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About Couple =

the sounds of the Beatles, the Beach Boys, the Who, Big Star, Teenage Fanclub, the Raspberries, the Ramones and Weezer
+ musical technical incompetencies
+ Cheap music instruments & equipment (Hail Korean Guitars! Viva Epiphone!)
+ record songs using a laptop with budget less than RM 10
+ Sweet Guitar Pop to Rock your socks off!!!

The Couple story began way back in 1995, when Aidil, formerly of Pet Hate Minors (which also featured Al-Kautsar, bassist for ALAM) hooked up with An as a twosome of just Guitar and Drums similar to the White Stripes in college (hence the moniker "Couple" - no! not because it's a gay band!!) and released their out of print demo "In Love".

Aidil, the creative force and principal songwriter, later left to pursue his Law Degree in the UK, and had played with an alternative country band. Upon returning to Malaysia, they got back together and enlisted Ramzi, Aidil's high school friend as bassist to complete the line-up.

The group later added Ariff as a drummer for gigs that An (who is based in Kuantan) was unable to attend; and Mikhail as backing vocals and guitars. An later left Couple to pursue his career; and subsequently Ariff also left to pursue his studies in the UK and was replaced by Azmill. Azmill thenleft the band in February 2004 to be the lead singer with the band 'Geraha' How Spinal Tap can you get?

Currently, Ihsan of Custom Daisy is sitting in on Drums. Thanks Ihsan!!!

For further information, old articles from the Star, Klue, Tone, stupid pictures and useless trivial information about the band, visit our website at

For any personal info on how to get our CDs (which are all sold at RM 5 each) or any inquiries please write to


In Love (1996)
Turning Melancholy To Magic (2001)
Telegrams From The Heart (2002)
Silver State Independent compilation (2003) song featured "Forever"
Kopi Sechaewan Vol. 3 compilation (2003) song featured "In Case I Forgot"
Listening to the Pop (2003)


Gedebe (2003) song featured "Mutato Muzika"
Members Aidil (Vocals/ Guitars) Ramzi (Bass Guitar) Mikhail (Backing Vocals/ Guitars) Ariff (Drums) Azmill (Drums)
Location Ipoh (but based in KL now)
Influences The Beatles, The Beach Boys, The Who, Big Star, The Raspberries, Weezer, Teenage Fanclub
Sounds Like the Beatles, the Beach Boys, the Who, Big Star, the Raspberries, Weezer, Teenage Fanclub

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yes we're building a new one

last updated: 22 May 2022 12:10 AM