the Kadazan warriors, the Murut headhunters, the Bajau Horsemen, the Dayak sea gypsies....

I foresee The lack of knowledge in Borneo history, culture and traditions, will gradually lead to a generation of Borneoans who no longer know of their past.This is happenning as we speak, the young are now learning history of places which are not their own.

why do you proclaim yourself of another race?a race that is not your own.


THE ESSENCE OF KAAMATAN FESTIVAL (taken from 7th Lamai Kaamatan 2003 Klang Valley magazine)
author: Eye Borneo posted: 21 Sep 2004 07:58 PM
The Kadazandusun Kaamatan festival is perhaps the most indigenous and most grand festival in Sabah. Merry celebrations are held at all levels commencing from the ?kampung?, then the district and climaxing at the State level.

To the Kadazandusuns, the Kaamatan festival is particularly significant as it marks the occasion to honor ?Bambarayon? (the rusod or spirit of rice): to thank God for their bountiful harvest and for His generosity in prolonging life on earth. It is also an occasion where the promise of friendship and brotherhood is renewed through mutual forgiveness as manifested in the open to all sharing and caring Kaamatan festival...for more info go to

Gawai Dayak
author: Eye Borneo posted: 21 Sep 2004 08:00 PM
This harvest festival, gives thanks to the gods and spirits  for the bounty of the land. With centuries of tradition behind it, this native ritual involves communication with the spirit world, ancestral worship and feasting with friends and family of the whole community. Celebrated mid year on June 1 and 2, though unofficially the festivities begin during the last week of May and continue through mid-June. Usually, the people of many longhouses harvest their rice fields well before the big day and have their own small scale Gawai feast at the end of their harvests.

(Click here to read more)
author: Eye Borneo posted: 01 Jan 2005 09:13 AM
Only after the last tree has been cut down,Only after the last river has been poisoned,Only after the last fish has been caught,Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten

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last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM