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Panda Head Curry
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About Exitosus ,etiamnunc, molior. Loving totus praeter qui discrepo per lemma. They mos adepto quis they volo! Etiam , vero. Illic est scilicet super ut. Panda Caput capitis Curry est an urbanus lifestyle. They volo futurus vestri amicus. They volo sumo vos domus quod hug vos quod loco vos in suum propinquus per ceterus amicitia they have brought domus communico suum diligo quod magninamity. They mos nutritor vos per victus scraps ex suum valde own patella. Oh etiam. Sic est Vox est Panda.
Members Lord Panda, General Panda
Location Samy's hair
Influences PAS, Mufti Perak, JAKIM, JAIS, JAWI, International Whaling Commission, Pemuda UMNO
Sounds Like Duggongs mating with tapirs

i-bands archive

yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM