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Broken Sternum
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About Broken Sternum is formed by local Sibu alternative band former Tomato Juice's lead guitarist & vocalist, FairOS on March 2006 who left the his old band due to internal crisis and creative differences. At first he invited Mamat and Anep (ex-War On Tea bassist) to play drum and bass respectively. Later, they asked Jul to play rhythm guitar, then they invited Joe as lead vocal. At that time they played various gigs & shows for example "Lord of the Band 2006" and played various cover songs. After a couple of month there was a change in line-up with several band member quit from band so Bob & Ieyan is inducted to join the band as a new drummer & bassist respectively. So that changes all their conventional roles. By the year 2007, they started a project to produce a demo EP and compose their own song. To date they only focusing on home recording on producing home demos.

Broken Sternum's current line-up:-

1. FairOS - Lead Guitar / Vocal
2. Anep - Rhythm Guitar / Vocal
3. Ieyan - Bass Guitar / Keyboard / Vocal
4. Bob - Drums

1. Bujang - Rhythm Guitar (replacing Anep temporarily for his study abroad.)

Former members : -

1. Joe - Lead Vocal (March 2006 - November 2006)
2. Jul - Rhythm Guitar (March 2006 - January 2007)
3. Mamat - Drums (March 2006 - May 2007)
Members Fairos (Guitar, Vocal); Anep (Guitar, Vocal); Ieyan (Bass, Vocal); Bob (Drums)
Location Sibu, Sarawak
Influences dunno..we don't care...
Sounds Like dunno..also

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yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM