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About Pandapalooza Was born in the middle of 2006.Maybe in May i guess,DUH! So All the line up are lives in the same place...LONG LIVE TMN BDC!!!HeepHurray!!!The idea was Making the Band is...the Boy with chineses Look And the Short one in this band...Yeah!Watch out everyone,he can kill u all with his Magic Supernatural CHOPSTICK!actually PANDAPALOOZA mean(PUNK THE LOSER)But Those Words For the Posers.Yeah everybody know this year!called Themself PUNK but More To FASHION!ok then,forget bout the Losers.So We plan to make A band...And Here We Are...PANDAPALOOZA!!! The band with a Fat Ugly Stripper changes to aneroxia Ally Mcbeal(thats me) the chinese Boy with his chopstick(Kobe)A Gay Ghost Buster with the unique and have a big breast for a MAN society(R.D)The boy just comeback from the Jungle City with his Teasing Power Language(Mc)He playin the drum with The Magic Supernatural CHOPSTICK!!He dont Steal from Kobe,he just took it from Kobe.Trust Me everyone,no hard feeling!So i guess thats all i know bout my band...We still a new one but one day i hope our bands can fly long away all over the world just like our Favourite band,NOFX...Not R.Kelly!!! -END-
Members Kobe-Guitarist,Vocalist aL-Guitarist,Vocalist R.D-Bassist,Vocalist McSoL-Drummer
Location Kota Kinabalu,Sabah
Influences NOFX,Lagwagon,Bad religion,The Vandals,Anti-Flag,etc...
Sounds Like We Singing while we playin the band

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yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM